Note to reader: Because there are quite a few tips given, for clarity I have labeled them myself.
Today is a blessed day. Every day is a blessed day with the opportunities presented to you if you but look. This might have to be a day of tips because the connection is broken up.
I see like a dashed line instead of a straight line.
And when there is this fluctuation - we will try to clear you but it might just be so many things going on where our energy is needed, so we appreciate you showing up but this requires a gathering of energy from multiple sources and when there are disturbances on we’ll say a global scale (they don’t have to be bad disturbances) the energies are being used elsewhere. And because this is not one source gathering but multiple sources, and when your energy is not focused enough and there are other influences on our end, it’s a little challenging. We ask that you sit for a moment and be still. We, guides that are rather the first step in the translation, we can help you merely with a healing but unlikely we will be able to go beyond this today. Just today. Continue your pursuits which include more water. Even more water. And continued daily meditation. okay, this is better. Let’s see if we can bring this in today.
We will give you essences yet again because today, being an unusual meditation, what we are showing is…
Human beings, because they have eyes that point in a certain direction, you see what is right in front of you. You are not aware of what is behind you. This is a metaphor for what happens in a human being’s situation. An exercise we have, as we say this is a day of tips, is when you are sitting (we prefer in nature of course) with your eyes open. Observe what is in front of you. And then in your mind’s eye, try to imagine – it will seem like imagining – to imagine what is actually behind you as well. And to the sides of you that you cannot see. This will help to place you more completely in your environment, will ground you to some degree, but we just suggest this for those of you who would like to expand your awareness in an easy, rather logical way. We laugh because you humans like things linear. That is as it should be. Well, that is as it often is, we should say. We laugh.
Okay, you are seeking to expand your awarenesses and in this you can expand in just the ways you know, but take it to the next level. You can do this. It does not have to be just with this little example we have given you.
We have previously said that another way is to observe the space, and when we say observe we actually want you to feel. Feel the space between matter. This expansion, you might not fully appreciate what this means. (SEE CHAPTER 27)
This is me. I am feeling my hands being moved. I can’t actually express this. I can’t think and feel at the same time so hopefully they will explain.
Okay, what we are doing with the channeler, we are pulling energy up from the core of the Earth to ground. By using hands we are moving energy. The reason we need to do this is, in order to make the connection from what she would perceive and you would perceive as the higher levels, connecting to the Earth plane, which you would perceive as a lower level. This is not exactly accurate but since this is how it’s perceived on Earth, we can do the exercise and it will be effective regardless. This is something everyone can do. With your hands you reach to Mother Earth, which you of course thank every day for providing your home. (While you have a physical body you need a physical home.) This is a way - what we are doing is bringing the energy up inside and lifting the hands. And we’re also dropping the hands. And if you would think of this as lifting in energy and then dropping the hands and saying thank you. This is not exactly right but it should suffice. Okay once you have done this hopefully you will start to feel this energy moving. As we say, these are exercises today. Once you begin to actually feel this energy, then we can take it to the next level but this is a good, early exercise in being aware of energy that is available to you.
This is me. I’m feeling them move my hands together in a prayer but it’s not regular, hands together like praying but it’s in the area I would say the solar plexus, right above the belly button.
We are placing your hands in this way where your fingers are pointed forward, your hands are together in a prayer position. It’s actually just a way to focus. It’s a way to build personal power in the right way. When we say right way of course everything is your choice. We’ll say it is a healthy way. To do this exercise, put the hands at the end of the section at the solar plexus with your fingers together pointed forward. For a moment feel what it’s like and then say thank you, and release the hands. It is a way to build personal power thusly.
There is this jagged line of energy today so these are just tips we feel would benefit most people in developing their awareness of who they are, with a physical body. Because this is a bad connection, shall we say, we will have to take this up at another time but perhaps the little tips we gave you, if you put them into practice, you will find yourself expanding in a positive way. Because these things are needed to get a conscious awareness of energy that can help you while having a body.
We would like to let the channeler know we acknowledge your effort in having deeper sleep, but may we suggest energy healing as opposed to chemical healing. We are chuckling a bit because one problem with anyone who takes medication, and often we realize it can be beneficial for those with bodies, there can be blessings with that because when people have pain, they really can’t listen to much. However, we are trying to get to self-healing which empowers you. Having to use outside crutches shall we say - no judgement there - however outside crutches can interfere.
Actually personal power, in that if you think about it, you are connected to God and have a great source of healing in that. When you feel you must rely on some physical pill for comfort in your body, you give a little bit of your power over to that little pill. Now, we realize that even the saints among us on Earth can experience physical pain, and things can happen, accidents or whatever, where there are things where these medications can be very beneficial or help you gain a foothold on your own strength. But the best way for anybody’s physical healing is to learn some basic energy techniques.
