What we are here for is to help people with their own individual spiritual growth. You can help others the most by helping yourself, raising your own vibration.
As a creature of God, you are bestowed with, beyond inalienable rights, you are bestowed with creative powers.
When you live in a time that is not what you enjoy or would like to see, your responsibility is merely to yourself to create what you believe would be good in the world. Being shy about this, or weak because you’re not worthy bla bla bla - we are laughing of course - does not help anything. Mostly does not help you. So, look around. What do you see in this world, on this plane, that YOU would like to create something different, or create something unheard of. This is what YOU should do. And when we say should we actually mean what you may choose to do, which we, hint, feel would be good for you.
So, in creating what you wish to see in the world, as always, we suggest you do things that you would want for the everlasting.
Connections, and helpful energy, are what will help you beyond this plane.
Many of you have also come here to teach other people, to help them find themselves. So we suggest you lead by example. Examples are what inspire people.
What do you believe in? What rings true with your sense of integrity?
Although time and space is hard to truly comprehend when you’re on the Earth plane, we are aware there are still times that are more helpful. And we had hoped, with the traumas we had forseen (cause indeed some of them were already set up - the intense struggle not so necessary perhaps) we had wanted to give tools to those who are not consciously connected to their Source. Obviously, everyone is connected to their Source and also not everybody wishes to be consciously connected to their Source. This is their choice. Indeed, this might be what they are learning. However, many people when faced with such confusion and struggle and uncertainty and have lost their bearings, this is what will help them. If anything, it alleviates fear which we would like them to learn in the most beneficial way forward without getting stuck. Which sometimes people in fear are rather stuck in one place unable to evolve. So we had wished to help them and also you, channeler, to remind you all of the gifts you possess which you were not using.
This is much more light hearted than people take it, and the channeler, you, included. Really there is a lightness of being in fun and comedy and the joy that...
Sometimes small children will delight in the smallest creations. The smallest things they see will delight them totally and there is no reason to lose that as you age.
It is a harder one for us to encourage you in because... Spiritual evolution is not some big difficult thing you have to do. There can be immense joy and fun and lightness when you’re developing.
The great gift of Earth is that you can create and then think what you’ve created is pretty great.
A small child may build something in the sand that they perceive as an amazing work of art, and they have intense joy with it. And then they leave the beach and the thing they created gets washed away or deteriorates, but truly, they do not usually go through life remembering every sandcastle they created.
But the amazing thing on Earth is you can keep creating things, and this essential joy in creation is the great opportunity here.
Now we realize with struggles, which the Earth plane does also have that aspect to it, but it does not negate that – just because there are difficult times – does not negate, in fact it’s more important than ever, that you attune to the joyful creative side. Sometimes the funniest times come at the most difficult times. This is a little harder for us to give examples cause it is true that people tend to lose their sense of humor when something hurts them deeply. But, most of the time your life on Earth is not constantly difficult. So make use of those times. Look for that little spark of light and humor and pleasure and kindness. Kindness that you can bestow on every human or creature or – we are trying to get to this but this is being felt so deeply by the channeler that words are harder to get out so we will leave it at that. Surpass. Surpass those more difficult times through intentional thought.
Okay, this next part is a healing for the channeler and we do wish that if you are reading this or listening to this that you take a moment and feel. If you can feel just an essence of how much love we have for you, it would, not only would make us feel good, yes, but would be so healing for you.
So just take a moment to feel how wonderful you are...
... and having an interest in your own development is exactly what is needed for everyone, and we commend you for even being available.
So - okay, we are trying to come up with a symbol that you can focus on that will make you laugh. But we’re a bit at a loss. If there is something that makes you laugh, we are showing a dancing frog but we know that's pretty -- that might just seem way to silly for you, but something. You must have something that comes up, perhaps unexpected at this time, but something that comes in and just tweak it so it is joyful, meaning if there is somebody's face that you know comes in, imagine them really happy. If there is anything that has brought you joy where you can feel the love, just feel this now. And now we will be quiet.
Okay, we are sending glad tidings to you and we are grateful for you and grateful for the All That Is, and hope you will be able to enjoy this rather than have it a struggle. Because truly, truly, truly that is not necessary. Okay, we definitely need to stop. We’re going over a little bit these days but we need to honor the agreement that we have made so we wish you all a wonderful life. Go experience it. Love. Amen.