I’m being helped with my hands to move energy.
We are first purifying you
I’m being instructed to take deep breaths. I see the word obstruction but I don’t know if they’re clearing obstructions or if that’s what the subject of this is.
My, my, my, there is much going on on Earth at this time, much of which you are not consciously aware of, but you still feel it so getting you up out of this, out of your surroundings shall we say, is some days more challenging. But we perservere. We are persistent. We laugh.
Before we begin our discussion, we want you and anyone who is listening or reading, to begin to really observe their surroundings.
For some it will be to try to find the optimum place to meditate and connect with their higher self. And yes, we are continually moving the channeler’s hands to get this energy flowing so that it is the easiest form, a fluid form of connection. We wish you all to observe your surroundings and instead of just looking at things (and we say discounting things because that’s what people do when they’re used to seeing the same things) but actually feel their surroundings. This could actually be considered a tip because many times your surroundings might influence your ability to connect and we, as we have said, wish you to have a strong, positive, authentic connection with your Godself or whatever you want to call it.
So this is the tip.
Sit in your space, quietly. You will attempt to quiet your mind -- whether you do this through your breathing (which is sometimes problematic for people) or focusing on one spot, or closing your eyes and feeling your heart (being peripherally aware of your heartbeat). You are primarily stilling the mind by focusing on one thing, whatever is effective for you.
Once you have achieved this, and generally speaking people close their eyes to get as inward and still as possible...
... then once you have made this feeling of stillness, open your eyes and look at your space, without connection we’d like to say.
So there may be things in the space that you have an emotional connection with, we would like you to try to be just an observer, so that the true influences appear. For instance, you may look as if you are looking at it as an energy field, and hopefully you are sitting in the proper place in the room or outdoors or whatever where you feel the most peace. If you’re in nature it is automatically balanced or in the midst of searching for equilibrium. But if you’re in a room (if this is best for you to do this) if you can, remove those things which appear to sort of have an influence on you. We are not talking about things that may help you like crystals or things that emit love for you, but the chaff, to simplify it. So that whenever you sit to ponder - which we would like you to do regularly for best effect, best outcome - remove any disturbances.
The tip is to clean up your space.
To develop, you would like you to have a clean, clear space inside energetically, but sometimes it helps to make your exterior place where you are meditating as clear as possible. This is why for those who are lucky enough to be able to quietly meditate in nature, they don’t usually have to worry about these things, but most will be doing this in their own rooms. So for those people who remember their parents saying clean your room, we laugh, that’s what we’re saying. But clear your room of distractions. We realize this was rather longwinded but at the same time we are also purifying the channeler.
Okay, clearing yourself.
The most important thing regarding clearing is intention. And stillness.
We have mentioned before the use of water and we would suggest the use of water in this case as well. Perhaps washing your hands before or dipping your hand in a stream if this is possible. We realize very few people have that accessible to them but water is beyond symbolic. It has been used in a symbolic way in baptism in many different cultures, but also as we have mentioned before, it is a physical way, an easier way, to attune to your higher self. It is an energy. Also, peripherally, it is why keeping the Earth's oceans clean has a large, manifold reaction. We do not want to get off topic here but please use water to clear yourself both before and after, and drinking water, drinking lots of water helps.
So, essentially to clear yourself have the intention that what comes be in the highest good of all concerned, and have the intention that you are a clear pathway of Divine attunement. There are many levels to this clearing. Right now we are using the channelers hands to move energy, which many people just want to become more aware of the energy that flows within them and around them and has such profound effect on them and their entire Earthly planetary experience.
There are different modes of energy work available if you but look - Qi Gong, Tai Chi. We actually find that what can be extremely helpful is just allowing your own hands to move with the energy. At first it will seem like you are sort of imagining it, and then as you really start to get sensitive to this flow, you will attune yourself in this way. You will be able to feel where there are blockages in your own body and in your own thought process. We do not want to go into this too deeply right now but it is the foundation. The foundation of connecting to your Godself is in having a pure clear spirit. Focused intention is best.
The word for the day is Outcome. When you’re pursuing anything, really about anything, having an intention is just so very helpful.
