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47 - A New Branch

Just in case you’re curious, I see swirling colors of magenta-purple with a little bit of green moving towards dark blue.

Okay, we begin.

Hopefully people have been experimenting with their guardian angels, and sometimes when connecting with your guardian angel which is an extension… it’s an extension of your Godself that resonates with your Guardian Angel’s Godself. This is just confusing so we will leave it at that. We laugh. But all that to say that you may see certain colors when you close your eyes and are in a receptive state for wisdom to flow through you. This is not necessary of course because some people do not see colors but what you might want to do if you do see them is dress yourselves in those colors when you are wishing to get guidance. Personal guidance. All in the highest good of course. So, just a tip to make the resonation compatible. Okay, but this is not what we came to talk about. We laugh.

Today many on the planet are developing in some ways, becoming more aware of what actually does influence them instead of blocking themselves off so to speak from the energy in the entire world - energy from people, plants, thoughts, sky, water. This is a positive but at the same time it is uncomfortable for many. It is as if humankind is starting again, feels like they’re starting again. This is because there is a rebirth. Many will cling to the old ways and the old awarenesses because they feel somehow safer, though that will begin to dissipate because there is new branch of the tree, shall we say, growing. This might not be the perfect analogy but just go with this for a moment.

This branch of the tree that is growing from the core does feel to many to be like… like uncomfortable in the way they would say, “what the heck is that? I am not familiar with this and yet it is part of me.” Just so you know, that’s very natural. There is a lot of fluctuating energy. In the disruptive part, or that feels disruptive, it is as if nothing flows and connects as it once has. People may make a plan which they feel great about in their own little heads however it does not come into fruition. It gets blocked. There are other things that come up. So, all that to say, this is just the course for all things that are birthing.

This branch is just another extension of yourself, and mankind, as we have said before, is always in movement, in development. And it appears that right now this development is very fast. Whereas people have become accustomed to a certain pace, (especially those people who have been on the planet for a while) this pace they are accustomed to – the slower pace – it seems like everything is speeding up. It is in some ways speeding up. Truly. It’s just it’s a fast development. However, just because things are new does not always mean that they are best and with the greater wisdom, which is why you need to connect with the greater wisdom as we have said so often. You are, I’m sure, tired of this but this is the truth. Daily connection to the greater wisdom blah, blah, blah - we laugh - but it is true.

Delineating or being able to decide what is part of the greater development of mankind and what is just a different creation which is not helping anyone… knowing the difference is important at this time. So as much as we do not want you to be afraid of things changing (because things are always changing and perhaps your experience may be that things are changing faster than you would like) it is important for those aware souls (it’s important for everyone but many people are, shall we say, blocked off from themselves) so it is incumbent on those people who are connected to their own source, to be bold in their discoveries, in their awareness.

Some things that are being created at this time perhaps may be detrimental but seem really “cool”. It is incumbent on those aware souls to be bold in their criticism or what we have found in other circumstances (dimensions, things we don’t wish to get into - it will just be confusing to you and you will just turn off) what we have found to be true is when you see something that is detrimental, where you feel and know it is detrimental for the human race, to be bold in your denouncement of it. But instead of just getting caught up in the denouncement, also imagine the possibility of what might be a better use of the technology, or what is possible that could be of benefit for everyone. As we have said before, all connections that you make when they are in the highest good will follow you after this life has passed. And knowing that, it is both a caution in knowing that they will follow you, and also a great confidence booster that when it is in the highest good, it will be in the highest good for you and will continue (albeit a different form.)

We will turn this over at this time.

A new helpful energy.

There is a lightness of being with humor in that when people are together laughing and enjoying the great good fortune of being alive and knowing each other, in that lightness of being there can sometimes be a very clear movement forward for you to both follow. It’s not exactly destiny but it’s what you wish to do in this life. There are often times in that light, bright, crackling energy ideas for you to bring into your life. All that to say is to value connection. Sometimes you need to put effort into it. Many of you who are kind of used to through these times not connecting with people, this is to say it is coming to times for more connection. Now you can connect. It does not have to be in person but it does have to have that same joyful energy to get ideas, to move forward, that you will enjoy and be glad you did when it’s time to change form.

That’s just a reminder. Connection in joy and friendship is very important.

Back to our more familiar angels.

Okay, we thank that energy for coming with that reminder. We ourselves have been contemplating the best way to help all of you who we love, and make no mistake, we love all of you who are tuning into this. On our end, which will have to be in combination with the channeler which we have hinted at this before, we are believing that although this forum is good and is right to continue, we are also working to have a simpler, more enjoyable guidebook.

In closing, this is what we suggest. Now is a good time to reach out to other people. We dare say, you may not be in the mood for it. It may be a bit of a struggle. Some people feel like they are aching for it, but not all people feel this way. They do not. They are pretty used to being isolated. Isolation can bring wisdom, can bring connection to their own soul but it is a good time to reach out and connect, especially with people that stretch you. People you may not normally ask questions of. Of course, we want you to do this in all common-sense ways of being safe. We are merely just saying this is a new time in mankind’s development. We have stressed before there is a different energy in getting used to working with a different kind of energy that flows a little differently than you are used to, shall we say. And sometimes bringing in another unique element can expand your life in ways you don’t see right now. Even the effort of getting more connected with somebody that works at the grocery store, or if you are calling to complain about a bill, talking to the person as if that person is your own child or sister or brother or parent because they are part of your human family. They are part of your family and that will help you branch out. And this, not that we meant to put this so cutely but mankind is growing a new branch. You can look at it like that. It’s definitely bigger than that but just imagine it that way.

So, it is time for you to branch out now. It is a good time. There is a receptivity in the universe right now. This is all we are saying.

This was a little bit of a fragmented session but this is how energy will be coming in the world quite a bit right now. There are just a lot of different currents going on. It does not mean that they are not wonderful but it is a bit of getting used to, riding one current to another current to another current, as if you are surfing from one wave, which turns into another wave going a slightly different direction, which turns into another wave that leads you in another direction. Even so… enough with us and our somewhat goofy analogies. We laugh. And we are hoping you will surge forward.

As always we love you. We are always on your side and you should know this. We are in your corner, even when it appears like nobody else is in your corner or the world appears to be against you. We are still in your corner and the world is not against you. Recognizing that the world is helping you grow is the first step in getting rewards.

We love you. We bid you adieu. Amen.

One thing, with all of these changes in the world, remember you decide what you do. You are most definitely the captain of your own ship… however you are riding on God’s ocean.

With love. Amen.


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