I see a word. It’s not really a word but I’ll say it anyway. Okay, the word is escapement.
Escapement. We wish to speak of this today because there are many people on this planet - actually it’s even bigger than just people but we will stick with human beings... we chuckle - many people feel like they want to escape right now because the trials and tribulations of what is going on right now on this Earth, and what they forsee in their own minds is very dire. It is true that it looks quite, quite dire. However, what we would strongly like to offer is that much of this is self-created, not necessarily individually but certainly as a whole of mankind. And what we mean is that people are caught up in a survivalist mentality instead, in a survivalist mentality which is coloring everything they see. And granted, there are many things going on which would support those thoughts, however what we would like to suggest is that a mere focusing of thoughts is what has the potential to improve this situation dramatically.
We wish you, and all who read or listen to this, to realize that imaginative focus is what is required at this time.
This we have spoken of before, but we urge you very strongly, especially those who realize the negativity that is happening so that they can refocus their thoughts towards solutions, and not getting caught up and stuck in this whirlwind of thoughts and creations around them. It is not difficult to change the focus of the planet. It is not. But it does require looking for solutions even when the facts in evidence do not appear to support that. So, may we suggest humbly, please on a daily basis spent moments, just moments, focusing on what a healthy thriving supportive civilization what it could look like. You will be given many things that show up in your life that might look grim. This is the nature of the earth plane.
But this does not mean at all that you are powerless, indeed you are not powerless.
These, what you would consider factual representations of disaster, can give you the contrast so that it is easier to go “I don’t want this, but I DO want this.” So you as an individual, every person on this planet at this time as individuals can imagine both the planet as healthy and thriving and releasing of this compacted negative thoughts, as well as in their own lives.
People still have their missions that they wanted to pursue when they incarnated.
Many people of course are not aware of these missions consciously. But that does not mean at all that they are not unconsciously aware of these missions, because they are.
So, it is all about creation and the power of creation by being connected to your Source, because truly this is the only way that you can get where you would want to go. Truly being connected to your Source, God, All That Is, while being connected and blessing the home which you have been given, the Earth. Doing this simultaneously, and bringing in thoughts for the good however you wish to design it in your own mind. But essentially it is thoughts. Focus on thoughts. Now you will have to bring in fabrication as we have brought up previously because it is just at this point an imagining. Now you will also link up vibrationally with other people who will have like thoughts, but actually this linking up it is your own doing, linking up people with like thoughts. And this ability to do this in groups can be very helpful, because this requires a lot of focused thought which is going against the fearful thoughts, the survival thoughts, the powerless thoughts, those thoughts which sadly many people are succumbing to right now. And it is totally, absolutely not necessary. It’s not necessary. You are all powerful beings because you are part of God. You are an extension of God in your own flavor.
So please do not fall into the trap of doubt and sadness and feeling lost. And we say this, even though we realize many people will be caught up in grief. But this does not mean that the joy is gone.
Those people you love, you will continue to love, and you will connect albeit in a different form perhaps.
Perhaps a more similar form. But you will be connected in a - what you might say conscious way – even if these people have passed away.
But you still have your individual missions, so do not give up on them. Do not give up on the great, incredible opportunity that this life still has. And when you are doing things that are in the highest good of all concerned - which is merely just daily focusing on the greater good and the greater good includes good for yourself - when you do this you will feel a love in your heart that perhaps you have not been consciously aware of in this incarnation. You will feel the love and you can certainly, certainly feel the joy. There is nothing wrong with feeling the joy even when surrounded with what you would consider painful events. Indeed it is your birthright as being part of the greater creation. And it does not help anybody being caught up in sorrow.
Now we say this and naturally we do realize that there are people who will feel great sorrow.
Because many people are sympathetic to those people also who are going through sorrowful things, so it sort of builds on itself. But you can be compassionate and feel sad because you have lost people or ideas or – and we say ideas because it can be a way of life that is lost – that you will feel this loss. You can feel this loss at the same time you are connected to true love and joy. It is hard to explain this unless you experience this connection on a daily basis...
... Because you will realize that there is nothing that can throw you on this Earth plane. There is nothing that is a true tragedy beyond wasting the opportunity here.
