I’ll describe what I see. It’s like a pyramid. I see the word “dome” but it doesn’t look like one. Perhaps there’s a dome inside it. Anyway, what I see are steps. Stone steps. (And I’m trying to translate this because things are not coming in words for some reason.) Perhaps this is for people who are wanting to connect with basically their ancient self. Even though time is not linear so much as we would think of it, but there still is an ancient self. Most people who are alive on Earth, not all because for some it’s a new experience, but for those people who have been here before, connecting to an ancient place that they have been in and can visit is beneficial. Or even just in their meditations they can imagine it. So right now I am standing in front of these – it’s sort of like a pyramid where there are quite tall stone steps. Um… Perhaps that’s my sacred space. I’m gonna go ahead and let them take over now.
Hello and welcome.
Today you who are reading, we are a new band of teachers that have not come to this before. Of course, we are not new in any way and actually some of you have been familiar with us in different awarenesses shall we say, but we are a group of wise …
This is me. I see the letters s – e – r – p – h… Okay I’m not exactly getting this so I’ll let them continue.
We are a group of wise ones who are making ourselves known to a number of people and awarenesses on the Earth at this time.
The reason you are seeing the stone steps (and this is for the channeler personally) is because this is when we last worked with you. You feel us as familiar and yet quite different from your usual band of helpful angels.
Who we are is not so important, it is more that to know we have come and are supporting many of you who are seeking a greater awareness. And this awareness is needed, not even just your development personally but it is helpful to keep the Earth energy in balance. We will give this information to one of your more familiar angels so it can be translated.
Okay, this is me. This energy feels very different. It has great weight in that if you have a teacher that just knows so much and is worthy of so much respect, students are silent around them. Sorry I am having a difficult time getting this to you. (silence) I keep seeing the name serapha. I don’t know if I was serapha in an ancient time or if there is a particular wisdom called serapha.
Note: a few days before this session I wrote down the question "What four things do people regret when they leave their life on Earth and what is it they wish they had known."
You had asked what four things that people might have thought of when they leave this life and what they wish they had known.
We laugh because we want to say, “which time?” Laughing. And we do laugh because some of you have had different times on Earth, but what we can say is overall oftentimes people feel they did not make use of their talents and abilities – through lack of focus or feeling afraid of their own power, but we mean this in power of creativity. They did not make use of all they could have done because they stayed small. So generally speaking, we will say people regret that they did not appreciate being alive - that they got caught up in some perceived tragedy or lack of confidence and they just stayed there. They stayed small and kind of regurgitated what was around them, and in many ways lived other people’s visions of what their life was. So that’s probably a common thing we shall say.
But aside from that, them not appreciating the connections they could have had because they stayed small in their lives. We do not mean by this that they didn’t become famous or invented things. They just stayed small in their thinking mostly, so they didn’t even allow in these great connections that they could have experienced.
Another thing, depending on when people have been alive on Earth, they regret being, well, we shall just say many people who are passing now regret that they have not been connected to the Earth in an appreciative way. Because in not realizing everything is connected, it did not bother them polluting or they weren’t really aware of that, or giving everybody and everything dignity.
We will continue but… just there is so very much going on on all levels with this planet right now. Not just human beings but this energy we have spoken of before is so fragmented that this sort of order that normally has existed is just - it’s fragmented right now so it is more difficult in us getting this message to you.
One main thing is people will connect with people around them and then fixate on what the other people are lacking. And so, basically when they’re done with this life on Earth they go, “what a waste, a waste of time,” because not only do they not see the other people in their lives for who they are truly, but when they’re disconnected from themselves they really regret this later.
Other things we have spoken of before regarding that but what we would like to say is… we realize many people want to go, “Okay, what mistakes did I make cuz I want to correct ‘em this time.” We are laughing. We understand that that could be the tendency, but really for the time you have, wasting anything on regret of any kind is a terrible waste. What is possible is where your focus should be always. To be in the flow of creating, of adventure, and this adventure can be the adventure of discovery of the life of a plant. Now we know most of you will say, “I’m really not that interested in the life of a plant thank you.” (chuckling) But what we say is you are not getting the big picture. You do not realize the connection between the life of a plant and your life. You missed this, which is why we often encourage you to be in nature, because sometimes these awarenesses come.
