Point your ship towards where you want to go.
We suggest that you put in some effort visualizing what you would want to have happen going forward with this project, and other projects. It is time to put these things in motion. Yes, there is a lot of disturbance around, and fear, negative vortex, however you don’t have to succumb. You can rise ahead.
Today we wish to speak of lunar influences.
Just as we have discussed aspects on the Earth plane the Earth is not, even on this physical Earth plane, the Earth is not the only planet on this plane, and people are sometimes influenced by lunar phases as that is the closest connection pulling on – we are searching for the word – magnetic influence we should say. You know this as people in hospitals will feel a difference on the number of births, souls that want to emerge at this time.
There is not anything specific we wish to tell you but rather it is yet another awareness of the Earth plane. People do seem to think of the Earth plane as just totally revolving around the Earth, but the Earth plane also brings in other physical attributes, so this is just a reminder that there are other influences in this regard. We’re moving on.
Oh, there are a lot of disturbances, mostly mental but some physical influences for you.
We ask for you and other people who are reading or listening to this, cleansing your – we would say vessel but that doesn’t sound very appealing does it?
Chuckling. But cleaning your Earthly body, energetic field, etc. is important in your creation of fulfilling your chosen missions, whether they be karmic, or if you have come to Earth to teach people, or to bring comfort, or just as an observer of this great magnificent form.
So, we ask everyone to remember water as a cleansing medium of your energetic field.
Drinking water, being in water, just it is such a good transmitter of energetic thought.
Okay, today, because the connection is a bit sporadic we are giving you tips, so to speak – chuckling - that we can give you in short spurts of connection.
The greater picture. This can be a serious time for many people alive in Earth form at this time because it is perceived as such by so many people wallowing in fear and perceived loss, or rather the fear of perceived loss. They are having a difficult time absorbing the light, the reflection of the Source light. Actually, what can be helpful in these times is comedy.
Comedy can raise vibration, and we don’t mean that people need to become comedic writers but trying to find some humor in your daily living is quite helpful vibrationally.
Which as we have explained in the past, humor can be merely finding absurdity. Finding the quirkiness in life is more profound than people realize.
Right now I’m being circled. I feel this energy, sort of circling.
This circling as you perceive it is our way of representing the solar system which is part of this Earthly realm.
Ignoring the influences of this planetary magnetism, people do at their own peril. We are probably not describing this that well but this circle, in addition to the solar system (the movement in the solar system) it is also representational of the vortex of energy that when fear takes hold (of which this is a time of fear), it is important to look up, rather than looking down as if circling down the drain so to speak.
So when caught in one of these negative vortexes which will be around you (some of it’s you but actually a lot of it is just what’s happening in the world at this time on a pretty grand scale) we wish you to, when getting caught up in this circling down the drain, what we wish you to do is stop for a moment. Imagine yourself circling above that circling down word.
Imagine circling in the opposite direction above this circling.
Okay, we’re rebooting so to speak. We are doing this a different way. What is important for people at this time should they feel they are caught up in this tension, dissonance, frustration, is to laugh, to find any excuse to laugh.
Laugh even without an excuse.
It is a quick way to boost you up quickly. Sometimes analyzing this or that, and the past, and relationships, and getting too caught up in the analysis ( which can be helpful) but sometimes the way out is just to observe the joy in the world. We have mentioned that birds come in with a lot of joy. Many creatures in nature are incarnated with a lot of joy.
You will notice that dogs, if you will, will often pick up the energy of the people around them in their packs, and when you are the leader of your pack so to speak, they will pick up your energy. But you will notice how quickly they can go from being sad from your sadness, to being bright and joyful and happy in the moment. They are very much in the present moment, and the more you can find this joy and be around either creatures that are joyful, or people that are joyful, or take in media that is joyful – it sometimes can heal people faster than great Scorpionic investigations.
Right now I’m feeling a different energy and I am high on a mountain with trees around. I’m not sure what this means.
There is an energetic shift that is happening globally at this time. It is a shift which needs to happen to bring balance back. As we have said, the Earth is searching for equilibrium as all of you are searching for equilibrium, and this energy is coming in different ways. For those people that are sensitive to energies and being translators, the energy is coming in a slightly different feel.
I am actually seeing gold, sort of a yellow gold energy I guess. Closer to the back of my head, at least that’s how I’m perceiving it. A lot of light in it, I’ll say that. It’s pretty shiny. I’m breathing it in…
There is healing in music. People are finding at this time that they often like to listen to music, that’s one of the things you can listen to at this time. And those people that make music, there’s a vibrational aspect to it, and so this is just to encourage anybody that has any connection in these ways to create music, listen to music, appreciate music. It is one of the magical things about Earth. If you think about it, you cannot see it. And people believe things they see, or touch, or taste. And although you can feel music at certain levels even if you cannot hear, you can feel that. It is one of the amazing things about life on Earth that you can hear things that are healing, and partake in them, and use your own voice to connect with them, use your own hands to connect with the rhythm.
There is a rhythm to life on Earth that is often not heard but, if you think about it, your own body, your own heartbeat, is a rhythm. Sometimes people hearing their own heartbeat, and moving gently with the feel of their own heartbeat - can be a way to clear out their vessel, so to speak, to get the energy flowing in a healthful way. That’s another little tip. And we are laughing here.
It is time to go but we do want to say that we love you so very much, and we appreciate your struggles shall we say, or your small victories. We are smiling warmly. And we appreciate all who thanked us as well. It makes us feel good in case you were wondering. We love God. We love All That Is. And we bid you adieu.