New Energies, Holding a Space
Enlightenment. What do people want when they speak of enlightenment?
I see the word enlightenment with a question mark.
There is some humor with us when people speak of enlightenment in that they often really have no idea what that means, and that people are moving towards enlightenment whether they know it or not. We are chuckling. Expansion is another subject because expanding is a word that people can do things in order to expand. Enlightenment is a state of being, not a verb.
Ok, we are getting off the subject of what we wish to speak of today, so we will begin anew.
Begin Anew. This is the quest of many at this time.
The life... (what you would consider life, there is a better word for this) there are certain, we shall say, hills and valleys in peoples’ lives on Earth. There are times when it is easy to roll down a hill because there are forces that help you roll down the hill - gravity or whatever - and then also that energy, that momentum, will take you up another side of the hill to a certain degree. But it will not carry you all of the way.
So, when we speak of a time to renew, how does this relate?
When one is renewing, one is essentially inventing oneself. People may be familiar with cell turnover and that energy is always present. Movement is always present. But the Earth can provide opportunities to get up the other side of the hill. Rather than trying to slog away and force things up, to claw yourself up the hill, we suggest a different way of working with the natural energy that is presented. In which case we suggest as always, going within. Because of that you will be aware of other ways of utilizing energy that you are not aware of at this state on Earth. You are quite familiar and comfortable with matter. But, if you are to consider that matter has space and energy between it, you will realize there are other ways to get up the hill. Now, we do not want to be too airy fairy. We wish to be able to relay this to you in clear small bites that you can digest at one time. So, we will begin your renewal.
When anyone pursues expansion which many people think will lead to enlightenment, but that's a slightly different thing. It’s a bigger thing.
When one pursues expansion, occasionally you will come across areas of resistance.
Often fear will come up because, of course, you are used to believing yourself in control. Not that this is actually true, but it is a very big profound belief that people have on Earth, and the ego is your protector in some ways. So whenever one is asked to put their ego aside for a greater purpose, it's a can be daunting. So, this is what we suggest for those people that wish to get helpful information and expand themselves, without feeling like they do not know where it is coming from, the information. This is what we suggest...
Ok. We are going to use the channeler's hands to lift and purify... because this is what is coming up for her.
There are times in anything where you will go to a certain level and then you will plateau for a bit where it seems that nothing is happening. This is not always true. Yes, you can get stuck and as we have said, that's not where anyone really wants to be. But there is a bit of difference between plateauing, and where you are still absorbing energy and processing it and putting it in a more palatable form. And that is what is happening right here, because these energies that the channeler is experiencing are less familiar to her. Because this universe is big. It's a big universe and there are all different of Gods creations in it. This can be a little tricky because as we have said, even viruses are connected to God, and yet you do not want an overgrowth of one virus that is detrimental to you. You still must receive things in a balanced way. OK. And that is all that is happening right here. We are I would say her most familiar angels, not that there are not many teachers on a, we hate to say higher level, but there is more wisdom that she has worked with before and will continue to work with, but it is less familiar to her in this life.
And so you, as a listener or reader, will come across this as well. You will discover unfamiliar territory which might lead you to be uneasy. But it is important to distinguish between what is uneasy because it is unfamiliar, and what is uneasy because it is not in your highest good.
So always, always demand it.
Demand that whatever comes to you be in the highest good of all concerned.
Your intention is a huge amount of protection. As we say, people can tune in on all different levels as this is a big universe. And your intention is focusing on where you want to go, and asking God’s help, and help from angels that are working in your behalf, so that you receive information that is helpful and not just a waste of time or negative. There are other things that we could add to this, but this for another time, because we have gotten a bit off our point.
OK. What we would suggest people do is focus on the stillness, patiently.
And we wish to say listen to the stillness because in your previous, shall we say, training on Earth you, most of you, will only be able to hear the loud, loud messages. And we are now, with your expansion, wanting you to hear, to experience the subtle energies. We are hoping they generate now with these energies - which are different though very calming and loving, but less familiar.
Our analogy, which is not quite right but we will just say it, is that people who are gifted in music, often people when they’re first starting out really only hear the loud noises, the easy things to understand. That is what they comprehend. But as they develop, they might even hear harmonics. They might be aware of the subtle differences between one note and another note. And this is what we are trying to help you with right now.
We ourselves, angels, are energetically opening a door, helping open a door for those people who have intent, high intent, loving intent.
We will rephrase this. Everyone is a part of God. Everyone has access to All That Is. But just as it is easy to play a beautiful piece of music with subtlety and expression etc. once you have done training, it is the same with being able to listen. (Not just be a translator which is what the channeler is, she’s a translator.) By being regularly connected you will grow this ability to listen. And it might not come to you in words, this listening. We do not just mean through the ears, it is sort of a “listening with your soul”, so that this sort of can permeate you, so that you just know things that are helpful to you and those around you.
In fact, if we were to begin a new book right now or an article, whatever would be helpful, we would call this “Listening with Your Soul”.
Some people will hear things when they regularly connect, those are very lucky people. Most will just know it in their hearts. The knowledge, combined with intent and focus, will not only bring great joy and balance and less fear of this lifetime, it brings about greater appreciation of that which being alive offers.
We dare say when people have experienced an earthly form, and then they are no longer in that earthly form, one of the things they realize is they were not very aware of just even the senses they were given.