There are awarenesses that come that are on a much deeper, energetic level of your soul that aren’t really just this little surface, mental surface stuff that many spend so much time in. So, that’s just the big regret. People do not delve deeply into the experience on Earth. It is different having a body the way you have on Earth. It is different being able to connect with other people and their energies and creating something unseen before. Something new. This has to do with the not taking advantage of connections with other people, really even connections with other lifeforms. People seem to understand this intuitively with pets shall we say. They will feel love and they will feel acceptance from a dog but that perhaps they can’t delineate it in words of what the point is, they can’t really categorize it, they just feel often unconditional love. They can give it and receive it. That seems to be easy for some people. But that’s a connection.
But there are greater connections to be had. People stay small. They may at this time connect through what’s available, social media shall we say, whatever you want to call this thing now where you can connect in oftentimes a relatively shallow way, so that you have lots of supposed friends, but you actually don’t know who they are. This expansion is not exactly what we mean unless you are actually connecting to someone and then you allow it to grow in a deeper way. We are talking about an obliviousness in your daily life. Say you go to a grocery store. Most people have no idea who the people are that are working there that perhaps have been there for a long time but they are invisible to you because you do not take the moment to make a human connection. This is quite widespread and oddly, where it leaves many people – people are tremendously lonely. And if they do not take the time to connect with their own Source and all of the helpers and angels in other realms which can help them to feel love and connected, they are quite lost and lonely. And this does sadden us because it is very unnecessary.
This is not the only time in humankind’s development that they have been oblivious, but it’s just now it’s so widespread. There have been times where groups of people will keep to themselves because of what they perceive… and there have been warring factions where they would stay where it’s safe with the people they know. And sometimes people will have less connection just because of how they live. They’re not in cities with lots of people around. They might have been on a dirt farm where the possibility for a neighbor is quite far and they can’t just call them on the phone.
What’s odd about this time is that there are so many ways to connect with people, and yet people are connecting on such a, well, we have to say sort of shallow way that they’re not truly connecting and so they feel lonely.
We say this as far as a regret. We don’t want to get into regrets but many people on the planet at this time, when they have moved on (whatever you want to call it - been promoted, passed away, left their Earthly bodies) they will realize what they mistook for connection isn’t the connection that goes beyond this life. So, we would reframe this to… to… develop awareness.
Now many of you, especially those who are sensitive which, let’s face it, people who are sensitive or empaths would be more attracted to reading this kind of material. People are afraid because they are not connected enough themselves, they don’t want to mix in sort of imbalanced energy with someone else so they have fear, fear of doing this. So, what we would like to say to you is fill yourselves up with your own energy. It’s your own energy which comes from God, angels, while connected to Mother Earth. Fill yourselves up with that energy regularly. When you are filled there’s less space for other people’s imbalanced energy to get in. So, this would be helpful. Because you can still connect without absorbing them but it is much easier to do (if you’re sensitive) if you fill yourself up fully. Then you can still make the connection but it is not detrimental to either of you.
Okay, we are going to take a moment. We think you may want to call this the Power of Connection or the Gift of Connection, we shall say. And this gift of connection… of course the number one main thing is connection with God, which is your own soul, feeling your own soul in a very deep profound way, and then taking it one step further and seeing God in other people, in other animals, in all of creation. And when you observe thusly, you will naturally make a connection which is both holy and sacred and will enrich your lives in ways that you have glimpsed. But at the end of your physical life on Earth, when you have left this Earthly experience you will already have all these connections made. They will be everlasting. You will be bigger. We are laughing.
So, this is our message today. The ancient wise ones who have come earlier, they will return because they too are willing to help those that request… Let us put this another way, they will help those who are expanding and wish to appreciate life on Earth and beyond in a more expansive way.
We love you very much, and for those of you who do want a more intimate connection with us - this particular group of angels – (you have a myriad of helpers, workers, God, reflections of God to help you) but when you on your own do request our help, we ask that you request that this be in the highest good of all concerned. We will endeavor to make a connection with you. For some of you, it might not come in like words as it does for this channeler to you, but we will reach you. In a dream with a message, in a breeze where there would be no breeze, feel a comforting pat on your back when there is nobody that you can see that would be patting your back, we will try to do this in ways that are only comforting to you so you know you have much support, a myriad of helpers that would just love you. We are part of God. You are part of God. So this connection, this loving connection, is infinite and everlasting. Once again, you must request that it be in the highest good of all concerned, including you, because we want you to connect with that which is loving. Your intention is your guidepost.
We thank you very much. We thank the channeler and we are laughing because we know there are many developments. Anyway, she is working on her own spiritual development and we hope this will assist her in getting more information to those of you who are listening or reading.
It may look bleak out there sometimes but truly there is an infinite amount of love and possibility that is there behind the tumult. So be sure to have faith in that. Look for it. You will find it if you continue to look. Enough preaching to you. We are laughing. Go enjoy your life.