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37 - Adventuring

Purity of intention. This purity of intention relates to protection.

Whenever you are expanding you will be adventuring (we know that might not be a word but that’s what you are doing). You are adventuring into new territory. And one of the crucial things that every adventurer should have is pure intent. Intentioncy (okay, yeah that’s not really a word). Intention. (Well, it’s bigger than intention, it’s rather more with grace. It is a state of being, intentioncy.) Okay, let us go back.

When you are being an adventurer and going through areas you have not been before, or rather have not been consciously aware of in this life, the purest of thoughts are what protect you.

Meaning, purity of thought will keep you in search of that which is of most benefit to you. So it is very important to set the stage for this adventuring, because it is both your protection and your guide. What we suggest is always begin with a beautiful sacred prayer, whatever works for you. The channeler will usually use that she asks that whatever happens is in the highest good of all concerned and that she be guided, guarded and protected. That’s what she uses, but use any sacred prayer that resonates with you. Because people have been raised with different religious thought, and so usually we want you to sort of begin fresh as a babe, and not be too influenced by former religious teachings cause sometimes they have other aspects which come with them. It is important however, and if you do have a prayer of protection that raises you in your purity of thought, than that is fine.

So anyway, purity of thought is the place you must begin from.

Also in this adventuring, for protected safe adventuring, that you be both connected to the highest, sacred, most beautiful, loving light energy that you are able to access, and the Earth.

Sometimes it’s helpful having a golden cord, a cord that connects, that goes all the way through your body, and connects to mother Earth - since this is where you are right now. So that the information that comes does not just get forgotten or not fully absorbed by you shall we say. And being grounded… and sometimes when you are doing this prayer of protection, because people often will ask for the highest energy they can reach and then bring it in, however they forget to go all the way to the Earth because that is your home right now.

For many people it is helpful, if they’re barefooted, to just feel their toes on the ground, their feet on the ground and just feel that ground. You are connected. You’re bringing that golden cord all the way to Mother Earth. And this is a strong - we’re trying to come up with the word - it is a big shaft of energy, pure energy.

For those of you who are aware, this is a time when you would throw down your four pillars around you. You just throw them down and that solidifies that you are in the beautiful flow of energy and you allow it to lift you. Lift your cares away. Lift yourself into the everlasting, so that you get that satellite view and that you are able to absorb peace and tranquility.

Because as you are adventuring, you would like to see new things, feel new things, be aware of energies maybe you have not been consciously aware of on Earth.

Sometimes when you are going to these less familiar planes of energy - we don’t have a good word for this - sometimes when you are going to these places… (there is another here to serve you but we’d like to finish our thought)… there will be pockets. Kind of thought pockets that have a spark to them, which will give you glimpses of perhaps skills you have developed in previous lives, or areas you have not adventured to before in this life on Earth.

For those people who’ve never tried - we’re just throwing out stuff here right now, this might not apply at all. We chuckle. Say when you are exploring in these “dimensions of opportunity”, we shall say, maybe you see a xylophone or a piano. We are chuckling here. But you can bring these glimpses back into your regular life and go “Hmmnn. Never tried playing a xylophone before” or whatever it is. Maybe you will see a little pocket, a little spark of you gardening. Sometimes these are the ways this adventuring will be beneficial to you. So when you come back to your regular Earth life you have the remembrance of you in peace and connection gardening and appreciating the soil in ways you’ve never been aware of before. All the life in it. The world that lives in the soil that you’re not aware of.

Now maybe this seems frivolous, but truly it is not, because these are the little points, the building blocks of awareness that, when you are doing this on a big scale your energy field is growing.

You are able to process multiple ideas at the same time. You can have a great appreciation that you have never had before. You just didn’t realize it.

Now right now we are speaking of things that have a physical aspect to it as far as matter is concerned. You are very familiar with matter. Well, you’ll become even more familiar with the life in the matter, and then as you progress you will realize that there is more happening. That the matter is just the tip of the iceberg of what is there.

