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48 - Megalomania, Joy, Uniqueness

I see the word “greetings.”

The word and thought to focus on today is…

I see the word “megalomania”? I guess that’s the word they mean.

Today what we wish to focus on is megalomania, rather the importance of structures on the Earth; companies, political leaders.

We say megalomania because this is the best way we can describe of what has sort of taken over. It is an expansion of ego focusing on power which is focused on the individual’s ego power. Not that the ego is a bad thing which we have said before. It is a tool. But when focusing just on the power for the individual and not for the greatest good (which is too prevalent at this time) does not lead to moves that would be of benefit to the Earth which is at a pivotal point. So this is the cross-section of what’s happening -- those who are intent on the greatest good for mankind and the planet, and those that are by limited thinking focusing on what is good for their own sense of power (though it be a fallacy) and holding on to that. However, there are many leaders that are what we would consider megalomaniacs.

We realize this is different than what we would normally talk about, but what we would say to people listening is the solution for this is to follow your intuition strongly and put it into action about what you know is best for mankind and its creatures – all of the other lifeforms that exist on Earth at this time. What you would perceive as life on Earth is actually a form of energy. All creation that you see on the physical realm (which that’s what Earth is, sort of an experience on the physical realm, Earth and planetary issues) so it is important to honor your own energy and join with others of like intent.

You don’t have to agree with everybody in order to make real progress for the highest good. In fact, the greatest things come from people who disagree but are searching for what is in the highest good, instead of only reaching out to those people that you know agree with you - which appears to be happening. Of course it is difficult when you do see countries and companies and groups that don’t agree with you to want to talk with them. However, this is what is necessary - is to work together for the betterment of all.

So, what we would say to you is in your own minds keep open, because you might have blind spots that you’re not aware of and you need another vision, another person’s view shall we say to point those out. And also, through dialogue and interaction you can also have other people in an individual way expand themselves. Because what has happened, instead of just getting your information from God or the few people you come in contact with (we’re talking about quite a long time ago on Earth) but now you have forms of education which are faulty. That beautiful gift of belief that mankind has been given, that belief is being used on very kind of shallow levels instead of going deeper within.

This is what is in the highest good of all concerned… to reach out and get clear for yourselves, which requires sometimes information you don’t necessarily have, and to approach on an individual basis, so that people do not put in power individuals that are all about power because it is a crucial time.

Okay, that is the general message today about breaking down megalomania so that the individuals themselves rise in knowledge. Leaders that are doing things that are not in the highest good, their power comes from the individuals around them. Nobody alone has the power without other people feeding in and so it is important that individuals go within, voice what they know basically, and work towards the highest good for all. Now at this time we are going back to your usual angels.

(NOTE: change in energy – subject JOY)

That information just given – as we say we work as a group but try to speak in one voice – but that was a group that has been working with you and we have voiced it or rather the channeler has voiced it but now we go to our regular channel. We laugh.

There is so much joy and fun and experimentation in the world that could be bringing you people lots of joy and fun and love.

For whatever reason so many people have turned away because of the difficulty in living on the planet right now. They have turned away from the small ways of having fun which is… there is a bit of mental discipline, and we hate to use the word discipline because that just does not sound like any fun. But there is a certain amount of mental focus in looking for enjoyable things, and surprising people that you know that you believe might make them laugh, and yourselves in remembering what brings you joy. Many times people kind of lose that as they get older because they get this firm belief of how they believe what life is. But really, we ask you (well we suggest because really this is just for you to have more fun in your life) remember what brought you joy when you were younger because the spark of that is still there, it’s just been analyzed out, the joy has been analyzed out we should say.

So today this is the second focus. And for the third focus, we will turn this over to a new… I guess we would describe it to you as an energy mass with a personality. I guess that’s how we would describe it… but that is where when we started with “Greetings.” The "Greetings" is actually from this group who is on the scene. You have so many angels, helpers, awarenesses who do love you. Many times you know them more intimately and you’ll be more aware of it once you’ve moved on from this body, but they still want to help you now. So, because this is new we will do our best to translate, the channeler will do her best, at least this is what we are suggesting for the channeler to do.

(NOTE: change in energy - subject UNIQUENESS)

This is the message that is coming through. Many of you are still not aware of how energy works and the energy around you. All of you are connected to God but you all have your own individual perspectives, your own individual flavors that only you bring to creation. Only you. It is unique.

You are unique.

That is the great gift of being on Earth. You are merged with the greater energy but you can be merged with the greater energy and still be far more aware of what you bring to the picture.

They realize getting to this awareness is kind of difficult and you don’t have to know, you don’t have to be intimately involved in all these things. You can still stay in basically your personality self and just ask. Ask God, the Source, the Great Spirit, whatever you choose to call the greatest love and awareness there is. Just ask. What? How am I unique and how does this fit into the greater good? What makes me unique? What are the things, attitudes, skills? What do you offer? If you cannot tune in and ask God, the Source, Great Spirit, whatever… how are you gonna get the answer?

There is a certain amount of just imagining what you can bring to the greater picture. And if you need to use these skills of imagination (we believe this was already covered in many other sessions) use those skills. Because this is your opportunity. This is a great opportunity and you do not want to waste it. Once you have blended, uh after you do not have this physical body, you will go “Oh my God!” or “My Great Spirit!” “I cannot believe that I missed this Divine opportunity just because I didn’t ever think about it.”

So, that’s the third part of this message. You are unique. Ask. Ponder deep within of how you are unique and what you bring to the greater good. And then, if the message to you is still not clear enough – even though you are part of God so if you are connected to your greater self regularly this won’t be as big of an issue but if it is, and it’s just kind of nebulous – just go ahead and use imagination… and whatever forms of discovery you have and then act on it. Act on it. There are many opportunities for people who incarnated who just wanted to help the Earth and mankind through these developmental times. Or you alone may be able to make other individual’s lives better and you are uniquely positioned, through your intent and your skills to show the greater picture as you yourself sees it to other people. Write about it, take action, enjoy yourselves!

Oftentimes your greatest gift actually comes from where your joy is. That is your birth on the human plane or on the Earth plane shall we say. That’s where you can find it so look back into your earliest remembrances of joy. And if it is not from this life, do not worry about that. Or if your belief is that this is the only life you have, this is fine. Go into your early life. Just find that little spark of light because that is where your unique position is. That is where your unique reason for being alive is… and then spread the joy.

We thank you for allowing us to speak today and we thank all parties involved with letting this happen. So, we thank you and honor you.

(NOTE: Back to regular angels)

Okay, weee’re back! These are your familiar angels, the familiar group shall we say that is working with you, and we hope you will take into account those three issues that we have for you today. And always remember that we are behind you. We are also, as you are, a part of God. Everyone has different kinds of awarenesses we shall say, and so honor your own being. That’s the end of our message for today. We love you we love you we love you. We thank all who came and the channeler.

We love you we love you we love you. Amen



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