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43 - The Power of Hope

The power of hope. And we ourselves hope that those who are listening or reading are utilizing the information we have previously provided, and that you are becoming more aware of both your own power of intention and focused thought, and are more aware of the willingness of other beautiful forces that are willing to work with you. Helpful energies which are infinite in nature, as God is infinite in nature by the way, you do have many particular flavors shall we say that can help you at this time.

Note this is distracted energy as there has been of late but we will do our best as you are doing your best.

What we would like you to understand is the Triumvirate of Hope.

What we mean by this is there are three parts to fulfilling your hopes - the idea, the intention and the action - and all of these work together. What you might not be aware of is that when you have these hopes - these ideas that are not yet realized - that you are not individually necessarily the only energetic force that is working towards making these a reality. You are not the only force, the only energy mass that is helping you.

But what is beautiful about your life on Earth is that it may be a universal idea which is in the ether, shall we say, but it is your individual soul which will resonate a part of an idea that you can bring forward. So that when you have finished your life on Earth, shall we say, you will be able to look back (it’s not really look back but this is the easiest way so that you will understand this) you will be able to observe your life, your time spent on Earth, and you will have expanded by having an idea that resonated with you and your desires to make it real – another aspect of hope – and then through focus of thought and action you will have expanded.

We tend to put action in as one of the later steps because truly fully realizing the idea, which you may perceive in your own being as being just a hope you have, but the idea that resonates with your beingness, for lack of a better term, is the most important thing. And this idea is connected to the All That IS. Of course, everything is connected with the All That IS but what we are getting at is it is a true expression… we are having a difficult time explaining this… but suffice it to say, this first step is the most important. That is why it is imperative for your own journey that you spend time in just pondering what ideas, hopes you may have that you wish to bring into fruition, rather than merely helping other people with their ideas. Although that can have great value when it is for the good of all concerned, but we are here to say “Be bold” in your private pondering. Because implanted inside you, your cosmic essence, are a myriad of ideas that would resonate with you that you could birth in this world.

We thank you for listening. We are moving to a different energy. This might take a moment to attune.

This essence, which actually does not have a body so it’s a little bit funny that they wish to speak of a body but that’s because they’re very aware of the beauty of having a body.

What they wish to relay to you is your body is something that people generally do not fully appreciate.

They have different functions in their body which most people are absolutely oblivious to how these things are happening which is fine, but the wisdom is lost. The body, as your home on the Earth plane, it is not just a shell that you are stuck in. We are laughing. But this body deserves sacred appreciation, which is to listen to it. Most of the health issues that happen are caused by a blockage of energy, which if the human being realized where the energy block was, they would take care of it. But few people ever realize exactly where the block is. So, the message from this helper is that you are lucky. You are very lucky to have a body to reside in. And many of you are arrogant. Perhaps that’s a harsh word, but you are not appreciating that gift. By not appreciating the body, it dies in a way. It can atrophy or allow these blockages to cause disease and we do not want this to happen to anybody when it is absolutely unnecessary. That is the message from that source.

There are a whole host of different helpful energies that are here today and wish to work through this Source but we prefer to speak with one voice so it is more clear.

As we have said before, the built-in flaw in doing any of this kind of thing is that most of what we speak of is something to experience.

It is energy without a name. When you name something, you bring it to a certain level (vibration) but we are doing our best to try to hint at things so that when you in your own soul exploration, that by doing some of these things we suggest, you will begin to quite literally, and we say in your entire being, you will be expanding on your own. You will not need a translator which is what is happening right now with the translator. You will not need a translator because you will get this information directly. But we are trying to do our part to help you to remember. That’s actually it. We are trying to help you remember who you are and remember those skills that you have already developed and have forgotten and are not using.

That is the message for today. We hope we have not rambled on but that you will utilize the information we have already given. Some of you have, and we feel very happy that our efforts have brought soothement. Okay, we are laughing. We know that’s not a word, but we hope our efforts have brought soothingness in these quite calamitous times.

What we do want to talk about with hope though before we leave, is that there is great hope on the horizon.

There are changes which are coming about because of an awareness that human beings are part of something greater, and that human beings and plants and animals and the earth itself are intertwined. And it is really part of human being’s development to become more aware that they are not the only force. They are not, shall we say, the best force. They are just a force in a myriad of forces. But as human beings become more appreciative of other elements in existence, human beings expand to a more joyful existence. Rather than being caught up in so much unnecessary pain, it is very hopeful for us to see the trajectory which at times has seemed quite bleak. But is appearing to be more hopeful now because more people are more aware of their place in the world and their connection to God, which is the most important thing. Their connection to their Source.

Okay, we have been a bit longwinded today, partly it is due to an obstructed energy flow. In some ways this is a science and an art getting this information to you. It works together so with that we leave you and we are grateful for the opportunity to assist you in any way.

Feed your hopes. Expand your hopes. Take them to the next step.

We love you. Amen.


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