Today we wish to speak of Championing. Championship, and by that we mean putting your support onto those people and causes that resonate with you.
You as an individual, and all individuals, have causes that are resonant with them.
Sometimes these causes, or people, need voltage, and by voltage we mean a means to get extra energy, so that they may on the Earth bring into fruition those ideas and causes that are in the highest good of both all concerned, and the individual themselves. It is a resource. So, this championshipping can go to strangers that you hear of and can lend support. The reason for this is because many sensitive individuals who are aware of the greater good have a sensitivity – a – we are struggling with the word here – but they need more energy to get past their own fragile egos to put out in the world what they wanted to do before they incarnated – to get these messages out.
So, our message to you, and to those who are getting this information, is that it is important to support people of like intention.
It helps them. It helps you in the larger, unseen to you, picture. It creates a net, a net of connection that in some ways is the – we are struggling here again but basically, we are trying to get across there is a strength in numbers.
And so, this is just a reminder to both be a champion to those causes and people that you want to support, but also to be your own champion.
Many of you will have to create your own imaginary champion.
Now, you can connect to your Higher Source where it will come flowing more strongly, but for those of you who are still “working on the connection” shall we say, there is nothing wrong with creating your own champion. Whether it be an unseen angel that you can name yourself for this specific purpose, or a place, or a rock, or something to hold that puts you in the space of being your own supporter. We ask, as we always do, that you say a prayer that it be in the highest good for all concerned because of course we know this is what you want, rather than just an exercise in –- we hesitate to say ego because there is a great uh – the ego is not something negative. It’s often used as something negative, but it is really just yet another tool towards your creation, and sometimes indeed a fragile ego can be a hindrance.
Okay, we wanted to get this out to you and everyone because in these times it is really important to be bold…
There is another here to serve you.
We ask that you just feel this energy because this is an energy, and we as your regular angels so to speak, are translating this to you and all who are listening. We ask that you try to connect with this loving energy because it is sending – Actually please just absorb this. Thank you.
Okay, because this is experiential and indeed not of this vibration, this is a bit hard to translate, but we do hope that those who are listening or reading this besides you will take a moment and listen. This is in the hopes that they will receive this information.
It relates to many people ascending at one time, or rather transforming from form back to Soul, back home, going back home. And we do hope that through all of the people we are trying to get this information to, and this relates to the net we were talking about earlier, that many more people will be connected directly to their own Source so that there is not a flood of confusion at one time when people change from Earthform. That they don’t hang out longer than they want to or need to, but that they ascend more smoothly. It is a lot easier if they already are aware of the connection. Of course, everyone will progress in their own time, but why struggle when you don’t need to. Right?
Okay, just to clarify, to get this energy to those who are listening or reading will be done invisibly when someone is sleeping when there’s less resistance, as usually people have when they are awake in the world. And we use the awake term even though it’s not actually accurate but it’ll work for you. Okay, so this information will be given at a different time to anyone whose reading this. Some things are energetic and at different levels so we cannot always distill it down to words, because words have their own vibration, as thoughts have their own vibration. We are just wanting for ourselves and for you, and because we believe firmly this is in the highest good of all, that any encouragement, or nudging, or championshipping on our part will help you in your growth.
And so, we ask everyone, should they choose to, because of course it is their choice, to more consciously choose what they support.
Sometimes it is helpful to know what is behind things. Let’s see how to clarify this. Like… okay, we could go into specifics of supporting certain companies that are in resonance with you, but basically you don’t need to worry about that so much as to just first champion the people around you. Encourage them when they are doing things that you believe are in the highest good for people. Be bold in your praise, be bold with your insights, be bold by being your own champion, and if you have to make one up, you do this. Now, of course there are many angels that are your champions but not everyone can -- listens that well shall we say, and we are laughing here. In any case, you are a co-creator with God. Create your own champion and listen to your created champion, and of course, always you be sure it is resonant with your core. Your high intention is always your protection and great good fortune. But you listen, and there might be ideas that will float in that you’ll go “that would be helpful. I’ll follow that.”
Okay, this is our simple message for today. Be a champion for yourself and others.
We ask that you spend a little more time cleaning out your connection, meaning more time in nature, silently asking for cleaning. We would suggest also because water is a great – drinking water, being in water, makes it easier to transmit this energy so our suggestion is more time drinking water and being in water and purposefully clearing your field daily, at least daily. If you want to put this in you can because that’s probably good for everyone. You and probably all who are listening and reading need practice in silence. You will hear more easily when you are not talking. We are chuckling a bit but also it is just really true. That’s the message for today.
So, go be a champion. We love you and we are you’re champions as well, or rather we are sending our thanks and encouragement to you. Amen.