Okay, assistance in meditation. Sometimes it is so very difficult to slow down a jumpy mind. This is difficult for everyone but some are bouncing all over the place. We are laughing.
So, when you wish to speak with a particular angel, or you are reaching out for guidance on a particular aspect of your soul development (which indeed could be connected to your life on Earth or beyond) be still and wait… breathe… and wait…
Patience is a virtue here.
We are helping you attune to a higher form of energy. This is a time when words do not flow and it is experiential but we do want those who wish this information to connect with these higher vibrations as well. For people on the Earth realm, so that the effort of soul discovery seems beneficial to them, smiling, and so they will continue (which we offer is to their benefit), they can perhaps ask for help in an Earthly matter and then observe their life after this meditation in which they have posed a question or asked for help.
Angels, Guardians, etc. are usually only too willing to help and encourage the soul exploration for two reasons. We want to see you grow and we want to grow, and we like the connection, the loving connection.
Sometimes people’s conscious thoughts get in the way, so we also will try to communicate through a dream or an observance in nature, a symbolic animal perhaps, or a scent, or a piece of music. You usually will be aware that there is something different happening. Perhaps a feeling of a pat on the back or feeling a presence by your side, or a feeling of familiarity that is pleasant. Do acknowledge these things. Gratefulness, gratitude begets gratitude. Connection grows connection. Life’s beauty grows as well. And that is why looking up at the stars in remote areas, or observation of how the natural world ebbs and flows, will help you understand how your own path ebbs and flows, and you will be able to see patterns which we hope, we trust, you will find comforting.
These are your choices. Indeed, some prefer to be unaware of All That Is as a learning method, as one would get caught up in a movie, where it might be difficult, but then the movie is over and they will have learned some aspect. So do not judge harshly those who do appear oblivious to their greater selves. You do not know their path. You can focus though on yours. And usually having a greater awareness can bring more fulfillment in this particular life. Being aware of your blessings at all times creates more blessings.
So that is all for today. As always, sending our love to you and hoping through all this mishmash, all this smattering of information, that you will find what is true for you. What helps you. We thank you for listening. Amen.
Day Two
Very well, we begin today. Let us please have a moment to clear you. We are laughing.
Today we wish to speak of channeling and the process for those of you who are curious but also feel unclarified. We wish to clarify this. When someone channels, they are in fact tuning into their very highest self in the All That Is.
It is therefore very important to have pure intention.
Some skill which has been developed over lifetimes not required, but usually that is what has happened. In the best sense, those who channel, or rather bring forth information which is beneficial to many, are setting their ego aside. Actually there is more to it than that, but they are setting their ego aside to translate information which otherwise is not so easy to get across.
Now many people channel when they are doing basically all things creative.
They are channeling information which in many ways feels like it is not them, because it is part of the greater ocean of creative force. That is why people who paint, or write, or other creative endeavors, will feel like they are an observer sometimes, that the painting is something they are uncovering, or the ideas are not really theirs but some other force - other energy. This in some ways means they are not writing this themselves or painting it themselves or channeling themselves, but it is a conduit for the Divine Force, and this conduit is what gives the flavor to what emerges.
Now it is possible to tune in on many different levels of creation. We will call it vibrations because we have no other word you’ve heard of before, at least at this time in your life on Earth. This vibration is what is being translated. And because it can be of benefit, or just tuning into another aspect of awareness, and so, we always suggest that your protection will be in your intention. And a prayer of your intention, although not necessary for your Guardians or angels so to speak or the Divine Force in fact, but it is for YOUR benefit so that you are tapping into the greatest good, the greatest benefit for all concerned.
We will now try to relate this to your meditative practice.
Human beings find that as they continually practice their stillness, or mindfulness, or contemplation, they will uncover more beauty in the world, their own creativity, their own greater selves, their own sense of peace on earth. And so they, human beings, will find they themselves will be a conduit for many things that are sometimes surprising, and sometimes things they feel familiar with but not necessarily from this lifetime. This is a difficult thing for us to express because once your awareness grows, the awareness that time is not linear and lifetimes are not necessarily linear in the way that you believe they are, grows as well. We will try to give you probably a pretty bad example, in that the old woman will have inside her memories of being a young girl. Okay, this is indeed a bad example. We are laughing.
We will move on because these things are difficult to express, because in many cases they cannot be fully understood while incarnating on Earth. They are at two different vibrations so to speak, energy levels so to speak, so there is no way to express this to you. What we CAN help with though, is that if you do meditate with high intention regularly, your soul will resonate with the awareness of these things, if not able to put it into words so to speak.
Okay, what we are trying to get across is that, at times in your study of yourself (which is essentially what this is) you will uncover, or can uncover many beautiful things. We, like you, are conduits of God. We perhaps at this time have a different vantage point if you will, but we, in our own ways, are expressing God as you express God. We are translators and you, through your own creative endeavors, are as well. Generally, human beings are aware of sparks of their own creativity, which does not always get expressed but is there nonetheless. We do not know if we have clarified this for you or whether we have merely confused you but - we are laughing, yes - but we wanted to explain what can be available to you on this path.
We will save Chapter Eight for the next session but we have been serious as of late in this How To Manual.
We want you to know that one of the supreme gifts of life on Earth is the ability to connect with joy - true joy - no matter what the circumstance, and this joy and fulfillment is available to you at any time.
Granted, not everyone has this awareness but nevertheless it is indeed true, and you should - that’s the wrong word - you could boldly go towards what brings you joy, because that is usually where your great gifts are lying, lying as in that’s where they’re found. And the Earth also gives the opportunity for those souls seeking growth to discover their joy when struggle is around. Indeed, that is the reason many, many people incarnate on Earth which can be challenging, is indeed challenging just by nature of its - there is a word we are struggling for here - like black and white nature of things. Where things have both good and bad in them. That is probably our best explanation at this point. And on Earth, you are able to connect to Divine joy no matter what befalls you. Not that you necessarily have to wallow in grief, or loss, or feeling like a victim - which that is actually not a truism. But you can also on Earth bring joy to others which is a reward in itself.
In fact, those people who serve in the way of bringing joy to others find themselves often more joyful.
Now it is true in sad circumstances, that that is when the black and white, positive/negative, aspect of Earthly creation can rear its head. So, best to know yourself. Knowing yourself is your highest and best protection when living on the Earth plane. This is why we want to encourage you, even if it feels like you are still and nothing is happening. Just by showing up you will develop. We would love to offer you easy ways in this development but, alas, you must develop at your own pace which is the highest and best good. We are now giving the channeler a healing. First, we will bid you adieu and thank you for listening and now we will give the channeler a healing.
You are getting better at this. We are laughing.
We love you and wish you well. Amen.