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23 - Magnification

I am seeing reflection on - I think it’s the ocean. The sun reflecting on the ocean.

And this is what we wish to talk about today. How your own light, when powerful enough, reflects on things around you, so you have help magnifying your light.

Today we wish to speak of magnification, which is essentially a boost in energy given but is effortless as the sun reflects its light on a smooth, glassy pond. So your efforts are more powerful than you realize and this is a good thing to do when speaking with God, especially in a prayer situation or rather when your heart feels wounded.

You ask that God reflects, God the Source, reflects the light on you and on whoever is involved in this heart wound.

And just the light that is present reflects on all those around you so you are not alone in bringing light to a situation. So, you can release a lot of the feeling of effort. You just focus on you.

I’m just gonna feel this right now.

Do not always look for approval from your ideas or what you put out in the world.

That is not your concern. Your concern is to be true to yourself and your missions, and ask that whoever needs what you have will be able to receive it. Your focus is your own individual sector, perhaps that’s the wrong word, your individual essence, flavor of God.

It is indeed a time of tumult on the Earth plane which has many people developing their own spiritual connections at the same time they are aware of the limitations of being in form at this time.

Although it may seem a time of great suffering and loss, which any sensitive person will be picking this up in their field, the opportunities for growth which is being forced on people, and by growth we mean spiritual growth, are magnified.

This is also the magnificence, the magnified magnificence we speak of for those who are open to it.

As we have said before, best to surround yourself with uplifting thoughts and focus in word.

It is very difficult for human beings, because their minds, their mental energy is so pronounced, and it is sometimes difficult for people to get in their full bodies, but that is the goal here, lest this opportunity for growth stays on one level and does not permeate the full aura shall we say.

When it is the birthday of a loved one who has passed it is a glorious time to connect...

... no matter the relationship on Earth, but to acknowledge their past presence in your life, their past role in your life. It is a great time to get clear on why they were in your life. This is specifically for people who have passed because oftentimes they are more clear about what their mission and experience and what they learned by being connected to you. So, you can more easily connect with them by remembering their birthdays because that was when they emerged in form and it is a celebration of their lives. They usually really appreciate it and you will find connection too by appreciating how they have helped you, albeit sometimes not so pleasant an experience sometimes, but it is a part of your journey. Okay, enough about that.

This goes for anybody who is listening.

There are generally helpers and angels who they have been connected to before, sometimes in this life sometimes not, but the view can be helpful. They often cannot speak, they might not have the skill to speak, and yet the energy they send you can be helpful in your daily life. They can help with this magnification as well.

Sometimes it is just an odd thing but people on Earth are quite unaware of the magnificence.

While they’re alive they get mentally caught up in things and do not observe. They begin to feel like they sort of know it all. They know how things should be so they just follow things that fit with their experience as opposed to opening their soul and eyes to let in the absolute stunning magnificence of being alive on the Earth in form at this time. As we have said many times before, your Earth experience is temporary and nothing that happens can throw you off course if you connect to God every day. God, your Source, whatever you want to call this creative light.

This is all we wish to communicate at this time as you have set time limits and today we are over. Okay, back to your original healers, angels again.

Please try to feel this love.

When you feel this, it makes us so very happy. So being open to this great, expansive, everlasting love is your salvation. We have said this before but it’s true, so please heed this. We ask in your best interest. Thank you for partnering with us. We do so wish to help those people who would benefit from our help, which includes you. Amen.



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