How This Came About
I've had unusual experiences throughout my life. Sometimes while meditating I‘d see words when I closed my eyes. Usually they were short “messages” for me or someone I knew. Recently when the words appeared and I wrote them down. This time, to my surprise, they appeared to be the beginning of a book. I also read that I would be the one to write the foreward. (“Wha??!! Me?!)
After the sessions continued, I realized it would be far easier, instead of writing the words down, to just record what I saw and heard. Because I go into a trance-like state during the sessions and only have a vague awareness of what I'm saying, I don’t really know what I've said until later when I listen to the recording. A side benefit for me is feeling a lot of loving energy and no pain during the sessions.
All sessions begin by my asking that whatever comes be in the highest good of all concerned, and that I be guided, guarded and protected.
I reach for the highest level of love/God/Source that I can and then “ground” myself to the Earth. It's hard to describe but it feels like i set myself aside for the greater good during the sessions. I of course would not continue unless I felt safe and surrounded by loving energy. Then I close the session by thanking those angels, helpers and wise ones who have helped.
This consortium of angels (which is what they've called themselves) offers their view of the Earthly experience. Above all, they seek to help people connect to their own God selves so people will make the most of their lives on Earth and beyond.
One other thing...
When they are speaking to me particularly it will be in blue and look like this.
When I am speaking (as myself) it will be in green and look like this.
I hope you find benefit in these sessions as I have, and that you thoroughly enjoy your own adventures in love and self-discovery!
Thank you.