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30 - Another Tip

Note: This came at the end of a personal session. I felt myself being rocked from side to side.


You may wish to add this to the list of tips.

We are just rocking your energy. We are giving you a figure eight of energy. This is just preparing you like a lullaby almost. When people rock their babies, it is very comforting to the baby because it is actually in a figure eight pattern. The energy is. You’re not really aware of it but that is what is happening and this figure eight pattern of eternity, everlasting safety is what comforts the child.

We say this because it is very comforting for people as well as adults. People will use this in different disciplines, Qi Gong – any of the energetic arts shall we say. So, this is just a figure eight.

You can also use this rhythm that we are giving you, this movement we are assisting you with, because it is an easy way to connect yourself to the Everlasting basically. Connecting you to God, the All That Is, the Source. So you may just enjoy this at that time.

Note: The rhythm starts out very slowly and quickens gradually but delicately.

And anyone who does listen to this, they can allow their own bodies to lead them in this energy. Okay, this is also a way to begin your sessions. You can begin quite large with the figure eight pattern and then it can grow deep inside your soul. And that same pattern can get as if it’s going further, deeper and deeper inside. The movement is barely imperceptible until it becomes one spot. Once you have that spot, it is a good starting place for you to just sit quietly and, we say listen but really this is sort of an energetic thing where your Godself will be communication with you and you can bask in the deep.




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