Note: This session started after many distractions.
We wish to speak today of innovation.
Note: After even more distractions from outside.
What you are dealing with is expectation.
Which leads us to another tip. When things do not go as people expect them to go, or want them to go, they will sometimes feel very put upon. Which is a victimized state. This state, as in many, are really not true. They just feel that way. We laugh. The irritations you are feeling, the distractions of noises of people going in and out, and the distraction of temperature, and indeed things inside your body – all these things can push you off your game so to speak, your connection to your higher self. And because you know especially when you are doing something that you think is for the highest good, when little things interrupt it feels very irritating. But, what we will say is, if you are walking around at all times connected to Source, it is best to observe these interruptions because they will always crop up, but it does not need to have you pulled off your pilar.
Again, as we say, regular connection to Source. Ultimately the goal is to ALWAYS be connected to Source. We say consciously but it is more like just because you are breathing which is natural and good for you, it does not mean that you are thinking about your breathing all the time. Now if your breathing is interrupted, that’s a problem, yes. We are chuckling again. However, that’s sort of what is happening. When these interruptions occur, and you can’t get to the focus of why you’re there (your fine pure intention) it just pulls you out of the space.
We are doing this movement with the channeler’s hands again to try to get this sort of loving energy going again. We suggest some sort of description of this movement because everyone can do it. And it is a way to sort of build personal power in the way you would like, connected to Source.
The movement is described further down the page and also in a previous Chapter.
One other thing about these distractions is, when they occur, take a moment to observe what they are and let it go.
Sometimes these distractions have a message for you and sometimes it is just a part of how energy goes on Earth.
We were going to speak of innovation because that is what is required at this time on Earth for best outcome.
It’s a large subject but we will try to distill it to the essence of innovation. Innovation is really just connecting to God and realizing, okay, this is a better way. With your intention. Your connection to God is the ultimate power source, your battery, the ultimate battery, the ultimate love and – kind of hard to explain this but - when you are innovating, you are taking your personal flavor that you have in this dimension we say (when you are alive on Earth) and you are having through your “thought” in connection with your connection to God, you can create things for the good of those around you. Which is, when you leave this Earth - and leaving is not accurate so let’s just say this...
... when your Earthly form passes away, the trail of what you have done follows with you. Sort of like the wake of a boat.
Okay, there is someone here to serve you but we would just like you to be aware of your intentions, and it is an excellent time for innovation...for thought connected with God creating good.
We will speak later.
We are moving the channelers hands as a way to move energy, bring in energy. It takes a certain kind of - we say electrical because you sort of understand that, and there is an accurate aspect to that. There is actually a physical accurate aspect to it. It is why we prefer the channeler to start with water, symbolic and actually literal, sort of a baptism in order to clear out what is not needed and bring in that which is helpful.
We are moving the hands.
We have explained this before where you bring the hands up, and then they circle the head, and then down the neck, and down the shoulders, and bring it to the Earth. And when you bring the connection to the Earth, clasp your hands together as in prayer but the fingers are pointed forward. And say “thank you Mother Earth” for providing a home.
A beautiful home we might add. A rare home. And a rare opportunity.
After this connection is made, if you sit quietly, very quietly, your higher self - your Godself - your connection to the All That Is, -The Source - will resonate with you and you will KNOW. You can access parts of yourself, the wise parts of yourself, rather than this reactionary self. There is an expression “the tail wagging the dog” which we find human beings are often just perennially in that state, whereas a more satisfying life with much more joy and depth and satisfaction is in you, yourself, by being connected to God, YOU’RE the one in charge of your life. And when we say “you’re” we mean your Godself.
We will bring up something we have said before as an example if this makes it clearer. Your hand has many attributes, can do many things for you, can grab things. You can grab an apple with your hands. It has many qualities but, when the hand is cut off, it does not live on its own. Its powers are connected in this case to the physical body, which is a little more complex in that there is intention and thought and awareness to this, but the essence, the point is, you are the same. You, by not being connected to your own battery, by not being connected consciously or aware of this connection, just limits you and the beautiful aspects of Earth - which are thought/intention moving into matter, creating matter, which can then reflect to you.
These are much more complex issues than this simplification but that is what is going on.
So how can you create anything you want in the world? How can you not be the tail wagging the dog when you are disconnected? You are so much less powerful than you really are. You’re so limited.
Many times, you will see in the world people who do not have much experience of things, but they do not let anything stop them.
They, through their own will (intention) they don’t look at why things can’t be done, they just focus on what their intention is, and how to create it. And every time somebody says, “No, this is not possible”, they may adjust a little something, but it does not stop them from their creativity, their innovation. And the world at this time needs innovation. Innovation of thought even. Because there are many things which are out of balance right now.
People are being pulled by the outside influences rather than what their own higher self wants them to create.
This is a roundabout explanation about all of these distractions that come in. There will be these distractions, you must just push through this. There is a certain amount of your own free will of what you wish to achieve that you must just focus on. Yes, it is true that as you’re focusing on these things you learn other things, and you do decide there is something else you want to create. It develops. It is not a set thing. Because ... is all part of energy and energy flows. Be open to the flow, to be able to move with the energy.
You can see how much easier your life will be than fighting, fighting, fighting every distraction. You go, “Hmmmm, I acknowledge this. It’s a very interesting and good thing to know.” But it does not sway you from your innovation.
We move on. As this session is going, we are continually moving energy with the channeler by way of using her hands.
Moving energy with body movements is a technique humans have used for a very long time - Tai Chi, Qigong, dance in other cultures. These are all ways to move energy because energy that stagnates causes problems in the physical body and it does not allow in the magnificence of which we are hoping to introduce people to. Or as just a “Yes, you’re on the right track” when you are aware of these things. These impulses deep inside you - there is a knowingness, and though they may be called different things, this knowingness, it is important not to be distracted by the language of these things.
There is a bit of being the child in the wilderness that you take on because, to a child, everything is new so they look at things differently than someone who is older who says, “Yes, this is what this is. I don’t need to know any more about it.”
Because sometimes that’s what happens. The energy stagnates and the joy and wonder of life does not get to be felt and expressed. So, even now there are distractions that the channeler can hear, but it’s actually probably the right place to stop in this discussion for today. We, on our side, are working on what exactly we want to share with you that we believe would be good for your development at this time, and also, these things – whether it is you with your higher self with God, or the channelers with her higher self and God, there is a development happening. And so, there are certain things you’re aware of as you develop that you’re not aware of at other times.
You know, the more you know about something, both the more you know and the less you know, because you will realize there is so much to know.
And when we speak of innovation... We laugh because we are actually just trying to tie this up so we are bringing in what we started with.
We want you so – our hope for you, but it is your choice, that you feel like your individual flavor of God, your individual innovation, can come through.
And those people that listen or read, on our end, vibrationally we seek to make a connection and although you have many helpers, many others of your own spirit guides or angels, or whatever you wish to call the helpfulness, we wish our good wishes on you as well. We’ll leave it at that.
Anyway, so go have a glorious life because, although there are many, many dramatic things, outrageous things it may seem, happening on Earth at this time, it is still a fantastic school that still has joy in it if you but look.
There is just so much joy available but people tend to think “I’m this way and so that’s what I know.”
But, we’re here to say, the more you know, the more you don’t know, and this can be a glorious thing.
We thank you and appreciate your time. Amen.