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2 - Unique Extensions

We will attempt to do this though there is quite a bit of interference today. We will do the best we can. We will attempt to begin. Let us connect first with a symbol. We are sending you a red rose, a symbol of our love and connection through the ages and etc. Let us attempt Chapter Two.

We begin Chapter Two which shall be the focus of helping people be aware who they are as extensions of God, though truly unique extensions.

This is often confusing to people who don’t understand how they can be connected to All That Is and yet have a slightly different flavor which, granted, for some of us on the other side - those of us who have been in Lifeform, Earthform – we did not understand this at that time either. So, because God is all there is, All That Is, it encompasses everything. So people can focus or - what’s the word - express themselves as one aspect and yet still be a part of the whole as your arm is a part of your body. It has distinct elements but it is still a part of your body and does not live on its own. So, we will move on from this very bad - laughing now - example of God’s greatness.

What will bring satisfaction to each individual’s life is, generally speaking, what people have come into this incarnation to discover. What makes them unique with the greater connection to the larger picture.

Okay, what you and all you requesting expansion will do…

It is very hard to hear yourself, or feel yourself rather, with so many influences of manmade things, or even natural things, but this is what is required. To know who you are so that you may express yourself in all your glory, you must do this.

Few people have the ability, though it is possible, to learn of themselves through expressing themselves outwardly and then channeling it so much that they learn their core. Most people have to do it the small, and many fear dull way, which is meditation or mindfulness or going out in nature and staring at a leaf. All have helpers, angels, guides who will give hints if they are to but listen. Human beings have lost the art of this, partly because there are so many creative things people have put in their environment. If you were to be sitting on a sandy plain, although there would be other things to be aware of - clouds, shrubs, wind, grasses, bugs, animals, the like - you would have an easier time connecting to both God and the Earth simultaneously. What we have found is that people either have an easier time connecting to God and getting messages but never having the ability to bring it down to the Earth plane which, since you obviously have incarnated on the Earth plane, would be bringing God down into what you would consider lower realms.

This is what we want for you, because it is very difficult to create on the Earth plane without being on the Earth plane.

Ironic laughter. This seems very obvious to us but does not seem that obvious to many people. So Chapter Two is focused on listening to God, listening to yourself which is even more difficult, as your thoughts are crowded out by all other thoughts around you, and many waves of things that you’re not so aware of that make it difficult to listen. But listen is what you must do. And you must do this regularly for the best effect. It does not have to be boring. Indeed this is so that you may be more creative. But if you do this, you will get to this state so quickly it will surprise you and will be easier to do without thinking, as a musician has difficulty playing an instrument the first time and feels like it is second nature thereafter. Yes, this is really, really obvious, nevertheless it is a truism.

We did not want to leave Chapter Two without giving you some tools for connecting.

They are very simple really. And for this everyone is different. Some people will connect with even a beloved piece of art, or stuffed animal, or a flower, or a special place which you consider a haven, which can be real or imaginary. Either of these will work. The importance is stillness so the words can come.

Because we have said this is Ten Minutes to Freedom we will stop now. And we do thank you for listening.


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