When people are on the threshold of a greater awareness, there is often a moment in time where the best use of energy is actually just to stay in one place.
That’s not the best description but to be in one area where you are actually not worried about moving forward. You are merely absorbing energy in preparation for something to exist which you have not been aware of before. So basically, what we say is, there are times in everyone’s development where it is right and good to take a break in a way, where you are not actively pursuing anything, even though subconsciously and in other realms you actually are moving forward and developing, but to your general awareness you are staying still.
As you are staying still however you are actively gathering your energy.
People do not perceive it as such but oftentimes in their lives they are putting their energy out into the world in different places. They do it through a thought about something that is not inside their own being. It’s just a thought that has them traveling to a different – well, we’ll call it energetic space because we don’t have a good word for it right now. Anyway, this happens many, many times a day, and actually in many lifetimes, all different. But when one is on the threshold of a new awakening, and that’s what we wish to describe it as at this time, being still and just absorbing your own energy that is sort of drifting around in the universe. (This is not a perfect translation but this is what we’ve got for you right now.) Anyway, what you will do is you will just pick a place inside your body. Because you are on Earth you have a physical body so we can utilize that.
Just pick a place in your body.
Some people will pick behind the belly button because that’s where they first incarnated (basically) but it can be any place of their choosing. But this place will be used as a magnet to gather in all of these seemingly extraneous pieces of energy to be brought back in to be used for this next transition.
The energy on earth and in this dimension at this time is just popping. It’s quite active right now because there’s so much mental energy going on so it’s quite easy to get caught up in those - we’ll say little tornados of energy which sort of suck these extraneous thoughts in. So, our suggestion at this time is to be still, and through focus of thought, call in the pieces of yourself which are not needed out in the world but could be put to good use. This is our message for today.
Now is the time to call in those fragmented pieces of your energy.
Call them to you. Call them to you. After, of course, a prayer of protection, have this magnet inside your own body attract the unused pieces to be used in a different way.
We love you and believe you would find it beneficial to focus on calm and peace and delightfulness in the world at these times of transition.
We thank you for listening. Amen.