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50 - Endurance, A Tip, & Glamour

Hello we say! It has been a minute. We laugh. But have no fear that we are with you, and all who listen, for your entire lifetime. So no worries if it has been some time since you have connected. We are always here hovering in the distance around you. We laugh.

Today what we wish to speak about is… endurance.

This is me. I hope that’s the right word. That’s what it looks like.

Endurance. There are lessons that you yourselves, your spirits have chosen to learn, and some of these things may seem like there are many things in your life that you are just trying to get through. They’re not immediate things. There’s no single solution that is in your – what you perceive as your timeframe. But it is true that endurance is a quality many come to this Earth life to learn. We realize this does not seem like much fun, however generally speaking, this endurance can last many lifetimes or many other – not wanting to get too abstract – other living awarenesses not just Earth lives is what we’re trying to get at. That it is widespread.

But anyway, this time on Earth for some people is where they can... rest assured, this is a lesson they are learning. So it is not just something they are suffering through. There is growth in this. We offer this as a way for people to realize this endurance – when you are learning endurance, which generally speaking is not that much fun, when you are learning this there are aspects of endurance to be aware of. Mostly we give this information so you realize this is not just suffering for nothing. This is actually a quality you are learning and mastering - for many people, not all but for many people who have incarnated this is true.

We are moving on to another energy but before leaving, before setting this aside, we do want to say we love you very much. We are so very happy always to connect with you.

This is me. They are moving my head and bringing up energy, Earth energy. For me, it’s kind of like connecting the highs and the lows till there’s a nice balance.

They have brought my hands into a prayer position.

The prayer position. To explain, this prayer position connects the heart chakra and the mouth together so the energy can come up and accurately come out.

Okay, I’m retreating.

Actually this is a tip for you. This is a message because many of you could benefit from having a free flow of energy from your heart to your throat chakra or your mouth so that what you feel and believe in your heart comes out into the world. Many of you seem to stop that flow. Stopping the flow does not allow you to expand as fully as you would wish. So this is a significant tip, especially for those people in the arts or in wanting to communicate with other people. Now, when we say coming from the heart chakra, we mean the deep heart chakra, not rather temporary mercurial feelings. We are going deeper into who you are. It’s really connecting who you are to what comes out in the world, so this applies to many.

We are… if you are curious who is coming through now, we are part of this group of angels but we do not usually speak. We are usually in the background of your lives, assisting energetically, and so this is something that we have noticed which will actually help us to support you for what you want to have in your life. So remember this connection, this prayer position with your hands in prayer connecting your heart and your mouth, basically heart and throat chakras. We believe you will be very happy with the results should you do this regularly. Okay, now we will retreat to the sidelines and let another helpful angel come forward.

Cutting Through

Okay, this is just perhaps a fun fact. We laugh. There are many stratifications, layers of organization even in the spirit world. And you could get into who is a guardian angel, who is a , you know, regular angel, how does God and the presence of God permeate everything. What we would say to you, if you are not somebody who really loves the exercise of organizing things (which many on the Earth plane seem to prefer) what we would say to you is you can cut through all this if you would like and just say “Dear God, dear Source, dear All That Is, please permeate me so I can live the most beneficial, enjoyable life that I can.” And this should cut through a lot of things. Many do not do this very often. You would think they would but they really don’t. So what we would suggest, if you want to cut through a lot, just say “God what do you wish for me to do that is in my highest good and the highest good of all concerned. What would you wish for me?” Now underneath it all will be what you wish to experience but this is an easy way to get to the purist of intention. Okay, we will move on.

As we have mentioned before, there are many different movements of energy at this time for those who are on Earth. It is changing however. Although it might seem random to you it actually isn’t that random. It’s just that the energies are kind of shuffling to find a new level because, as we have said before, the Earth itself, the planet, is developing. Those people and creatures and beings that are on it (and by saying “on it” that’s just the easiest way for us to describe it, it’s not actually accurate but should suffice) it’s that all of these beings, yourself included, are developing. And there are some times where certain aspects, because they are craving their own expansion at the same time that other energies are craving their expansion, and you are craving your own expansion, and so, this does kind of toss things up and appear to be chaotic. But we have to say things are starting to soften is how we would describe it. But you still, make no mistake, you are still in the thick of it.

All this going on however, you don’t have to be – uh it does not define you. Your connection to God is what grounds you, what defines you. It has once been channeled here, "when chaos ensues, go within." And we say this is true but we also say perhaps go within and ask your Source what is the best thing, the most beneficial loving thing I can do at this moment. How can I connect in a positive way with other people and creatures and beings that are rather experiencing all this at the same time as we are. So we offer that. This is another energy that is coming through today.

Although we will continue these sessions with the Channeler we are working for a different format, or shall I say she is intuitively picking up a different format would perhaps be better for all at this time. So, we will continue like this with these sessions but mostly what we offer you is to go back and look at some of the thoughts and ideas that have already been expressed. Because if it does not help you -- we can give as much information as possible but if nobody actually utilizes it – we will always be with you but the greatest benefit is for you to connect with yourselves and each other. It is quite important to have other souls of like energy to meet occasionally. If you’ll notice in history many great creators on Earth they sometimes go in small groups. The reason being is that being in a group of other like creatures the energy expands in a way that is just easier to do that will not happen with just one soul as much. It happens. But it is really good to connect and bounce energy off each other because you will be shown your blind spots and you will also realize how great some of your ideas are. We are laughing. That is a way that you will quite enjoy it. Now is the time to connect. And you can connect in person, you can connect through whatever sources you have available – computers or phones or other ways which we will not go into – but you will be connecting. But the intention must be there, to connect. And the intention to connect for you to expand is the best way to put it.

Okay, we are closing up right now. There is one small thing to touch on. We had given this word to the channeler in the beginning but she did not voice it because she was not sure it was really what we intended. It was not coming in clearly, but the word is glamour. If you (and this seems odd) but if you… by glamour we mean, with glamour you shine. Become what is for you glamorous. And this could be as simple as making the area you are in more glamorous, or it could be even out in nature you taking on so that you shine. When you shine you can attract others who shine. This is just a small thing and we feel we have not voiced it correctly. Perhaps we will explain it more but really we just wish you to shine. We love you so very very much and we want you to be happy and know that you have done what you have wished to do in this life. We will leave it at that and we thank you. We thank all who are reading or listening for our opportunity to connect with you. We are grateful. We are grateful to the channeler for helping with this. We just do not wish you ever to forget you are not alone. You have support. You just might not see it but you have support, and this is for you to know.

We love you truly. Amen.


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