Many people have a difficult time choosing their outcome, what they want it to be, and this is totally fine. But what we would suggest is do just choose an outcome that would be pleasing to you. Just pick it. It does not matter at this point whether it is your ultimate destination, you just want to be able to clarify it with your intention. Okay, the reason we are doing this is a lot of what we offer to you is an awareness that there are many tools you have that you do not use in your daily life very often. You go with what has been already created. The thoughts you’ve already had you replay them, the beliefs that all people around you have. You just suck them up as if they are the way things are, and what we would suggest to YOU is the great benefit of being on Earth as we have said before, is YOU are a co-creator with God. That is an amazing thing. We believe you would agree.
So, pick an outcome that you would like. Focus with intention on the outcome.
For those people that have so much resistance, then pick a little outcome, but we suggest you pick a great outcome. Something that you can every day spend moments, just moments, asking yourself...
“What if THIS were true?” (meaning your outcome). “This outcome, how would it feel to me? Would it help the world? Would it just be fun?”
Once you are really clear and can feel, can feel it like it’s a pulsing energetic being - we’re doing our best here to translate this very complex energetic principle but once you can feel it - and know what it is, then the first time you’re really clear on this, you just say thank you. As we had said before, being grateful automatically lifts you. It does have a way of sanitizing things shall we say. Okay.
And this is actually where we would like to leave it surprisingly, because most people would benefit from just living with their thought, making an outcome as clear as possible. You may ask questions of it at a later time. There are little tricks we can give you to make it more of a physical thing you might say, but of course the best – well, we can’t really say best because that is our point of view – is having outcomes that help you and other people as well. Because what we are trying to help you connect with is that part of yourself which is everlasting. But the great fun of being on Earth is to clarify a thought, through intention have it appear in the world so that you can see it. It looks back at you for lack of a much better word but that’s the great benefit.
So… outcome. To clarify the steps again…
Quiet yourself.
Clear your surroundings when you can.
Clear yourself.
Pick an outcome you think you would want. (We of course suggest something that is in the highest good of all concerned.)
And then observe it from all angles. Just observe it as a living mass.
(For those of you who think this is just silly, it might seem that way but actually just try it and you might be surprised. You might like this kind of silly.)
And then, this is it. Because what will happen once you have a clear idea, your own creative self will start to move things inside you to have you make the correct movement in the world that will lead to that. It gives your helpers an idea of what you want to create so you get angelic help. But really, the big help is actually from God, The All That Is. The All That Is will support you. And so, when you leave this form, you have had a wonderful experience of creation (which you’ve already had experiences of creation you just might not be aware you’ve created them). But when you leave this Earthly form you carry with you the experience of having done it. It is another way to broaden yourself, develop yourself.
Now many of the things that you will choose to create perhaps, if they are not helping other people too, then that’s where it will end. You have the experience and you will be glad that you made use of your time in a body. But there are things you can create which go beyond -- see we hate to say dimension because it’s very hard for most people to relate to that, we mean really -- but we don’t have a great word for this beyond saying, when you are out of an Earthly form, you will be glad you have that. And the connections that you make when creating these things, the Earthly connections you have, these connections with the souls that you connect with, you will still be connected with them. So it’s not just like you die and that’s like nothin’, we are trying to help you because most people who are reading or listening want to develop themselves in some ways. We want what is significant for them... and fun, and joyful.
So one other slight thing, another little tip, when you are making this outcome, be sure you put in lots of light, meaning be sure you just put in that this is enjoyable, and it’s a great thing, a chance to celebrate.
Apologies for the roundabout way of explaining this, because it’s really rather simple.
We suggest in many different things you can use “outcome” as a way to move energy. Meaning, if you know you’re going to have a discussion and you know what you’d like the outcome to be it’s helpful. Now oftentimes you will not get the outcome that you had imagined, but you’re still moving energy. It is still a vibrant thing, and you will have more support from the Universe, the Source, All That Is, if you can at least imagine it. And then you let it go. You truly let it go. That’s also part of it.
This is a bad analogy but, in life people raise their kids and then they let them go to create their own lives. They provide a certain amount of structure and then hopefully they let them go to become who they were meant to be or at least you give them the freedom. In a way the same is true with an idea.
You envision it, you allow the world to move as you will, you let it go. You let go the connection. How do we say this… the beauty, the significance of it, is in going towards an outcome.
We’re going to stop this now with good wishes to you and love. Our purpose is to help you become more of a creative force while not being married to the outcome, but sometimes to get this creativity going, it’s easier to have an outcome in mind. It will likely change and develop but that is our essential purpose for telling you this. We love you. Amen.