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45 - The Inexplicable

This has to do with effort and the inexplicable nature of this.

Today we are coming, rather than to inform which we usually do, but to also comfort those of you who need comfort right now. This is quite an inexplicable time from your point of view. Many things appear to be having been done to you in the world. But this is because most of you are not quite ready to embrace the aspect where all is connected so some things in the world are merely an outgrowth of the greater evolvement of human beings.

What is sometimes confusing is this aspect of effort which is usually thought of erroneously.

People believe if they just keep putting out effort they will achieve whatever goal they are going for but this is somewhat of a fallacy. Yes, there is effort in focus. This does require effort. But the transformation of going … let us put this another way, and then we will move on to the topic at hand. Some of you believe that if you keep putting effort out, you will achieve what you want. But it is not singularly effort because in many ways you put out effort which for most of you is like a struggle, then in turn, you receive back a struggle. So, this is why we wanted to clarify this so that you would be looking at this in a different way where, yes there is the effort of focus, the effort it takes when focusing on imagination (and this you will receive in the world that which you can clearly delineate.)

But most people have many subconscious things happening (karmic etc., many levels of things also going on).

We do not want you to be discouraged because you put out effort and things do not happen immediately.

You must realize that these beliefs, these “thoughts into things,” require a resonance with you in that if you don’t really believe good things are going to happen, probably things will continue as they are. Or, you will have good things, and then they will dissolve into not so pleasant things and you’ll be on this rollercoaster. So, what we want you to do is put effort internally to understand why you are doing things, and be clear and focused on what you want to feel, or rather what is resonant with you and the highest good of all. Because you do want the force of God and angels on your side in creating things. It just makes things a lot easier, and part of this ease is actually from your own intuition which comes across by you expanding your abilities in unseen ways.

You are wanting goals which are of a physical nature, which is all well and good. You are on the Earth plane. That is the benefit of being on the Earth plane. However, your great gift is that you are on a school where you can create things by expanding yourself and the effort is in focusing and acting on the inspiration that it brings up.

Okay, we’re moving to a different level right now. Please bear with us…

Before we continue, we feel like we need to clear up this “inexplicable” thing where you are larger than just the earth plane. You are on the Earth plane and are able to create things of a physical nature. You can create them and then they can look back at you. You can look at them. That’s the blessing. But what the problem that sometimes happens is you become only about that. Which this is only a symptom. And when you have passed on (whatever, left this plane) these Earthly physical things will be in your past because there are rules on the Earth plane in that you see the cycles of being born, living and dying in many things. Even if it does not appear exactly the same, there still is a birth and then at some point things atrophy – we’ll have to use that word. The trick is to passionately enjoy those things that you can create, but creating things of a larger scale that live past this earth life is what will benefit you beyond this Earth life. So, that being said, when you connect with other people in achieving this Earth goal you have, those connections will go beyond this life.

Now, say people can achieve Earthly physical things and then be quite proud of themselves, which is all well and good in that they have expanded in a way that they are able to utilize the level where they are. This is all well and good. But a far greater enjoyment is to be connected beyond this. And sometimes it is a bit of a puzzle trying to encourage you to create things in the physical world and not believe that you are small, but to expand, and it is a very big deal and a very big blessing to create things in the world that involve many people. That’s a great blessing, but not getting caught up in just the goal itself because it will likely become a hollow victory for you. And that’s the balancing act. This is all we are trying to say today and we are taking a bit of time to say this per usual. We are laughing.

Sometimes things come in like this in waves because there are many, as we have said ad nauseam, there are many waves of energy that are like riptides right now. So getting a clear shot to you (chuckling), a clear blast of energy that you will comprehend, is a bit challenging. It will help dramatically if you do your part on your end, which is to listen beyond these pages we are giving you, but to connect with any little part that resonates with you. Much of this will not be what you need, but there are parts that will resonate with you where you are. And it would be helpful if you utilize this on your end. We’re really just suggesting this for you. We like you happy. That is all in this regard.

What we do want to say to you is that when something is birthed in the world (whether you are birthing your own greater awareness of yourself or whether there are aspects of the planet that you are on that are going through different transformations, or even things of a physical nature, financial structures which have been relied on for a long time) there will be in all of this birthing disruption. Birthing shakes things up. That is its nature. You however can have some peace with whatever shows up and this can include planetary changes. This can include births and deaths and births of people you love, all of these fractious elements of people through fear holding on to that which keeps their world intact as they’ve known it, against other people that are holding tight to keeping their world intact as they’ve known it. It is a development for humankind right now.

Just as you would not want to be playing with the same toys you did when you were four years old, you are interested in different things. Trying to hold onto a past awareness does not help you move into the current awareness. So please, let this go. Let it go and connect with that which is everlasting. This is the only way we can say it. You don’t have to have a particular religious model to get to this point. Most organized religions on the planet have the essence of this in them. Some have held on however to aspects which are no longer serving people because there are developments, there are awarenesses. Most of these things are beautiful by the way, this change. So release with ease and do not be thrown by these things, these transformative events, do not be thrown. You’re still on course and staying connected will give you the wisdom to realize this is just the experience you are in. You are having an earthly experience. And the more you see that the people you meet, the creatures you see, the plants you see, that it is all connected, you will find much more poetry in your life. The more poetry you find in your life, the more fulfillment.

The inexplicable. Perhaps there’s a much better word for this but it’s hard for us to come up with it. We laugh. It’s that much of what we are trying to help you be aware of is that which cannot be put into words. And nothing that we… no words we say can get you there exactly. It’s an experiential thing and so you must find this yourself. But we are assisting those people that are expanding. And you have so many helpers but truly you are a flavor of God. And there are many other flavors.

What you are doing on Earth is experiencing one very delineated aspect of yourself and you are trying to experience this in the fullest way you possibly can.

But all of these other people, creatures around you, they are doing the same. Now not all of them have the everlasting, all-encompassing awareness that you might have now (or will as you become more aware of yourself) but nevertheless they are expanding as well.

We feel that, yes, we have not perfectly explained this inexplicable nature of the earth experience, but we hope we have given you a taste for your own exploration. We are also giving you a reminder that you are tethered… this is not the right word… but basically you are connected to God and All That Is and the Earth experience is just one aspect of you becoming more aware of yourself (we chuckle) and becoming more aware of the people that are around you. So give dignity to those around you. Give dignity to all of the creatures large and small. Give dignity to every aspect of what you come into contact with. When you give dignity you will treat others – other people, other creatures, other things - well. This is the message for today.

We love you. Amen. Go forth and sing your poem.


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