So, we encourage you to connect daily to - and this is extremely important at this time – to look for the miracle you wish to happen in this world and realize that the love you feel is everlasting. It might seem difficult for some of you to really take this in and absorb it and know it to be true. But, we’re here to tell you it is true.
There is a consortium of angels being brought in, working through this source at this time, and we do wish to help those people who are feeling lost and disconnected. We wish to help work with them so they know on the deepest, deepest level, not just unconsciously which they do, but consciously so they know this.
We have spoken many times about life on Earth and being incarnated, and that sometimes it is a matter of finding peace in the ripples, because this plane will have positive and negative. It is a way to experience different things that you might not be able to do in some other dimension. What we do want to reiterate which we have said before, human beings are the loudest creatures consciously on the planet right now making choices. They are. Of course God, the Source, All That Is, is the biggest Source, but what can happen are the individuals, human beings, through their own focus of thought can create unnecessary pain. But what we want to say is that human beings may be the loudest people in the room right now as we have said before, but they are by no means the only creatures in the room. And by creatures we also include things that you’re not aware of, energies that you’re just not aware of but it is, because you have been blessed being a human being on this planet, there is a certain amount of… it’s sort of like responsibility.
But it is important that you realize there are creatures, there are flora and fauna and energies that work together and have worked together a lot for a long period of time, so that there is harmony.
And even though there are the ripples being alive at this time, this harmony allows a balance where all humans, creatures and entities are able to experience things that they might not normally be able to experience.
We don’t want to get sidetracked so that people go you know, “what are you talking about? Trees have a consciousness? Rocks have a consciousness?” We don’t really want to get into that because that is not what you need to focus on so much. You need to focus on the solution and realize there are other… say it is an animal, there are other creatures that do not deserve cruelty or obliteration. We bring up the forests because this is one of the things that can be helped. We realize that deforestation, the lungs of the world, your ability to live on this planet, are also affected by climate change. Now there has been climate change of a natural variety not by human beings on and off for many eons. However, there is some climate change which human beings can make things a little bit easier by not contributing to. We would like, and we have gone over at this time in this session, but we would like you to focus on those things that you can help with. For example, plastics in the ocean.
By focusing on a solution to poisoning the ocean, by imagining sparkling clean water where the creatures that make their homes there are safe and happy (from those aspects anyway.) This is within your purview.
So because, and we do realize this truly, because there are so many issues going on, on so many levels right now, the best thing that you can do, when you first connect - which we hope you are doing daily, connecting to your Source daily and you will likely have to imagine this in the beginning til you can actually feel this energy happening – is imagine yourself being lifted out of this vortex (of doubt and sometimes greed, sometimes mostly people believing they’re doing the right thing but are unaware of what really would be the right deed) but being lifted out of this vortex into a harmonious loving space.
We, as a consortium of helpers, will do our best to lift you when you regularly focus on this.
Of course, you will continue on, not in an earthly body but you will continue on, and you will be far happier, satisfied and further along in your development, shall we say, if you feel like you have been able to fulfill your God given missions. Now sometimes these missions, which we have spoken of at different times and there are a wide variety of missions, we chuckle, but you individuals as members of humankind can help dramatically by focusing your thoughts. Taking action, of course, of course. But it begins with a focus of thought and upliftment. Meaning being lifted energetically so everything falls into place in a positive fulfilling manner. Okay, this is our message for today.
We want you to realize you are so very, very loved. We do wish you would feel this, and if in the beginning you might only feel it very slightly, know that there is much, much more that is available to you.
And whenever you do feel like escaping all of these problems, this is not the opportunity. You may feel that way but that is because you need to refocus your thoughts so that you create goodness in your life, so that you create what you would wish to see in the world. By many people doing this, this beautiful life and opportunity will be apparent.
Okay, this is me. I am feeling a different kind of energy right now. What I am hearing is that you doing this is profound because there’s so much help of all different kinds that it would be hard for people to imagine it consciously.
This is the message for today from all of these sources which have blended together to speak as one. So we will leave it at that. We do have more information for you at another time but we will leave it at this and tell you that we love you, love you, love you. We love God, the Source, All That Is, and we love you and we certainly thank you for your kind attention. Amen.