We try to help whenever someone is reading this, or we help the channeler when she channels by giving healings, but this is a practice. You must practice every day to build your own personal energy and today we are developing personal power in a specific way through your awareness of utilizing the All That Is.
Gratitude. Gratitude is like a booster in this. So may we suggest beginning with gratitude and ending whatever exercise you do with this. There is a certain - we need to use that vibration word again. Yes. We’ll try to come up with something that seems more accessible but gratitude raises your vibration, which raises your connection to the All That Is.
In a nutshell, what we are trying to show you with all of this is that although you are in a physical body it does not mean you are some lower level. That’s not really what’s happening. Yes, it’s a different vibration and some things you cannot comprehend when you are in a limited space. As if, if you’re in the closet you cannot see the living room. Usually. We are laughing here. So, in a nutshell, we are trying to teach you the little thread that connects your soul, your Godself at all times no matter what level of awareness you are in. Whether you are on the Earth plane or on another level which perhaps we will go into it at another time, but really there is so much to master just on the Earth plane. There is so much development you can do that we suggest just develop yourself where you are at the moment.
Now, we are moving the channeler’s hands once again in that same way of having the hands bring energy – it’s not even bringing up Earth energy right now it’s just moving this energy. We’re moving the hands. And it’s just a way to be aware of the energy. We do hope whoever is reading this will try it. We are chuckling cause we know you’d much prefer to do that in private, wouldn’t ya? Which is fine of course. We just want you to use your hands. Your hands can be great helpers in moving energy. Not just for those people who do laying on of hands for energy, but your own self. People unfamiliar with energy can move energy by just using your hands. Moving it up, moving it around. We will try to give a picture to the channeler so she can put it out somewhere, but you can imagine it yourself. Actually often, when people allow their bodies to lead the way in healing, the body knows what it needs and what it can do. Which leads us to the last exercise today...
It can be helpful in developing an awareness of all this energy you have access to, and building your own personal power of energy, by just standing alone and allowing your body to lead you. Usually the easiest way is to see if your hands will just float. If you need to get them started that’s okay too. But after a bit of doing these things you will really become much more aware of unseen things. Which is what we’re trying to do in that exercise where we had you imagine what is behind you.
Now we are doing something different with the channeler’s hands because this is a different exercise. Not quite sure how the best way to get this to you but anyway we’ve given you enough on that. But just to say being aware of what’s behind you, and often the imagination can lead the way. It is part of you. The imagination is part of God. The imagination often is what connects you to the fullest being you can be. So we suggest you try these things. Some of them will really fit you, and if they do there are other ways you can go to expand because some people feel things in their bodies, some people hear things, some people begin with intellectual learning. But we caution you in this. We prefer the experiential way first and then you can read about how other people feel about it. It stays a little more pure that way. Because, as a human being, you have a great mind to work with, a brain. It’s not necessarily the mind of God but you have a brain that you have been given which also is a source of creativity and connection to God. The more you do these things you will discover where your strength is and what you have come with in this life, what you can learn in this life. We say this with all sincerity and we truly want you to feel it in your heart.
It is a blessing to have a body. It may not seem like it when there is so much tumult around but it truly is. We have once said there will be waves in this, there will be ripples on a pond when there is something that happens, be it sickness or accident or another trauma or hurt. And this part of the Earth is an action/reaction plane. (Sometimes we say positive/negative cause it is just easier to say it that way.) So there will always be the action/reaction, but there is a way to ride the wave. Ride the ripple. And get as much out of it in awareness and learning instead of getting like stuck. Something bad happens, you get stuck in it. Not connecting to God, or All That Is, whatever you want to call it. By not connecting to that every day you don’t know, you’re not aware, all the way that this is temporary. Life on Earth is temporary. But you are not. God is not temporary. Our hope is to offer you ways to fully appreciate your time because it goes by very quickly - actually your perception of it - but this is just such a big thing. We’re trying to make it - when you’re on Earth we only have so many slots to put things in. We are laughing. We are trying to put things into slots so that you can grasp it and move on. You have all of this inside you. Truly. There is nothing that you do not already know when you can access it. We are all God. We’re all part of God, the All That Is. We all have access. We just have our own particular flavor and that can be so wonderful to experience your own particular flavor when you’re on Earth.
Anyway, it is really time to sum up and end this session. But as always, we do wish to serve you and every single person and creature, but that’s another story. Every single person has their own angels. We connect with you and we are angels to you. We are helpers, but there are just a multitude of helpers for you and basically the trick, if you can say it’s a trick, is to not get stuck. That’s the trick. Because when you are stuck you don’t expand, and that’s the joy. There is just so so so much joy on Earth, but people seem to have lost some of the awareness of that. So this is what we wish to help you with. We bless you. We love you. We love the channeler. We love all and we thank you for your consideration. Amen.
We ask that the channeler sit for a moment after. We have information to provide for her. Amen.