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49 - Two Tips, Esoteric to Practical

First, a general message about all this discovery and connection.

What we are suggesting for you, although it may seem esoteric or just a mental exercise or idea, this is quite practical information. Too many souls are being blown around and not getting to the core of why they incarnated. This is understandable because these are interesting times – we laugh – as all have noted. But these are the times you’re living in so (and we daresay had expected before incarnating) so in order to make this information practical for you, we offer for you to approach this in an emotional way.

Many get caught up in just the mental aspect of any kind of spiritual development and it is not just this mental aspect. That is merely one form of energy, and the most powerful thing is to connect it to both the emotional and physical aspects. After all, you have incarnated in a physical dimension. So, you will be more clear on what you wish to experience in this life when connected.

So, “how can you help me?” you may ask. For you our suggestion is, after doing a prayer that it be in the highest good (and of course we prefer you being out in nature when possible because nature is just naturally more balanced - but you still can do this without being in nature of course) so what we want you to do… Put your hand on your heart. For us we would say your heart chakra, but put your hand on your heart, and one hand on your belly so that what you feel connects all the way though you and be of pure mind, meaning ask that you would like help in purifying yourself so that the information comes though unimpeded.

So then, when you have done this, you ask for either a feeling that it would be good for you to explore (because oftentimes these connections of energy are blocked by stored feelings that are of no use to you anymore.) On the other hand, sometimes you may feel great love for somebody you know or a creature or whatever, and then in that case that is what you would explore. And you hold yourself in that space and feel. Feel it throughout your entire body and ask for the feeling to, for lack of a better word, explain itself. As you wait you may find yourself gently moving side to side. We have spoken before of this figure eight movement. It is merely just getting the energy moving throughout you.

This feeling you are exploring, you are not just doing it to feel bad – we laugh – this is not the point. This is so this feeling can move through, and then you can take it further. Feel it in your body so there is a physical element to it. We want to say sometimes these physical/emotional things are some kind of altercation where it started, and by altercation we just mean conflicting energies. So anyway, then when you get the emotion and you feel it, then ponder it in the back of your head – or in your dreams, whatever way you process energy – for a little bit, because usually there’s some wisdom in there and some way to bring more joy in your life. Also, some people are not going to get a clear emotion. Many are rather cut off from their emotions. No judgement here, it’s just that’s sort of the way people lead with their heads, and this is fine. Then ask for guidance in this and there should be a word that comes to you. Now the word itself might make no sense to you, which is fine. But words actually have an energy vibration to them. We don’t want to get all esoteric with this, again we want it practical, but just ponder the word. This will come up because you have put it in your intention that it is coming up to move you forward and to make your life more full, to appreciate life in a more full way.

This is a roundabout way of saying it yet this is another tip for you, but it is profound tip. Because some people who are not used to connecting spirit, mind, body – if you’re not used to doing this you need little helpers, and this is a tip for that. Because this particular channeling is not just for you alone - it is for other people and you included – so we cannot say remember the fear you feel from your father, etc. etc. or the loss of a pet, etc. etc. We cannot go specifically in this channeling but you can get this yourself, what the block is, to make it practical and personal. And of course, as we have said, we are there supporting you in the background with your guardian angels. We are a… a group of angelic beings. Some people call us a Council of Light. There are all kinds of different names but basically this is just so you know you have help on the other side (or you would perceive it as on the other side - this is not actually what it is but that’s how you perceive it.) So anyway, we are there.

Another aspect, another tip we should say for doing this connection… All of these tips of course require a certain amount of stillness and usually solitude, though you can certainly do it with other people if you know someone who does not think you are crazy – we laugh – which obviously you are not but anyway, we are making a joke. Another tip is to go outside and to ground yourself to really connect being on the ground - on a towel or cross-legged or whatever way you’re comfortable being on the ground - and then put your fingers in the soil. Many people right now are craving gardening but this is actually what they’re craving. They’re craving this healing connection so that all of this mish-mosh of energies which we have talked about that are happening right now, this is just a way of making some sense of it. Anyway, so put your hands in the soil and slowly let it fall through your fingers. This is a slow meditative thing and you just repeat it. It probably might take three slow times to get yourself all the way connected to the earth. And when you feel this connection, thank Mother Earth and if you choose to, ask for any help with what you want to create on the physical plane. Or certainly merely experiencing this will tune your body, tune-up your body shall we say, being grateful that you have been given a body because this is special. And as we have said many times, you do not want to waste this opportunity because it’s a big one and a wonderful one. It can also be a very enjoyable one, so add that to your repertoire. We chuckle.

It is sometimes very difficult for us to connect with you in the emotional and physical realms when your mental realm is what you are using to make the first step. But we do not want you to stay in this esoteric place unless you choose to but we think this is a bigger experience for you.

These two tips which we believe are profound though they may not seem that way to you, they are, so we will leave you with that. We are your usual group of angels today. Some of these other angels that are helping you do not wish to speak today – they are sometimes helping elsewhere, but they are of course behind you as well. Mostly we would suggest looking through the information previously given. Balance yourself, tune yourself and then just pick anywhere in whatever chapter or session you go right to, usually without thought, because just a little bit of that every day to get you all balanced helps you and anyone who comes in contact with you. And that’s a beautiful thing. We leave you today with an image of a bird flying free, grateful to be able to fly but mostly just joyful. Just having fun circling around and dive bombing and flying up in freedom. The bird is grateful and aware of its existence and this is what we wish for you.

We wish you joy.

Love to you. Amen.


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