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22 - Harmonic Synchronicity

Today we wish to speak of harmonic synchronicity.

We are first sending a healing so that we can speak with you more easily. We are sending blending energy. That is the best way we can describe it, so that we can get this information to you.

First, we will say, “interesting times, huh?”

You may or may not be aware that this is what you agreed to before incarnating and this is what you are in. A time of fluctuation, a time which although temporary and not real we should say – we need a better word to describe this – nonetheless it is an experience you have agreed to and truly most of you have agreed to.

Rise up is our message to all on Earth right now.

What we mean by this is raise your vibration. If you do, or enough of you do, the consequences of this disharmony will be… we wish to say it will be lengthened but not as extreme. This is what you have agreed to so this fluctuation in Earth’s energy is going to happen but the painfulness for you and, especially if enough of you can do this - can raise the vibration - the disharmony will exist but the struggle within it and pain will not be as great.

And now we wish to be the source of joy for you, all of you.

What we think would be helpful for you is to be able to look at this time on Earth and the situation you are in from a distance, like looking at it as if you are above it though still connected to it but with thoughtful …

Note: This went on a few minutes longer but unfortunately my recorder cut off.

We do not know where this cut off but we want you to understand that if you look on what is happening now as if it’s in the past, that you’re looking back with wisdom, and knowing what choices you would make if you were looking back on it, that might lead you to where you really do want to be and take advantage of this time.

I’m feeling energy

This is experiential. We feel we need to do this healing to pull you up out of the vortex, pulling you up and out of the vortex, which is what, by looking at this in the past like it happened to you when you were younger and now you are wise, you will be brought up out of this vortex of imbalance which causes, or will cause you in the days ahead, to get caught up in the sadness and confusion which will be occurring.

So, everything we have always told you from the beginning of the Ten Minutes to Freedom is so true. All of it is what is needed now.

And any time you spend connected to your Source, and taking action in what ways come from being connected to your Source, are multiplied a thousand-fold for your spiritual growth and the evolvement of life on Earth, life of any kind and every kind. This is what we wish for you and want to help you with.

So, okay, we will have you and whoever listens or reads this to cup your hands together as if you are holding something precious that you love immensely.

You love this immensely.

We are giving you one simple tool that everyone can do privately which will – we are searching for the word here – which will magnify your experience of love.

And now this cup of what you love, bring it up to your -- if you know where this is, where it connects your throat chakra and your heart chakra.

It’s still cupped but it’s resting against the front of your body so that what you feel and say are in alignment, because that heals many things. It can heal fear which many on the Earth plane will succumb to, and even for those who pass, can find peace in the transition, because as we have said many, many times this is a temporary condition. Your life in form is temporary and so why not make it pleasant?

Okay, once you have opened this cup of love and spread it – opened it so all that energy goes to your shoulders and drips down like frosting melting on a cake.

And then sit for a moment, grounded to Mother Earth, while connected to Source, and take a moment of gratitude. And if you do this regularly you will see how much better your Earth life will be.

At this time, it is important to release some fear and transform this fear into love and appreciation.

We will say this too will pass, because this too will pass, and do not waste the moment is our suggestion. Right now, enjoy the sky, enjoy nature however you can observe it.

It can even be a house plant. That is all for today.

We love you and appreciate your connecting with us. We love you immensely. Amen.



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