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26 - Deforestation

Today will be different. We’re not starting on the project yet. We are still gathering energies and hope that you are healing yourself.

Deforestation. Today we wish to speak of what needs to happen in the world – the number one thing for humans…

I don’t know if I have this right. I just keep seeing deforestation, deforestation.

The tragedy, though this is not exactly accurate, but for those who wish to speak what they can focus on in being helpful, is the deforestation that is occurring. We normally do not speak of things that are what you would say mundane issues, but in this case, it is one of the basic things that human beings must do to make a shift in sustaining themselves. Because many creatures who may not have lungs as humans but they still need this, this generosity of trees. It’s actually just part of their makeup to give, to give to human beings and other creatures, even those without lungs. What they do, they are a blessing and they are needed for survival.

So, perhaps a focus at this time is looking long-term and not like destroying yourself.

The world will survive without you. We hate to put it that way but it will. The earth will balance itself out, the universe will balance itself out. The creatures will die off. It’s not that this is the first time the Earth will be deforested. It’s just that, in this case, the deforestation can be in your purview – it can be something you can do something about, which is - there is a healing vibrational aspect to it. And, you may be able to find harmony in nature but without those things that nature provides - and human beings just seem to feel entitled to take without giving - harmony may occur, but you may not be a part of it.

Because if you want to live, and we are speaking of humankind, there are other ways to keep economies going without uh - we could use the expression shooting yourself in the foot but it’s such an unappealing term - but basically, those things that keep the human world and the natural world intact are those things to focus on right now.

Because one of the things about the forests that we want to emphasize is that they are renewing.

In nature when they are burned and seeds are given nutrients enough to live, that is sort of a natural harmony of nature. But deforestation, the destruction without the added natural harmony of nature to renew, there is a timing aspect to it. (We have said there is a timing aspect to the earth plane which is not necessarily - it’s irrelevant on other planes.) But that is one thing an individual can do. Support that.

Okay, we will move on.


This is difficult getting this to you. Just as we have told you drinking water, being in water, that it is a transmitter of helpful energies, there are other things that are more destructive to that balance which is why we brought up what’s happening. Deforestation.

We wish you to be aware of comparisons, of comparing that which is good for the most - not just human beings but for the whole planet. Comparing things by saying “Is this good for the planet? Is this neutral for the planet?” And by the planet we actually just mean life on earth, so that this beautiful plane does not just become a cold rock. You know, it’s just beautiful. It’s a great, kind of Garden of Eden really. Anyway, we digress.

We want you in your daily life to be more aware of “Is this good for the planet? Is this neutral for the planet? Is this destructive?”

And those things that you find destructive, there will be many things that appear to you. It is in your capability to make choices. So, what is coming up are obvious things like plastic. It’s not very good for many, many creatures. Certain chemicals are not very good for many, many creatures. And some of these things that you as humankind have messed with cause imbalances which bring out an overgrowth of organisms, viruses etc. that are not in your own best interest. And we are laughing because this is ludicrous how bad this is for your own selves.

So, we wish to encourage you going forward to be aware of in your daily life whether something, in all areas, is good, neutral, or not so good, not helpful.

Okay, we are moving another here to help you.

Today we are preparing the channeler, and this is for everyone. For all of you who are aware of your spiritual path, and we say everyone has a spiritual path but not everyone seems to be consciously aware of it, consciously aware. Not subconsciously, of course everyone is, and as you prepare yourself for an expansion which will be unfamiliar, there is a certain amount of resistance and fear that comes up. And what we say is, if you want to expand, is to bring it down to the basic thing. And that is...

... to connect with the All That Is and choose who you would want to be if you had access to unlimited possibility.

You can start small and just play with your newfound connection, meaning usually what happens as people develop spiritually, they are able to make a connection to the wholeness of things. They will see a poetry in their life. They will find they will think of someone and then perhaps that person appears the next day. They will have vivid dreams, perhaps see colors that they’re not used to seeing in this plane. Perhaps this connection makes us realize that we are all connected.

We all have our own flavor of gifts. We are all connectant.

And because of that, it allows us to not be caught up in little wars and petty grievances. It allows us to actually focus on what's joyful around. And that joy in itself expands people. Its joy is inclusive. Joy is large.

The channeler has a question. What does all this mean? Why is there an ascension in the first place? We would like to answer it thusly. It is not possible from your view on the earth plane, on the physical plane, to be able to experience other planes except sort of glimpses, little essences of them. It is a big question, but what we can say in just this physical Earth plane, is that you do not have to see the big picture – which of course you have access to because you have access to All That Is – but this particular area is where you develop awarenesses of different things. Like - like learning through playing a game. We guess that’s the best we can say. We will try to access that question to make it easier to bring it down to this level and we don’t even know if that’s possible.

Okay, there is another here.

Because the channeler is not all the way ready for the next section - there needs to be physical strength because this is on the earth plane. There needs to be harmony to start the next project. But there are things to be thinking about, for everyone to be thinking about. That is… who do you want to be? The first part of this whole Ten Minutes to Freedom was “Who am I?” That really was the essence of the self-discovery. But preparing for the next journey, should you wish to take it, is...

“Who do you want to be?”

Granted you are on the Earth plane, and so it just can be who do I want to be on the Earth plane? What do I want to support? Who do I want to be around? Or, who do I want to be if I have access to greater?

Most people will benefit and find harmony through daily connection, and those people who do not pick up, do not translate language as is what is happening right now, they still can pick up information in all different ways to make their missions well, what they wanted to do in this life, to see how they can fulfill them. So always every single time, every single time, and we are laughing uproariously because we do say this every single time… spend ten minutes with your Source, your Creator, your God, your All That Is, and then we who wish to help you can more easily help you. And if you do not wish help, this is fine. This is fine. This is just what we offer. But as we have said, your helpers and angels offer this freely. They offer help freely. Very few people say thank you. That’s why it’s so special when someone thanks their angels.

So we are way past time and we will continue another day so go lead a glorious life.

Sometimes restrictions have a way of focusing a person so they will move in a direction. It’s sort of self-correcting.

It’s a time to self-correct and it might seem uncomfortable but I suggest you look at this time, all time really, as an opportunity. We suggest rather. We are speaking with one voice. It just makes it easier. We are trying to connect with all who read or listen to this and you will know because there will be a feeling of calm and peace and usually you will feel grateful for it. And we are grateful for you.

We enjoy the exchange of love and so we thank you for this time and we do love you quite a lot. Amen.



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