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38 - Fabrication

Fabrication. The use of fabrication when you are creating...

What we would likin this to is the “fake it before you make it” principle, meaning, you will be required when you are trying to achieve something which you would perceive as a big ask, a large achievement, there is a certain amount of fabrication involved in the very beginning (actually throughout the whole process.) And what we mean by fabrication in this case is that what you are doing on the positive end (not somebody who makes up lies) but on the positive end you are using this imaginative ability to fabricate things.

What we would like to say is it is quite all right, helpful in fact, to use your ability to imagine in your head “This is what I would like to create” when it hasn’t been created before.

And it sometimes feels to people like they’re just sort of making things up in the beginning, because in fact they are as co-creators with God. It’s just it comes in small essences or sparks of light, shall we say, in the beginning. So you do need to make up your story around it in the beginning, so that it grows and becomes a full entity in itself shall we say. You are focusing energy, and in the very beginning it requires this focus of imagination. For lack of a better word, we will use fabrication because it is sort of a step beyond imagination. You will be using it to make steps, physical steps. (Well, there’s a lot to saying physical or non-physical but anyway you will be creating this, fabricating this to the specifications.)

You are making it up as you go along in the beginning and then as it becomes more in the world, you will have things that shine back at you.

So you can say, “well I’ve gone this far, I’m just going to keep going” and even then, you will need this fabrication skill. Our encouragement is just to go ahead, use your imagination, put things in the world – you can adjust them as you go along. They don’t have to be the perfect physical steps.

What we are shooting for here is momentum.

And as you begin, you have your fabrication become something real, uh that you can see.

The very beginning of this is when people have doubts.

They allow doubts to creep in and derail them. So, the emphasis here is focus. You keep with your focus while allowing adjustments to be made as it goes along. And always with these things, be sure that you are connected to God and that it is in the highest good of all concerned.

The world, the universe, the different planes, are full of variety but you are unique. You are the only person that can create those things that ring true all the way with you. You are a part of God, and you are a part of God that has choice. You may be one thread in a very, very, very large fabric, but it is your unique thread, which corresponds with your missions for lack of a better word, your missions for this Earth life.

Thank you. We are taking a moment. There is an energy adjustment right now that is happening so we are taking a moment to allow in a different energy that is working in this regard. But because it is not a verbal energy on this plane ,shall we say, it requires translation so we are waiting to see if the Channeler remembers this ability she has worked on in past lives, otherwise we will do the best we can. Okay we will be working, the channeler and us and these energies will be beginning to work as a team. Because it is the beginning, the channeler must sit quietly and absorb this for the highest fruition.

This relates to mankind’s, humankind’s development at this time. There are many helpers who are urging humans to get connected to their Source, to feel it in a very solid way. In a way that they never have before in their lifetimes.

It is required now. It is not that even if the Earth, life on Earth as you know it will be modified in a negative way, which it will if people don’t connect with their Source. It is a paradise on Earth. A paradise with challenges, always challenges. That is sort of the point of it. But to just give up because the challenges are too great is not the most pleasant outcome for human beings. And this connecting to their own Godself is required so that they, the individuals, make correct choices in how they live their lives. Some of this begins with fabrication, which we spoke of earlier or rather some of us spoke of earlier. It is allowing in the goal/the solution if indeed humankind would like a more pleasant experience on this quite amazing planet.

And let us be very clear, human beings may be the loudest person in the room right now. They are certainly not the only beings, entities that are in the room right now. And in this we speak of animal life, plant life, mineral life, energies that are not seen by you – most of you cannot see them, but it is still happening. And what we would suggest for mankind’s development, and because you are part of mankind we suggest it for you, is to allow in this connection. Make it a priority every day to be connected, and then fabricate.

Imagine what the solution of harmony would be.

It might be a good time for this in that people are just getting glimpses of what the pain would be involved. Now of course, your salvation is always connecting to God and so there is nothing that this Earth life can do to take away that connection, to the connected Soul, however it is a beautiful thing. And for those people who perhaps may live beyond your time on Earth, it is a wonderful place.

This harmony among species and living things has happened with a certain amount of dignity for many eons.

Actually, maybe not eons because there have been tribulations in Earth’s development, but what we are wanting to say to you is that it is important sometimes that the loudest voice in the room is expressing and doing through their actions what is to the benefit of everybody in the room, you will be much, much more satisfied with your contribution to this Earthly life when you pass, for lack of a better word.

This is a profound thing that we are speaking of.

You can approach this with humor. Even the most dreadful things you can still keep your humor and your God-given spark of light to approach these very, very difficult things with a lightness of being. A lightness of being does not mean that you are not effective, and you are not powerful, and you are not strong. It means that it is more pleasant for you to make and encourage the necessary changes.

This is our message for the day. Use fabrication as your tool. That is our message.

Okay, we thank that energy for helping. We are working as a team which has worked quite successfully from our point of you – the combination of the channeler and the angels that are working with all of you at this time, and this otherwise, profound energy. And back to our message for you, which is...

Please remember that you are loved beyond what you can imagine from your point of view in an Earthly life.

The only way to get a glimpse of how much you are loved is by connecting with God which is what must be done. But we do want to say to you please, please try to feel the love we send when you read these words or hear them. Please take a moment to just absorb them. And also, appreciation. Not just appreciation for us trying to help you, or appreciation to the channeler or whatever appreciation you normally do, please remember to thank those unseen energies that are helping. Thank God first, first in line, and all the unseen energies that are helping you.

And right now it is so important to thank Mother Earth.

This is your home at this time. It will not go unnoticed and it is quite needed. That is all. We love you very much and we wish you all glorious lives and we thank you for listening. Amen.

  • Use fabrication in order to focus energy

  • Put something in the world, adjust as you go along, create momentum

  • Do not let doubts derail you.

  • You and your creations are unique

  • For humankinds’ development, it’s required to connect to your Source, make it a priority

  • Use fabrication to create solutions that are needed, and although profound, you can use humor

  • Feel the love and thank Mother Earth. It is needed.


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