When chaos ensues go within…
Today we wish to speak of introspection. When chaos, or rather the perception of chaos, is around you and you feel off your support, like you’re a statue which has been moved slightly from its base, it is necessary to go to the essential which is within, for that is your freedom. That is your freedom from the chaos and confusion and tumult around you. It also is where you will find your next steps towards regaining equilibrium.
Today the world around you, the Earth and even other planes and the ripple effect from this dissonance… the dissonance is looking for equilibrium.
Sometimes even you individually, when you feel you are off your game, feel you are sometimes even just floating and being pushed by forces around you, that is when you need the connection the most.
We have no magical answer for you because your pursuit of connection is what will lead you to your own magic.
If outside forces tell you what to do, what to invest in, what to buy and who to buy it from, if all these feel like they’re coming from some other place as opposed to you, coming from within you, you will feel and be powerless. This is not what you search for when you are searching for equilibrium. Nobody can tell you the future. Nobody can tell you how to live your life, but you, by going within. By introspection. It can be a force for good in the world and we know this is what you wish.
Then quietly sit.
We would suggest allowing in a thought of that which has weight for you, as if being at the foot of a mountain, growing from the Earth, solid, though reaching high where the tops of the mountains are seen through clouds – meaning they’re beyond your familiar atmosphere. And when you see this mountain, ask that it shares with you its wisdom as it has been around for a very long time, erupts from the center of the Earth and finds its place on this plan
I am hearing cries and tears and suffering and I am being lifted up. This is experiential so I’m just going to take this in. It’s energy so I’m going to try to translate it myself.
We are given a finite time in a body on Earth and this finite time adheres to the rules of life on Earth.
Whether it be the rule of aging, or the existence of organisms and such which have a life of their own which we, generally speaking, live contentedly and often unaware of their existence, and yet there is a world which cohabits the Earth, albeit sometimes very, very small. It is going on as we speak. And there is a certain amount of tension amongst these organisms that are alive both in your body and on your body and in nature and, generally speaking, there is a balance to them. Occasionally when one aspect overpowers another, there is a natural yearning for equilibrium on the Earth and so, one aspect of this ongoing… struggle is not the right word but there’s always movement going on… and when one aspect gets too strong and takes over another aspect, the Earth because it’s hoping for equilibrium – which you are – finds ways to balance the scales.
The Earth will go through many undulating waves of growth as you do.
And there are rules for it as well. You are in a body and in a body your body has rules of life on Earth meaning, though it might be possible, people do not live to be 2500 years old in a body generally speaking. And the Earth has its birth, and it ages too. It is just another force of nature and God, and sometimes this sort of movement of aging will show itself to those people and creatures and organisms that live on the Earth. This progression will influence people and organisms and such.
The most important thing for you at this time, because no matter when you incarnate or even where you incarnate, there will always be a specific flavor to it. Like your energy, there is no other energy like your specific energy but, though it may be incredibly similar to another energy, it has your specific flavor.
The important thing is to not be swayed...
... not be moved off your statue’s foundation so to speak because there’s all this movement around which you’re aware of. And you might be aware of it because there may be wars or floods or viruses which will be out of balance and might kill people for a while though. People are usually aware when they incarnate what is happening at that time before they incarnate, so it’s not as shocking - people once they’ve incarnated, they might not remember it’s what they’ve agreed to.
In any case, the way towards gaining equilibrium is always to go within.
Introspection. Ask Who Am I and listen because the perception of this imbalance… there is a solid core that is never changing, so again, we reiterate, go within… as deep within as you can til you reach that awareness of timelessness and await the calm.
There will be another here to serve you.
One of the challenges of getting a pure channel for you or anyone is with so much mental energy bouncing around it’s sometimes hard to get through it. And when there are so many distractions, it is challenging but we do promise you that if you persist, it will get easier and you will find in the center calm which will refresh and delight.
Thank you for your time and remember you and all who become aware of this information, you have your place in this and your efforts will serve you and others well. Amen.