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35 - Affirmations & Confirmations

Today we wish to speak of affirmations and confirmations.

Affirmations mean what you affirm daily towards whatever expansion, soul growth, learning whatever experience you wish to have – which we suggest you add in some fun in all these things. It does not need to be a struggle to learn.

Confirmations relate to after you have witnessed what you will in the world and it confirms what you have wished for.

There is sometimes a disconnect between what is confirmed and what you affirm, and you will take note, but generally this is a “be careful what you wish for” thing because what you affirm is not always what is in the high good for your soul. Anyway, that is what we are speaking of.

Okay, I am feeling something related to sadness.

It is the overall sadness again in the world, but what we would suggest to you and those who are empathetic, or absorb energy in your surroundings, you need not absorb what is not in your highest good. So, put that out there.

Affirm that. That you do not absorb what is not in your highest good.

There are many energies now and distressment. We realize this may not be a word. We laugh. But it describes it. There is a lot of distressment out there and what we suggest is that you align yourself with the good that comes of it. In an action-reaction world there is always a, we’ll say positive-negative but it’s slightly different than that, but we suggest you attune yourself to the enfoldment - the higher attunement. Well, we realize that people can’t really relate to that so much. We laugh. To simplify, attune yourself to higher levels of joy and light. And there is that flip side…

In order to help (which most of you who are reading or listening to this would like to help your surroundings, those in your sphere) we suggest you focus on the possibilities of what could happen in a good way. And we suggest you affirm this.

So once again, allow for the possibility of good and affirm this, that this is the experience you wish to have.

And always, we suggest that what you wish for be in the highest good of all concerned. And then as far as what confirms, meaning what you will see, you will find benefit that you did not realize. But if you are not seeking it and are just caught up in the suction going downward, the negative vortex which we have spoken of before, you will not attune yourself to the great benefit. We know you must understand that when you suddenly become aware of something new, you will start to see it everywhere. Well this is true of great benefit as well, so be on the lookout for the flip side when things are negative.

This is me. Right now I’m being cleared. I feel a lot of energy in my head.

What we are doing right now with the channeler to help her, and you can do this through your Godself and angelic help if you prefer, is utilize this energy. It’s called different things in different cultures, sometimes they call it Chi, sometimes... current scientists have a different take on it but anyway, we are using this energy to clear out old thought patterns.

What happens for most people is they’ll have thought patterns that sort of calcify, meaning they have been thought so many times they become almost like matter.

And so, when expanding and speaking and getting more free to your Godself, it is sometimes helpful to sort of breakdown these calcified thoughts that are not of service anymore, or at least sort of making them more malleable so that the energy can flow properly, even through the brain. Coincidentally, this often happens when people get older, because they have experienced life on Earth in a particular way for a long time, whereas babies it’s all new to them, so there aren’t these calcified thoughts. They experience things for the first time. But through a lifetime of naming things, and going “this is what this is”, it becomes a form.

To allow in higher energies with the channeler we are continuing doing this energy work as she is channeling. Just something interesting for you. We laugh.

What we wish for everyone, should they wish it for themselves, is to make use of their time in a body.

Now, truly time and space are not -- people on Earth experience them as linear, we should say. But whether you experience it as linear, even if it is not actually linear, there is still a certain soul appreciation that can take place when people fully delve into their life on Earth in a body. It can be a very fun way to be a co-creator with God.

It also brings great comfort when fully knowing that it is just a temporary experience and, as we had said so many times, those you love – the essence – will be connected to you. There is an everlasting quality to love, so the great tragedies on Earth have a bit of a different feel to them when you realize this is a temporary experience. What we do not wish for though, is for those to feel they have had a bad vacation so to speak, and never want to take another vacation. Smiling. So that would be missing the great good fortune of being alive.

Today, we wish to attune people to their own ability to create, and much of this does have to do with working with energy.

Whether you are aware of it or not, that is what you are doing. Right now we are moving energy, helping the channeler with her own gifts, moving her own energy, and this is what we would like for you.

Should it be helpful for you, just stand in a solitary place if you can. We say solitary because the less distraction, the easier it is to feel this energy, and the easiest way is with your hands. You may put your hands close together, not touching but close together. Begin by seeing if you feel anything, any heat or what you might call twinkling – we laugh – which is just sort of a sparkly energy. This is the first step. Actually for most of you, just being able to achieve that is a big growth enhancement. Just being aware of it because then, if you do this daily, you will be able to realize worlds that are going on that you had no conscious awareness of. Of course your Godself, as being part of All That Is in your own flavor, will be aware of it. But your conscious – it is a great benefit to be able to be alive in a body and utilize this great unseen energy to affirm something, with thought and focus, and then when it comes in the world (or something slightly different but you know this was helped by your movement of energy) then you can confirm it.

May we suggest you always end any energy session with a thank you.

A thank you to beloved Mother Earth who in some ways has allowed this as a home for your body, and God of course (which you probably should put in first position – we laugh), any angels and helpers and sages and wise ones who are working with you. Thanking them is always appreciated and it is even in your best interest. Being grateful raises your own vibration always. So, that is for you. We laugh.

This is probably enough for today but we probably will do another session on energy work, energy healing. But for those of you who find energy work interesting or compelling you may pursue reiki or tai chi… We prefer the most relaxed modes because, although you need structure and structure can be helpful, just know that being too set in a certain way – yes there are universal laws that energy works with and through, but you, your higher self, your Godself, is the best teacher. This is what we wish you would attune to first, is your own God. But other people and cultures who have tread this path can help you with what worked for them. So, we will leave it at that.

Oh, we realize there is so much happening on this plane at this time. There are many self-destructive elements going on which is very sad to us because they are so very unnecessary and counterproductive to a beneficial beautiful Earth experience, but please look for the opportunity there. Please look for the opportunity of what needs to change to benefit the human race. It’s really rather as simple as that, because when you work with what benefits the human race you benefit yourself, beyond when you have a physical body even. So it is a win-win for you to work with this. And we are continually moving energy as we have said with the channeler, which we hope to have great healing results for her and for her own work with this energy.

And we do hope this is of benefit to you and, as we have said, we will connect with those who ask for our help. Please always say that it be in the highest good of all concerned because you want to sift out unnecessary, distraction energy.

You know, this is a big universe and you absolutely can have the best if you wish it.

Thank you for listening or reading. Amen.



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