Hold fast to a vision. Write out the vision. Make it clear. Write it on a card or in a book so that everyday you read it to yourself, every day, morning and night.
When one is creating, and actually one is creating at all time in their life, but when one is creating with their conscious intention shall we say, it is sometimes helpful to write out what one’s wishes are, to lay them out for the universe to support – the universe being your higher self, God, and any well-wishers or helpers, both who have already passed or from the angelic realm. But also it is a way, because we are all connected, that information also goes out to those people who are incarnated who can help you. (We want to include, of course, that these goals be in the highest good of all concerned including yourself.) So that is why it is more profound than people think of writing out what it is they wish to create in the morning and what it is they wish to create in the evening.
Once you have written this out and are referring to it regularly, we ask that every time you expand it a little bit -- your awareness of this creation you wish to create -- meaning... feel it. Use your Earth-given senses which are to feel. Let your emotional body feel this. Your brains are usually automatically keyed in because most human beings lead with their brains so usually that’s not a problem. The biggest issues are to sense it on a grander scale. (And we are moving the channelers hands as we’re doing this so that there is always a healing and a movement of energy happening.)
We’d like to keep this simple at this point so that a reader or someone listening would be able to take it in easily and simply.
Write out what you want in the highest good of all concerned.
Look at it daily morning and night.
Feel it.
Imagine that it has been created.
Observe it from all levels that you have access to, which is feel it, taste it, hear it. People forget to hear their goals. And also, because this is the focused intent of creation, this brings in many other aspects of creation which it’s unlikely that you’re aware of. But, in any case,...
... remember to put in the fun ...
that spark of light - so that the fun of creation is there.
And the other thing people forget to do when they’re setting goals and imagining it (and you don’t have to do this every single time but in the course of a week be sure you get this in) is...
... imagine how it will affect the people in your sphere...
... your friends and family. So when your imagining, include them too. Include them too and be aware of this affect on everyone, which is why it is important to do what is in the highest good of all concerned. Because when you are creating something at the highest level, you are creating something that is for everyone in your sphere, yourself at the helm. So please we suggest you put this in as well.
This is one of the fun things on the earth plane, and as we have said your life on Earth is temporary so best you get to these things you wish to create. Say you were wanting health for yourself and for everyone. (Now bearing in mind there are certain physical laws in the physical world on Earth that things give birth, live and die. We will just take that as a given.) But say you wish all the people of the Earth were healed at this time. Although for yourself generally we speak to pick a goal in the beginning that it is easy for you to envision. But we would also suggest is have another side goal that is to help all those in your sphere, all those on Earth, as things are quite tumultuous at this time and do require a lot of focus, both on the spiritual plane and in physical reality to bring things back to balance.
So, when you are imagining that, do not imagine them in the pain that they may be experiencing or the pain that you are experiencing. Imagine the solution to this. Or rather we say that the solution has already been found and implemented, as the top point we should say. Okay, we do want to keep this simple so that people who are reading or listening can truly be involved in this.
What we have said does not have to be done all at one time. You can but you can do these things just so every day you have a set point, best if it’s twice a day.
Call in the troops shall we say.
Call in the angels. Call in the helpers on many levels. Call in your higher self. This is extremely important because your higher self is your Godself and you require God to make these wishes become a reality.
We are taking a minute to continue this energy with the channeler. Currently we are helping to move a lot of energy and remove those things which are also energy, or compacted energy, from the channeler which she does not need anymore. So that sometimes she is replacing old things that she does not need, so that she can have a bigger space. That’s what she does. She wishes to hold more space for God. And so this is sort of something you can do yourself.
At least, remove old things from your surroundings that are not good for you anymore or that are not needed.
Sometimes things that are not needed for you are needed by others. So that’s always clearing out.
On the physical level it's quite easy to see, it's sort of simple. You say, "Do I want this in my life any more or would I rather allow the space for something that is more to my liking to come in?)
On the spiritual realm, in your spiritual body… We do not want to confuse you because when you are dealing with this esoteric spiritual stuff, it is actually your physical body that is being impacted. So it’s not just that there’s spiritual and then there’s physical. They work together. That’s how it works.
But when you are wanting to clear out something that might seem like more of an idea to you -- like grief that you’ve kind of gotten the most out of it so it’s time to move on, and usually people have compacted anger which just hangs out in the body and causes problems...
...usually there’s a block in the energy field that causes problems.
We want you to be aware of that. That matter is energy, and as we have said so many times, there is more space than compacted energy. When you are growing, shall we say, consciously removing these things of compacted anger, compacted fear, compacted grief, blocks really – sometimes it’s easier for you to build the space. Imagine the space for that which is in your highest good to come in.
If you wish, you can physically try to feel where this is in your body. Grab it. Release it to God to transform it to another form.
Basically, your job is just to take it out of your sphere, release it to its highest good, and hold that space.
The holding that space is what is very important. And if you cannot feel yourself holding space at this time in your development, you must imagine it - which is one of your great gifts as a co-creator with God, as being connected to God. Just hold the space for something that would be the next step in your development to come in. And you have the right to say, “I would like something for the next step in my development, that the expansion could be something pleasant.” Because when things are pleasant and come in, or good things, oftentimes they can dissolve fear. We will leave it at that because there are so many more aspects to this and we don’t want to go on one specific aspect because what is important is the whole.
So simply put, hold space. You’re not holding energy. You cannot hold energy without - you can’t block energy without not good consequences.
Hold space for the good to come in, how’s that?
We thank you for reading or listening and we especially want to say you are blessed, and sometimes some of you forget this. You forget to be grateful, and being grateful is in your best interest in all ways. And we wish to express to you, all of you, that we are grateful for you.
Much love to you. Amen.