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16 - Infinite Possibilities

This is what I see. I see a sky. Just a bird flying across the sky.

Today we are incorporating that which we have already parsed, beginning with you, as all souls must begin with their own development. Back to our message…

Harmony does not always come without effort.

And so these small efforts you make -- but granted they do require discipline to just do them, and by efforts we mean connecting daily with God, grounding yourself in nature -- will have lasting benefits, everlasting benefits.

Even when there is distress in the world there is still harmony that can be achieved by observation in nature. Even when land has been decimated there can still be harmony in nature. Harmony and connecting to harmony is what lifts all boats because it intrinsically carries with itself a healing vibration but alas, for those souls who say they ask for harmony on the planet but do not first seek harmony within, they will be like the tail wagging the dog following wherever the dog goes.

This does not have to be formal, it just has to be regular.

Even spending minutes a day connecting with the natural world will harmonize, can lead to harmony within the soul which in turn raises all boats, and leads to harmony across this planet and more.

We do have of course from our point of view lots of information about other levels of awareness, other realms, however you are on Earth. So first lean towards perfecting yourself on Earth, or rather your connection to God on Earth. We can go on and on, dribble on and on about what is possible but you must take the first steps. And the first steps are simple. Regularly connect with nature. Outside is best. Even looking out a window and observing the sky is at least a start.

There will be another here to serve you.

Do not fear that people you have known before, connected with before, or who are transitioning currently, that you will not have the same joyous experience with them at another time.

You will. In another form but equally glorious. So, focus on what you as a soul can do here.

Have big significant goals. Just make them up. Focus on them and with focus, see what happens.

You are on Earth which as we have mentioned before has its own qualities. Life on Earth has its own qualities however you have barely touched the surface. You are a cocreator with God and so be that. Begin by creating your own self and connect with others who, although different, might share certain goals. It is easier to have a sphere around you, meaning other souls of like mind. There will of course be other souls of like mind that are not incarnated on Earth at this time, but we need Earth energy. Earth energy is needed to help. So, we have talked about significance. We wish you to make up a goal that you deem significant. Now we also do want to say you do not actually need a goal to play with, shall we say, but a goal in the physical form shall we say. Spiritual goals of course are important… This is a big subject but you are on Earth.

Don’t spend time on what you can’t do, and what little problems appear.

Of course, there will always be little problems appearing. That’s the nature of the Earth plane. But that is a very, very miniscule part of the Earth plane, so take advantage while you can.

Help those around you.

Not by giving uh –- pearls before swine I guess is the expression. Obviously you must be aware when you are being taken advantage of, but this does not stop the flow that you can connect to of giving. You have everlasting, ever flowing connection, ever flowing love fuel, so get that faucet going strong!

You can and you will. Bless you. Love you. Amen.

  • Spend moments every day in nature. Harmony lifts all boats

  • Perfect your connection to God while on Earth

  • You will always be connected to those you love even if they transition

  • Focus on what you can do here while you can. Create a big significant goal

  • Help those around you


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