They really sort of ignored the subtleties... of when you touch something and feel it. There are just different subtleties. There are subtleties with vision. There are subtleties with hearing. And it is those things that oftentimes people have just skimmed the surface of, and then they want to go right back. But that's not always what is the best move for them.
Ok, once again, we are just giving bits of information. While we are doing this, we are moving energy because in order for us to be able to give the translator an entire book, it’s an entire experience that requires a lot of focused energy. And she is rusty. Not rusty as far as picking up messages, but rusty in terms of holding. Holding a space for energy. This is different than holding onto energy. That is not what the goal is for you either. It is not to hold onto it, but what it is, is you are holding a space for energy.
So another tip in your meditation or your listening, is to think of it in this way – that you are holding a space.
God will fill this space with what is needed for you. But holding a space is what you can do. Holding a space actually is easier than you might think. You just have your intent. “I am here holding space for the source God to fill me with that which is needed at this time, in the highest good, in my highest good, and the highest good of all who come in contact with me.”
Ok, right now, since we realize you cannot see this, we are moving the channeler's hands -- both hands are moving. There is sort of a thing you see in medicine. There is a symbol in medicine, and that is what is happening with this energy.
Note: This is similar to the symbol I saw…
And part of what is needed right now, are people to break out of their constrained thoughts of what disease is, so that answers to which they are seeking can come.
That is what is happening with researchers. They must expand to get that which is in the highest good of the populations, but we also suggest this for anyone. To hold a space to be filled with, first of all love, always love, but love can be construed as a frequency really -the healing frequency. And so, this is what is happening when you are tuning in. This is why the symbol of - it is sometimes given for physicians - you see that the energies work together. It is almost like strands of DNA, that you may be more familiar with, of working together.
So, OK. There is another here, actually another view being expressed.
We are putting the channeler’s hands in the position which we have done before, which is like, from the solar plexis, with the fingers together in prayer, but pointing forward as opposed to up.
Pointing forward we are gathering energy. It is in a grounded way. Higher frequencies, oh, how do we explain this? OK, we will move on.
Just so you understand, in our quest in this session we are rather moving different energies, so these pieces of information come out more like pieces, as opposed to one easily understood thought or chapter. Our hope is that all of us working together, and we mean all on the angelic realm (in the helper realm we should say, the high helper realm) so that the channeler will be able to develop enough stamina to take in an entire workbook.
That's not exactly right. One of the things, is we angels, because we are gathering together information from many sources, we do not even know what is to come. So, it is grounding in faith, grounding in love.
We are trying to make a connection, so that when people are out of form, shall we say, that there is no fear because they are clearly connected. They have made the internal umbilical cord to their Source, then realize it is just their time.
And those people who it is not their time, they can move with equilibrium in the world and still enjoy what the world has to offer. We mean the world of physical, the Earthly plane. It is hard to remember these blessings when there is tumult around you. It may be more difficult in some ways but it certainly focuses you. So, our message, the main message we have is for you to connect with Source every day, but we will take it from there. Meaning, once you are connected and we (should you wish it and you must wish help) because we are in serving mode, shall we say, this is when we can take it from there and show you things.
We realize this is a bit disjointed but there is a lot, a lot, a lot of fragmented energy in the world right now, in the Earthly plane.
You'll certainly see it around you, and sadness, not just with human beings but sadness of the creatures, and the flora and fauna. And we wish for people to find peace. We have said that it is a time to ride the ripple so we say, but we will go a step further this time.
We wish you to find peace in riding the ripple.
OK. We wish to speak of enlightenment at another time, because we don't feel like we were, like we relayed information that's helpful.
It is difficult to put in words things which are experiential, because by putting them in words you are just missing a lot. We will go back to our music analogy. You can tell somebody what it sounds like to hear an absolutely stirring multi-level experience of music, but when you just talk about it, it's just not there. But it can sort of lead someone into an awareness that it is possible, which is what we are doing. We wish to let you know there is a grand symphony for you.
And now we are going back to the center. We are putting the channeler's hands together, and part of the fingers in prayer going forward is like you are connected to God through an umbilical cord. Let us say this. And this is you in your own flavor, your own particular essence of God, though connected to God, and that's what this position can help you with. It is a position of personal power. Yes, personal power but connected to God, truly coming from God, but focused personal power connected to the Source. We’ll be quiet for a moment so she can absorb this connection. We suggest you do the same...
So, if you can think to do this every day, it is another development technique. You will do this with deep slow breaths, and exhale gratitude. Inhale love, and exhale gratitude.
We thank you for listening. We are now putting our prayerful hands in front of our heart. This position actually connects the heart and throat chakras so that you say what your true authentic self feels.
We thank you for listening and we... OK, there is another angel here that we would like to let speak. It is different, though loving, like a sage, we should say.
Another energy…
"So we thank you, we are grateful to be here. We are quietly sending you love, and this is all we wish you to know, that we are quietly sending you love at all times but especially during these times when you are challenged. We are here."
Back to familiar angels…
Ok. That is it for today. We hope through this disjointed session that you will find - you will be able to absorb the essence of it. We thank all for their accommodation, their consideration. Ok, we were doing pretty well but now we cannot think of the correct words, so we laugh. We love you. Have a wonderful life. We laugh again.