Here are my questions.
Is there any prayer or ritual to do before beginning this?
Is there any more information on helpers and angels you want to talk about?
Is there anything else that you want everyone to know?
(I’m closing my eyes now. Trying to see the words. Right now what I’m hearing are hoorays and laughing.)
We are praising you for showing up! We also, as always, we are having difficulty with your brain. We will wait while you still your brain, and we will send information and send energy too to help with this purification, because we were not altogether expecting a session today. Laughing heartily. But know this, we are always willing and sometimes able to help you…
Today we wish to speak of the connection between all elements in nature, and why this can be helpful for human beings.
Nature. And mostly we wish to speak of mountains and trees and plant life as opposed to animals at this time. Nature, as so described, especially mountains for some reason, are elemental to the human experience. When people die, usually they are back again - their physical body in any case - is back joined to nature. There is a deep connection to Mother Earth which is often overlooked but it is simple. You and all human beings, all creatures with a body, all natural elements are deeply connected to the Earth, as it is a direct manifestation of God’s creation. So, when possible, and we realize that this is not always easy in people’s lives but...
... when at all safely possible, we suggest to begin your practice being as close to the Earth as possible...
Sitting in a backyard if you have one, or sitting on a balcony where you can see a tree or water or whatever the base connection to minerals, etc. can be found. But do not use this as an excuse of course not to meditate. God is available to you at All times, in All circumstances, and is Infinite. We are merely suggesting that some people find it helpful to begin their practice in this way, or to continue their practice whenever possible in a natural world.
As far as prayers, we always suggest a prayer that anything that arises in your stillness be in your highest good and the highest good of all concerned. This is basic and sets the tone for the most beautiful outcome.
The role of helpers is a more complicated subject as you have an infinite number of helpers as well. People find it easier with less doubt, or confusion from their own trained religious thought and practices, to focus merely - and when we say merely it is not, definitely not, the right word - God.
Focus on God, Source, the Divine, the Highest Level of Perfect Love.
We will save your last question for the next session but, as always, as always, there is so much love, true perfect love available to you because the Earth is a playground. Some may find it a challenging playground but nonetheless the Earth is a playground. And has many, many wonders to this manifestation of God’s greatness which can be delved into and it truly can be fun.
Now we are moving your hands because you personally need healing of a physical nature and we wish to assist you with this.
Helpers can assist loved ones they are guiding in physical healing as well, and so people, human beings, may ask for help from their guardian angels, archangels (but in the angelic realm the archangels are usually of a higher vibration) but helpers, guides, guardians can assist by helping lead their loved charges - for lack of a better word, the ones they are helping - they can lead by suggesting helpful things to do, to eat, doctors, naturopaths, people that will be able to help them with their physical body.
In the spiritual body, often people are very, very comforted by their angels and guardians. The important thing is that this assistance, this love, this great assistance is often given with very little awareness by who is receiving it. It is an unconditional love and as such it is freely and most heartily given no matter how aware the human being is.
But thanking your helpers is still appreciated and, if you choose to, you can end your session thanking your angels as well.
You may call your helpers in to help in your stillness session in the beginning, and then in closing thank them for their help.
We believe there’s another question in this regard but because you cannot -- as a Channeler it’s difficult for you to think and receive at the same time. We will try to read what is in your - the deeper aspect of your brain. Okay, we see that there is a question from you regarding what you should do with this information once this particular Ten Minutes to Freedom -- we are laughing, perhaps a corny title, yes? We are laughing -- of what you would do with this information. We leave this to you. You may do with it, or not do anything if you so choose. This is just offering information we hope is helpful and we release it as such.
Our time is overdue right now. You have started later and we, out of respect for your own set boundaries, we will reduce this time. And it is all well and good for you to set these boundaries. You have a wonderful life to lead and we appreciate you taking the time to listen.
We are sending love to anyone who is receiving this information at any time that this information comes to them.
We have an infinite amount of love and we ourselves, the lower rung angels so to speak, are building our reserves as well. One more thing... we would suggest that whoever hears this information including yourself will look for the joy in the world.
There is much joy that goes unnoticed. And joy builds on joy!
You may observe a bird flying. Often the bird is filled with joy because that is one of the God-given attributes of being a bird on Earth. There are so many examples of joy in the world if you but observe them.
So, we leave you with this and bid you adieu. Amen.