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6 - Remembrance/In Passing

Today we begin. We are calibrating. There. Oh there is much resistance today. We will try to ease the fear for the purest channel. You may feel sorrow. First we must clear this. Very well, we will use this feeling of sorrow which is where we begin Chapter Six anyway.

Human Beings carry sorrow from this lifetime and other lifetimes as remembrances.

You may not realize that you remember these things but you most certainly do. This is what we will help to uncover today.

Your mind is a whirling dervish my dear! But this is an example when sorrow is touched on, especially deep-seated multilevel sorrow.

When sorrow is touched on, we of course want to run away from it, fly away, who wouldn’t? But never getting to the cause of it, which is always a lack of connection with God because when connected with your Source, the purpose of this sorrow can be put in its place so to speak. So, we wish to express - caution you - that when you do in your meditations come across vast reserves of sorrow, rather than not exposing it we ask you to name it. No that is not right. First you must feel it. You must go deeply into it - deeply into it. However, we ask that you say a special prayer when you do this.

“My child, my dear one, you are loved.”

This is a different prayer because you will be hearing these words. If you cannot hear them, you must imagine you are hearing them. “My child, my dear one, you are loved.” Through this sorrow you experience disconnection. And yes, from your point of view there is a loss, but know this is temporary, and also, truly, not real. It is often difficult for your angels even to connect with you at these times. For example...

... when someone dies that you have loved, we find human beings are so caught up in their grief they cannot hear anything else.

They can’t hear the truth of themselves. This has been how it’s been for many, and for many lifetimes, but we offer you this. Just know that through the sorrow your angels, guides, your guardians, your God, are trying to connect with you so you may step out of this small di -…divested? - we will go on.

This small heartspace.

We offer you this. You’re in a little room in a very, very large exquisite mansion, and your way out of that room is to open the door.

At these times people don’t want to open that door because they want to stay connected to that which they thought they had. This is natural and will likely continue, but we’d like you to know you do not need to stay in the closet. Your way out is to raise your head, slowly, and ask for help, but you must listen because many times people ask for God’s help at these times but they do not look up - they do not listen. There is a strange aspect to manifestation on Earth which is very hard for us to explain to you since you are on Earth and in many ways you will not understand until you are off the Earth plane, or to be more true, you are aware of the Earth plane and other planes. (You’re actually not really “off” but you are aware of other things, other aspects of Divination.) Okay, this is a bit heavy we know, but this is life on Earth.

Sometimes getting these words to you - we are laughing - is really difficult because we do not speak this language unless we need to get through to you. It doesn’t always come out right. We laugh. We laugh. We go on.

There are many individuals who have risen above this in the most dire of what you consider tragedies to find the Truth and the Source and are able to be truly joyful, and this is how they do it.

By connecting to All That Is, where those individuals and loved ones are a part of, so they do not feel a loss as cr— as critically. This Chapter Six is a bit off the course we admit, but in reality it is truly on course.

People when they begin soul exploration they are surprised what comes up.

Some things they do not like. But God and the Christ light - Divine light - is always accessible. Fear begets fear. Fear grows on itself and creates its own vortex. We offer you to grab the lifeline, which is the golden cord whenever you are in need so to keep yourself from following in this spiral (which is a spiral of your own creation because you are a masterful creator, co-creator we should say.) So we think you should create something that you actually want.

Sometimes there is information which we need to give you and words are at a lower vibration so it is difficult for you to access it while giving you words. Rather it is difficult for you to access it while we are talking. We ask you to be silent and pray.

Okay, this is a purification of sorts. So now we will do something different. Yes, it’s true.

We will have you place your palms together, and this we offer to others as well at certain times in their meditation or practice when they feel the need, or just want to try it. Smile. Okay, put your palms together, feel the energy in your palms, then bring those palms slowly up to your face so that it covers your third eye. Then go slowly around your head, then in a soothing way down your neck, the back of your neck, then move forward to the front over your - what we would consider throat chakra - and down to where we consider the heart chakra. For those who do not know where these energy centers are, they can find them easily enough.

We can send a picture to you in your brain but you will have to draw it out for them.

Okay, you move down to your - a couple inches above your belly button - you’ll feel that energy glowing a big bright yellow. Then move below your belly button and it will be bright orange, and then all the way down. You may rest your hands on your - where your legs connect to your body - and feel the energy go pulsing between and that is red energy, and then down your legs. Sweep it down your legs as much as you are able. Depends on your position. Just sweep it down to the center of the Earth. Dear Mother Earth. And then, we hope that this will connect your Divine self to your physical manifestation. We offer this but not everyone will feel it as profoundly as some. In which case, put your palms back together in front of your heart and say, “thank you for my blessing.”

You are loved, dear ones. And we wish you to know this every waking moment, every sleeping moment, every aspect which is beyond time.

We don’t have a word for this but it is beyond linear time. And we thank you for listening.

One more thing, we ask that you, after doing this meditation, as with all your meditations going forward, imagine -- or if you are given a symbol, or a color, or a fruit - we laugh - or a butterfly, or whatever blessed symbol is given, and if you do not see one, or hear (it can also be a sound) then make up a symbol that is representative of that meditation to carry with you during your day. We love you. Amen.


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