There is an invisible beauty that you have discounted for probably much of your lifetime, if not all depending on who you are.

Perhaps maybe you feel things but you really don’t know where they come from. Anyway, this is all to say that this is this expansion. And we thank you.

This other energy which has come, which is sort of bowing in acknowledgement. There is a different kind of energy than has come through before in these sessions. Or rather it has been here in the back. The presence is there but it has been in the back because it is a primarily non-verbal presence though. This energy has had a life on Earth so can relate to your trials and tribulations. This presence is very sacred. Very calm. Very, very slow-moving presence. And it is bowing to you. We will translate this if we can. It is bowing to you acknowledging your existence but it is more than that. It is honoring your movement. And this energy has come to say that anyone who is reading or listening - we don’t usually use names but you may name this presence yourself because people have their own names for these spiritual, even religious guides in this case. This presence has skill in getting the most out of your religious training (if you have had religious training) to keep the essence of the goodness. This is a very difficult thing to translate for you because this is a non-verbal sacred energy. Suffice it to say for today, this energy - which does have a physical form it’s just non-verbal - it is honoring you. So you may invite in or not.

What happens as you develop in all these areas, is there are a lot of, shall we say, people, angels, helpers, of all different kinds of good intent, that are in the background.

They’re just in the background of your life at all times because it is difficult for human beings to focus on their own souls, shall we say. We are chuckling. It is sometimes difficult to allow in too many invisible essences when you are struggling to maintain your own flavor - your own distinct flavor as connected to God. So anyway, just know. There are many helpers in the village shall we say. But this essence is of a very high level and we too are honored and are grateful and we thank this presence for coming.

Essentially today we did want to make sure that you did set a pure intention so that you walk the path where you are able to adventure safely and that it is a beautiful experience for you.

So, if you keep in your heart… And this is where it gets a little tricky because people when they get into feeling, there are oftentimes feelings that people have that are not in their best interest. It’s not actually a pure love. There’s oftentimes longing attached to it and other things. But if you can have the purist heart, wishing the best for every person and creature and angel, wishing the highest level of love for everyone — this will keep you safe and able to expand in ways that… It is very exciting for us because any time we feel we can help, it just makes us happy. And we know that the Earth has many, oh what would you say, the Earth has a mix of positive and negative, and sometimes you succumb to hanging out in the valleys that are not beneficial to you because you get mentally stuck. You keep repeating the same survival thoughts over and over and get caught up in this vortex which we have mentioned before. And it truly isn’t necessary.

You must discipline yourself when you start going down those paths of fear and lack and anger and - you know, those things which you probably would not want .

You must discipline yourself to go, “Okay thought, I’m setting you aside right now”. You must say, “I prefer to have thoughts of what is possible. I prefer to have thoughts of being more aware of the good in all things and people.” This will help you beyond this lifetime. Truly. This lifetime is a playground, and sometimes it’s really fun and sometimes there’s a bully on the playground. Chuckle. And really sometimes these bullies are of your own making. You are attracting them by getting caught up in this vortex.

So what we would offer you as you set the stage for your grand adventure of expansion, which will expand your life on Earth as well -- it is not that you are just going through this expansion because it helps you in the everlasting, because it does, but it also makes your life on Earth just manyfold levels of appreciation.

And you will get out of the opportunity what you wanted when you came.

So, this is a little long-winded but those people who are reading will just be skipping to the parts that interest them anyway. Chuckling. And different parts connect with different people. So anyway, we were just explaining that.

Happy Adventuring! We love you. Amen.

  • Purity of intention is your protection and guide

  • Begin with a sacred prayer

  • For safety, be connected to both the highest light energy and also grounded to the Earth

  • Building blocks of awareness and how they affect your life on Earth

  • Another sacred energy and many “helpers in the village”

  • Set a pure intention and discipline your thoughts to what is possible


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