Today you may ask a question.
(stuttering) Oh uh…I would like to know… who are you? Who am I getting information from?
This question may seem easy. This is a conflation? A multitude. The best we can explain is that a dandelion has many different things shooting out, only in this case, it is essentially similar to electricity that comes in from different areas into one point. So, we are not one person or being. And sometimes different aspects of this come from different points of this. Like a core that has things shooting out from it.
We are sending you a picture but you might have to figure out what that illustration is.
In any case, thought and this sort of energy are connected, which you have experienced in your past when leaving your body with guidance of course that when you returned you felt electrical impulses all over your body. That’s because it’s just a certain high frequency of -- the closest thing we can say to you is it’s like an electrical impulse. So, in any case, ask another question.
I still would like to know, as best as you can explain it, who is sending it?
A consortium of healers and helpers of which we are all on different levels of vibration, meaning we do have some very highly attuned – okay, we will have someone translate this for you. We will try to speak with one voice.
These frequencies need to go through levels coming down to this vibration, and it’s not an easy explanation, but we offer to you this information is in your highest and best good, and in the highest and best good of all who may hear or read or take in the information. So obviously, we are all connected to God, to the Source, to All That Is, and so this information is being distilled so that it can be, we hate to say dumbed down but dumbed down, so that the information can be absorbed in mostly one level as an introduction for those connecting with their own - their Source. This is not quite right. Connecting as you are connected to God, your intention is pulling in information which will help you understand your unique place in the universe At This Moment. At this… what we are having difficulty with is that time and space is not linear as your own brain processes it and we do not have words to clarify this ... but please know this is in the Highest Good, the most beautiful helpful frequencies.
And those who listen like yourself will put the intention that you only wish to receive information that is in the Highest and best good.
In many ways this whole process, this whole translated information, is experiential for whoever utilizes this. This is just showing people a doorway to their own greatness.
Do you have another question?
(having a really hard time thinking) I will read what you have sent to me so far, and when it’s all done I will ask about particular things (still having a hard time forming a sentence) to make sure there’s no other information on the parts that seem confusing to me.
We are laughing.
We translators at the bottom of the rung so to speak, because we are blessed ourselves of being able to experience this energy… These other sparks of energy will return at a different session with you but we will remain - some of us - if you have a simple question. We are laughing.
We know this is difficult for you to think and connect at the same time because these are two different processes. You are setting yourself aside in order to translate this, and you can have a difficult time even having a question, so may we suggest you read through what we have channeled thus far, and have a brief list of questions so you can get the answers without this “fight” of doing both listening and talking at the same time, which is how we would describe it.
Do you have any personal question? Well, we will tell you things that we see in your brain so you don’t have to think about this. You do not know your karmic connection to this. Meaning you have fears that whatever comes out is not good for people but we assure you, you have set a place of safety and regardless, and we are nudging you here, we know you want to be of service but what people do with information once you have released it is their choice of course.
People hear things the way they sometimes choose to hear them, but what you need to do always, in whatever you put out in the world, is feel if it feels like it is in tune with your higher self. In all aspects of your life and everyone’s life this is what they need to do.
And they will know it when they are connected - that voice inside them, that sense inside them, if it is congruent with who they are, that is what they should always do for their time on Earth.
People, human beings, can’t, we are laughing, get away with anything because the Truth is always known.
You may not want to look at it at that moment in time, it does not mean that it is not there and that is why movement must be congruent - when we say congruent we do not know if this is the apt word - but it must resonate with your soul. Most people know when they feel bad about something albeit a little bit bad, there is something that is not in keeping with their soul path, which wastes the opportunity for love which essentially is the highest vibration (though not the love you are familiar with.) Well, let me put this another way. Most people on Earth have love connected with longing and sacrifice and other things they call love, but true love is the perfect form of beingness which we all aspire to.
We see you have another question in your brain about where negativity - because on Earth you have both positive and negative - we see that you have questions of why there is negativity, but our ready answer, our simple answer at this time, is… so that one can appreciate the bounty and… a word that -- there is no word. Making it a word brings it into a lower vibration so… we say so that you can truly appreciate glory love the gloriousness - Heaven.
We are trying to come up with a way to describe something which cannot be described. We are laughing. Sometimes you stump us. We are still laughing. We will discuss this at another time. This is not for this simple how-to manual. You will choose which of these communications from us you will include when and if you have these communications go further. This is your part. We know you want a pure manifestation of this, but we do so want this accessible because self discovery is the point of this.
Our time is up for the day. We bid you adieu and we love you. Amen.