We are your familiar angels. We are tuning in to manifest. We are working on our end taking in energy to bring it into words that people can understand.
Unplug for manifestation. We will begin this way.
One of the misunderstood aspects of manifestation on the Earth plane has to do with taking action, action, action. What we would like those we are helping to understand is that in order to manifest that which will be of benefit to you beyond this Earthly life, and even during this Earthly life, is that this manifestation must come first from inside you and your Soul. What people generally do is just focus on action and they will put many, many hours of their time on Earth into focusing on action when they could save themselves a lot of trouble if they were clear on why they are doing this, meaning if they were clear on what their true Soul desire is and generally their mission on Earth (which they had agreed to prior). If they put much more time into delving within to clarify this, then the Earth will help them, will lead them to where it is easier for them to create what they would like. But this concept seems to be lost on many.
What we were going to call this chapter was “Unplug to Manifest”, meaning unplug from the outside world and go within to assist in manifesting something that resonates with you. We know that some people can tune in without sitting still, meaning they can tune in if they are walking freely in nature and allowing in helpful thoughts and ideas. It can even happen when someone is doing something what you would consider mindless. It is possible to do it this way, but what we would suggest is really getting in the habit of just being still for ten minutes a day. It really is that that amount of time is all that is necessary, and when someone is in the habit of it, they get to the point where they are communicating with their Godself and with all the helpful angels, wise ones, even Archangels if this is of a Soul progression aspect. So these ten minutes of nothin’ – we laugh – can lead to the easiest way to manifest. So, we wanted to get this out first.
So now there is another energy to help you.
What we are doing is putting to words a higher vibration energy helper angel and translating this energy for you (and channeler, you may help by sitting and absorbing this energy with us). We will be back.
After a moment…
Okay, what they would like to make clear, these different helpers shall we say or less familiar angels, is that what you do and what your thoughts create – this relates to the power of your thoughts – this has influence beyond just your small Earth life. We don’t mean to say it’s a small Earth life. We apologize. But we say this mostly because people stay in one little aspect of their “life” on Earth rather than, by being aware, expanding their life. In any case what they would like to get across is you all have access to their wisdom and to God always but you do need to listen and absorb.
But what their essential point is that what you do does affect other seen and unseen energies, meaning you will be able to see if you are not respecting and giving dignity to that which is around you whether it be human beings, or your own planet, or your own gifts, and all the energies that make up this… we’ll use the word location just to make it easier for you to comprehend.
You do have influence, and because usually your small step to positively influence both those people and creatures around you and beyond this life is in connection to your Godself and it takes so little to do that and the rewards are so vast. Granted, you may not be able to see them and measure them so specifically but that does not mean that this loving energy essence does not help you in ways that go far beyond.
Okay, the other thing that we did want to mention is that many people believe that once their loved ones and good friends have passed away that they are gone or out of their life into – some people believe heaven and hell but we say this is not accurate but anyway – what we want to get across is that those people who have passed away can help you on your path. They love you and sometimes they will help you and write moves and thinking because they perhaps might have not helped you as much as they could have. This does happen. Especially parents who have passed sometimes feel like they have not encouraged you in the way that they wish they had, due to their own unawareness or need for what they believed was power but was not true Soul power.
In any case, you have many helpers. It is YOUR choice to say I lovingly allow in only those helpers which are in my highest good and the highest good for all, but all others can go to the light. They (those who have passed) can be true angels to you as well or helpers as well but we do want you to know you absolutely have the right to demand that any influences be in love and in the highest good of all concerned.
It is true the Earth has a certain… we have to use the word vibration or energetic essence. Granted, there are some awarenesses that you will have to expand beyond this ( we don’t want to say level but this is what you understand we feel ) this level so you can take in and bring in light and love and just be able to hold more space for God and your own Godself essentially. And getting back to the Unplug to Manifest, in order to do this you must unplug from Earthly fear and anger and victimization, feeling victimized we should say. You must unplug from that and plug in to your Godself. This will help you manifest in perhaps broader ways than you imagine at this time. Just a reminder which your angels have already spoken of before, energy put towards the greater good is energy that will be beyond this life so that you are connected to the everlasting.
To the channeler and her usual angels we will return at another time because we do feel we have information for you but this is being done in steps. Our connection to you or rather your connection to us, it is a mutual thing. This is a work in progress and we… on all levels it is appreciated.
We wish however that it is helpful for people to make a very intimate connection with at least one of their guardian angels.
People do incarnate with a guardian angel, meaning there are angels and helpers that will be with them throughout this Earth incarnation unless they evolve so much during this Earth incarnation that the guardian angel’s mission has been fulfilled, then it is just to check in on you. But you always have access to a guardian angel and we do think this can be helpful in this time of silence. But you must get into the connection, the regular connection so that your connection to God is strong. An intimate connection so that you will feel a sense of… maybe you will not get words but you might get a sign from your guardian angel. And so we do suggest that people ask for a sign from their guardian angel so that you are ready to recognize a consistent sign. It is just a nice way for them to say “we’re lookin’ out for you.”
There are so many different ways that they can give you a sign. You can even ask for one. Certain signs are easier on Earth to get to you than others but really, just ask for a sign you prefer… and then be patient, and always thank them for their help. We know that people are appreciative but actually stating it is actually just a good feeling for all concerned.
Please give us a moment.
This time issue is one we will adhere to - we laugh - we will try to adhere to because these are the parameters and we have just a moment to tie things up.
We hesitate to give names to ourselves and other angels.
This does not mean that we do not want you to have the name of your angels. It is that this is going to many people and, as an example, we have worked with different people in different lives and we were called different things, so you calling in a name that is not specifically for you in this life, this would not be as helpful. So we haven’t done that. But we do know some people prefer to have a name to call. And so, when working with this guardian angel that everyone has, and we are working with them just so you know, this band of – and we laugh – this band of happy angels will work with your individual guardian angels. We are a big band of angels by the way. These readings come from one voice because it is easier to do this. It’s not like you can listen to a lot of voices at one time even if they had the capacity to speak in this Earth language. Anyway, that’s neither here nor there, but what we suggest is that when you have connected through this sign (and it could take some persistence on your part… or not) but once you have done this, you may ask the name of the angel to be brought to you. That’s also a way to do it.
Because all of you have a myriad of angels and helpers - you have many who can help you in this life - but generally speaking you will have one, at least one guardian angel who will follow you your whole life. This is true for most of you.
Okay, we will stop now and we, as always, are sending lots and lots of love your way. You must receive it however so if you do want love sent to you please accept it because you do have that choice. This is your choice, and of course we always say “I ask that whatever I receive be in the highest good of all concerned including myself”. We laugh.
Some of you are getting too caught up in the roller coaster of life on Earth and just focusing on the downs a little too much.
We definitely are aware of that. But the way around that is to have a little bit of mental discipline to shift yourself to looking at the beautiful in the world and being grateful. You can always be grateful that there are… you know vegetables that can feed you, that that has been provided. So, anything. We were just giving an example. Okay, we are past time so we bid you adieu, and we send great love to you and we are honored to be able to serve you. So, go forth and prosper! We laugh.