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42 - The River Meditation

This is a different energy than I normally tune into. This is hard to describe. It’s a monolith or a megalith. Let me try to translate this as it appears. My regular angels have stepped aside so that I can do this myself.

"This is a message for all who are regularly connecting with their higher selves and the earth. It is more for those people who are blending their energies when they are doing their time of stillness."

Okay, we will step in to make this easier for you. We are laughing. You are definitely developing your more direct connection of processing energy and relating, but we will make this easier so this will cut though, or be gotten to those who need it.

Okay, those people who are regularly meditating or being in stillness will come across times where they are feeling energy which is a different kind than they are used to.

Generally speaking, If they have set the table, shall we say appropriately, meaning they have come with pure intent (and those people who are connecting here are at this time) they may have great skill in absorbing energy and having it help them and those around them, but because they do not hear words it doesn’t feel as valuable or so they think. This is not true at all.

There are many ways to absorb energy which is to the benefit of all, especially themselves, so no worries here.

We are moving the channelers hands. It’s just an easier way to get this energy flowing. We move the channelers hands in sort of like a rolling wheel position. It just brings more energy in and lifts, and lifts her so she may more easily bring this information forward. This is another tip for another time because all of you will be able to use this same tip to bring in energy and lift you out of the muck of what is, or appears, to be happening on Earth at this time.

We are having a difficult time finding the right word but ...

... there are many striations of energy going on and some of them are just flowing in all different directions.

Some things are colliding and some things are working together but, for lack of a better word, it blows the mental energy around. So even for those people themselves who are seeking to get information for themselves from their own higher selves, it can be challenging. Just because of this sort of influx or big waves of crashing energy – we don’t know if this is helpful to you – but like a riptide where the energy, the waves are used to flowing into the beach and flowing out, but they are flowing at cross currents right now. It is all part of the transcendence we shall say. It is all part of creating a new energetic reality. Now, and we laugh, so that most of you listening or reading don’t go running off and escaping their sessions, we want you to know this is just the process you need to go through.

So, to summarize briefly, you are on the right path even if it appears like there’s so much chaos.

And do not be disappointed if you do not hear words, or things that seem like, “well, this is a message from my higher self.” These messages from your higher self, you will receive them. You will absorb them in perhaps a different way than this translator, which is what we call her for you. It just happens that she has a big skill that’s been developed. We don’t want to get off the track but everybody can be a translator, they just have to tune in.

We are going to go down a different path today.

Today we are going to do a bit of an experiment. At some point we will have to do a guided meditation for some people but right now we are going to see if we lead the channeler down the path and then she can describe what she sees. This is yet a grand experience, a grand experience and a grand experiment. So we are chuckling. This can be helpful for people who just get so overwhelmed with facing nothing in their stillness. Many people do not have the skill of sitting still. They’re just not used to it. So rather than give up, we would like to give them tools of imagination.

So this is what we suggest they do... They imagine themselves… walking along a verdant path which is next to a small river.

And this river, we suggest they imagine it that it has a current but it is so still it moves along in a quiet way, and those who are listening or reading at this time that they just follow this river. And as they are slowly walking along, they are breathing softly and are quietly observing where this river meanders. And in your own meditation you follow this river.

(Now, we prefer not to fill in all the pieces for you because really what we would like is for your own true selves to create this path. But it gives your mind a place to go so there is a small amount of activity that does not interrupt the messages. )

As you are slowly following this, sometimes your body may sway slightly back and forth but you are still on the path of the river.

You watch the river as it moves. You look at what appears to you in the river bed, whether it be... whether it be anything. Rocks, glinting, magnification of light, whether there be a certain sense you are able to perceive. And you just continue on this imaginary river path.

The important thing is to just keep moving along.

Because you will have, perhaps interruptions, but you will just keep following along the river. Most of you will know when they have gone the right amount of time on this path. And generally when you have reached this right amount of time on this path, you will see that the river empties into a large still pond. We suggest you sit quietly by the pond....

And you look inside the pond and see if there is any reflection that you see.

Now, you may look and see yourself. All of that is good. You may look at what is reflecting in the pond and it will be something unrecognizable to you. You may look and there may be something in the pond – a symbol. Anything really that your own deeper self is trying to relate to yourself. So, it could be a flower. It could be one of your guardians or helpers, or it could just be that you do not see anything. Every time you do this it will likely be different. But after you have been given any picture or even no picture that is reflecting in the pond, you say thank you. In many ways you are helping yourself. You are thanking your higher self, that part of yourself that is connected to the All That Is, which for most people they will find great solace - especially in times of tumult on the Earth.

The more you are able to imagine this pool being still and matching it with your own body energy, the greater a respite it will be for you.

And more than that, this is how you can access your own wisdom which may just permeate you energetically, or you might actually get specific messages from in there. The important thing is that you say… and we are assuming you are doing this, so if you are not you must do this, or we suggest you choose to do this for safe travels and best benefit…

... is to ask that whatever comes be in the highest good of all concerned.

And then, when you absorb whatever comes or nothing except a beautiful respite by a still lake or pool, you thank God for yourself really. You thank God for your existence. And you thank any angels if you feel any angels have been aiding you in this, you do that. Okay?

We suggest you cup your hands and your hands have been filled greatly with love.

And you offer this to the path, you offer this love to the path you will be wandering down the next time you connect in stillness. This is just a tip for those people who have a very difficult time stilling their minds, so let us give them something that comes from within to imagine. Sometimes this is a beautiful way to get to the stillness and basically the greater awareness that we are hoping to connect you with. So this could be considered The River Meditation. We’ll just call this the River Meditation but you yourself will be filling in the specifics.

This energy that just came through, this angel, is a little different from the channeler’s regular, or more familiar helpers we shall say, although now the channeler has many familiar helpers she is working with, as you will. You, in connection with God – and we stress this very much – you in connection with your Godself will be leading yourself. Your helpers, the helpers that are there which are of an infinite number, but sometimes the purest way is to just for you to just go straight to God. But some people who have not really been connecting much, then angelic helpers can be of benefit.

We will leave this for today.

We are merely including this because of many who are connecting are getting caught up with the mental energy that is blowing around these days and we felt a tool might be particularly beneficial.

We have chosen a river for you because there is both the energetic connection that water is a conduit, but the other aspect about water that we would like people to really understand in this meditation, is that this water is flowing, even if it’s flowing slowly. There is movement in energy. Energy does not stagnate successfully. We are laughing. We know we’re not describing this correctly but anyway, water that does not keep moving, or rather energy that does not keep moving, can cause blocks and this nobody needs at this time. Actually, there are other reasons that we have chosen the river but we will probably need to share this at a different time.

We have used up our time but we do want to say that we love you very much.

We, and most importantly, your own Godself is always there for you. You always have the profound connection to a love which is beyond this lifetime.

There are still many blessings when you are alive, no matter if, we hate to say, people are passing away, or getting caught up in the chaos and we feel you will more appropriately benefit yourself if you remember that you are part of God. So we leave that with letting that sink in, that you have access to pure love at all times.

Amen. Enjoy your life!


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