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5 - Disappointments

Today we wish to discuss disappointments on the Earth plane as these interfere greatly with the development of the individual soul.

We have found that those who have incarnated on Earth as well, have found that the pain and emotion create a vortex which makes it difficult to get out of. And that people will incarnate, have a traumatic experience, and never seem to rise above it their entire life, only to return again to pursue the same lesson. We wish to discuss this today of how to climb out of the vortex if you will.

Human beings have been given at all times a memory of their Creator. It is not enough to ignore pain but it is also not appropriate to be caught up in the vortex and spiral downward.

Trying to connect with your Creator on a daily basis will be a ladder up and out of the hostility, discomfort, chaos of thought, and immeasurable pain of, and surprise of, bad experiences.

While meditating regularly, you may always be able to climb out and get a fresh view of these traumas to realize they are in your best and highest good. It may not seem that way at the time certainly. We are smiling somewhat sadly. The initiative you show will be rewarded. This is why we say focusing on the bigger picture will take much of the pain of this away.

You may lose a loved one, indeed throughout your life you will lose many whom you have loved.

You could get caught up in the loss, again and again and again, or you could thank them for their lives and your part in them, and realize that a form of them you will always connect with. And so, there are very few real tragedies on Earth. The tragedy if anything, is in not recognizing the spirit of the endeavor and so to continue life after life attempting to learn a lesson but not really getting the Divine joy that is available to you.

We bring this up at this time because we would like, and offer you to know, that this connection to your Source is truly what will make your life rewarding, fun, fulfilling and not just seem like a bad play - we are chuckling here - a bad play that goes on and on. We really mean this and hate to see you continue going over the same scene again and again. But we move onwards…

It is very difficult after a tragedy without a certain amount of quiet healing, to be able to see the benefit and opportunity.

Indeed, some tragedies from your point of view are unbearable, but rest assured there is a bigger Divine picture unfolding and you may choose to avail yourself of the opportunity for growth. We would like to give you tools to step away from the Vortex but every individual makeup is different, hence the ongoing practice of staying connected to your Source and Creator.

Some will find that the purest of Spirits on Earth can help them. By this we mean animals, pets, horses, and showing compassion towards people through your grief, can be very effective. This is why many people after a tragedy find a purpose in their life that they sought before and were unable to achieve. Some people may however find it necessary to truly delve into the pain - look it square in the eye so to speak - and say Show Me Why. Show me why this has happened, and then step back. The answer will come at the same rate of resistance - at an equal balance of resistance and flow. These are very obvious things we are saying however you, we offer, cannot truly be who you are in the fullest capacity, in ways you cannot begin to comprehend, until you embrace yourself and your great good fortune to be alive on Earth while being connected in Spirit.

We leave this here today with a question you may ask yourself at any of these times which you find trying, and the question is this....

" Who am I? Dear God, please express your Divine Love through me so that I may express this Divine Love to all who come in contact with me"...

... and then do your best to enjoy this miraculous journey. We thank you for listening.

Okay, you thought you were done but not so fast. We know you feel this pressure in the head area because that is where we are focusing this information for you.

We did not want to leave such a large subject as trauma, and pain, and strife in your life without giving you at least one tool to put it in its place so to speak. What we offer is this. As you, in your quiet place of meditation are feeling this pain or disjointedness or whatever you find uncomfortable, we suggest you feel it as clearly as possible and name it. When we say name it we don’t necessarily mean a word but you could name it with a symbol. What we are getting at is to simplify it. People on the Earth plane tend to measure things and quantify them which can be helpful but what we want you, we suggest for you, is to name it with a symbol like a sword, or a family crest, or an animal, or some picture that you believe symbolizes this great loss you are suffering. At a later date we will suggest tools for dealing with this symbol and how this symbol may help you but, at this time, just please name it with a symbol. You can then in the future always bring that symbol up so it does not get lost in your body unexpressed to cause pain for you and hindrance at another time.

If something is bothering you, come up with a clear picture if you can.

This can be extremely helpful for everyone and their growth. We trust this will be helpful to you at a later date. Thank you.


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