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17 - What is Essential

Today we wish to speak of essence – a person’s essence, or what is essential rather.

I am seeing the globe from space, washing over the globe.

We wish to speak of everyone’s connection to All That Is and why it is important to have your own central connection.

Today we wish to speak of what is essential to everyone personally.

When people are connected, say with a family member for example, in the best of circumstances when you are connected you care more, and at this time in human evolution, what is essential is being aware of your own essence. We will call it an essence but really it is a vibrational energy for lack of a better word that, as you incarnate on Earth, you have your own Divine God-given essence.

Now you may find people who have similar essences, similar in many qualities, but only you have your own unique imprint. This is a paradox because, although you are unique you are part of the whole, The All That Is, and as such have a responsibility to the whole. Perhaps responsibility isn’t the exact word but it is the highest levels to which you beings aspire to, are to be a unique essence but connected to the greatest good...

... and as such you have gifts to be shared.

Everyone does. Gifts to be shared with the world, with the globe. You are part of a fabric, a thread in the fabric.

The more people know somebody and understand them, the more they are free to love them.

So, the more you are connected to All That Is, the more you will love and be loved, which will make your current life more rewarding, where you are learning but it also makes it more enjoyable, more fun. Being connected, being aware of your unique thread in the fabric… That is why we always push meditation or being out in nature because that’s the easiest way for people to be able to listen to themselves.

It is an odd thing that people don’t listen to themselves enough so they don’t know who they are. It is strange but that’s how it is.

I’m feeling joy. Don’t really know why.

As you listen, you will discover other helpful energies which will bring both comfort and sometimes clarity so that you always have a lifeline in this life. We wish there was an easy way to get to that, and it is easy, it just has to be done. Okay, moving on today’s message…

There will be another to help you. This is a being who does not speak the language but is a helpful blob – we are laughing, we don’t mean to be disrespectful.

I would like clarity on this form.

This “blob” is representative of this being of energy which has to have structure in order to be understood because most of us who are working with you have not been on Earth for many, many, eons. So the language is hard for us but basically this is a formless undulating mass of knowledge which you have access to should you choose to.

Okay the format. I would like a rough potential format to begin and then I’ll work with it.

It must be personal for you because people care more when there is a personal aspect to the information. Now, essentially, they have to do the work. We hesitate to call this work because it’s really just sitting alone and listening. They must do that to get the foundation and then, if you write this format with this foundation, then begin to write down questions you may have and we will do our best to clarify. Questions about humankind development - we are pretty good at that. We could call it questions for God or - the problem is when you say God people have such different views - so questions for the All Knowing, Questions for the Sages, how about that? Be in the first part of organizing what they must do, and we will give you answers. Now you understand that we will be giving you data. The meditation, the personal connection and harmony in nature, the personal connection is experiential and that growth happens with the individual but we can provide data.

Connect to God. You will not be afraid of anything on Earth. You will not be afraid of death for you will never die being connected to your Source - so we kindly and firmly remind you of this. Amen.

  • You have unique gifts to be shared

  • The more connected you are, the more you will love and be loved

  • You have to do the work of sitting alone and listening

  • You will not be afraid when connected to your Source


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