Today we wish to speak of harmony.
Many at this time seek harmony, balance, and to come to an understanding of the Earth and God and how it all connects, and sometimes even the point of this all.
So, in a nutshell, we would like you to know this is a great experiment and experience for the soul who wants to be here. Even for those people that do not feel once they are experiencing the trials and tribulations of their life, and they realize it is a bit more than they had thought it would be (especially if they have not been here before and when we say here, we mean on the Earth physically) sometimes feel they have bitten off more than they can chew but alas, the point is...
... it is a grand experiment to see other sides of God, to see other sides of your Soul, to appreciate aspects of your soul that you can’t always observe.
The image we are giving you is of the moon. There are times when the shadow of the moon you cannot see but it does not mean it’s not there. So that is for those people who seek the shadows of themselves, actually to put light on those aspects of their soul.
Okay, we’re moving to a different vibration. This is experiential.
In order for us to speak through you, and this is not just true for Susan, this is for all. You need a balanced, grounded connection to the Earth.
For a more perfect union in yourselves, it is important to connect to the Earth every day.
There are many examples in the Earth experience. People are constantly striving. And there has been a history of war after war after war which might lead someone to think this is just stupid, which of course it is. But young souls come to the Earth. Less evolved souls come to the Earth and walk amidst Masters because there are teachers, and more evolved souls, that do still want to come to the Earth, sometimes just to be near those souls they are connected with that might not be as evolved as they are, but still they feel they are family.
So, the Earth is a playground of creativity.
It is very easy on the Earth to have an intention of thought and to make it manifest in a physical way that can show itself back to you, which can be very rewarding. Many more evolved souls just like that aspect. There are a myriad of ways that God’s creativity can be manifested. So that’s one of the reasons people come. Older souls come for that. Younger souls come to learn how to not be obliterated. Let me put this another way. Because this is a place of great negative and positive, it can be hard to hold up boundaries, a soul’s own boundaries, and hold fast and focus which is good. So young souls can learn here, and it is a way of learning unconditional love. Because it’s not that the world isn’t always “fair” on Earth really, but it is a way to experience how one person may be more gifted when they pop in - when we say gifted, maybe they have legs that work, maybe they don’t, maybe they come in and are responsible for another soul that needs them to survive. That is a way to learn unselfish love. Unfortunately, it’s also a place where selfishness can go rampant, and the ego can go crazy, but that is a learning thing in itself, because you know, as we have said before, there are no secrets. God is all, God knows all, so those who tune into the Everlasting records will know this.
To sum up, do not waste this grand opportunity by focusing on one negative aspect and just forgetting all the possibility around you.
It would truly be a waste of a God-given tremendous place to learn and have fun, of the joy of sight and sound and touch and emotions to go through and experience - sometimes in one day. It is a fantastic opportunity. As we said before, we get back to the ten minutes. Ten Minutes of Freedom where you focus on God because all blessings flow through the All That Is, through God, the Source. It is much easier to manifest on the plane, with the creative voltage of connecting to God while connecting to the Earth, and to treat the Earth well on your time here. That is, the least you can do is be grateful for the opportunity.
The lessons you learn will be everlasting.
We will give you one visual before leaving and that is of a pyramid or a cone where there is a top - the apex - and the force spreads down to the Earth. So, it is taking that frequency, that energy, and bringing it into your sphere.
Is there any reason why I am seeing raindrops?
Water is an energy conduit.
Swimming can be healing, immersing yourself in clean water. It can be a clearing. There is a certain kind of feeling you may get while walking in the rain because there is a lot of that voltage. That is not a great word but we can’t think of another right now, but it might be helpful for people to remember how they felt being immersed in water, in rain. There is some connection why certain cultures baptize in water. There are other things related, but just enjoy these wonderful attributes while you are here in form.
Thank you.
The Earth can be a grand experiment to see other sides of your Soul
There are many reasons people incarnate on Earth
It is a fantastic opportunity, a playground of creativity
Water is an energy conduit