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40 - The Light in the Possibility

That which has happened…

Many souls have chosen to leave at this time.

Many who are alive on this planet at this time (and actually including some who have passed recently) are wrestling with who they have been in this life and others, and who they choose to be going forward.

Now, it is most important that what one focuses on is of a beneficial nature. Unfortunately, many are succumbing to what they perceive of as loss. If they have passed then it is loss of an opportunity, and for those that are still here, it is loss of both perhaps people they have loved that are no longer here, but also a loss of them believing that life was a certain way. It is entrenched in them through years of taking in information and sort of memorizing it in their bodies, so that they continue to have the same thoughts, the same beliefs, and the same… we would put it as lack of vision. This is happening quite a bit. Unfortunately, it is exactly what the Earth and those who are on it do not need.

What is required now is a different subset of beliefs.

Let us put this another way. It is required for those who choose to - because everything of course is your choice how you wish to proceed - it would be beneficial for you and the planet to focus on that which is possible, attainable. Now this can be very difficult because people have a set idea of what is attainable. They do not look at a bigger picture, meaning so many things are attainable but people do not realize they are. What it requires is focused thought, a focused coordination between God, their God self, the energies from the Earth, and the desires of the soul that is wishing to manifest something different.

So that this information is useful to you, probably the best way for you to proceed, when this requirement of focused thought is involved, is to daily write it down – because that seems to be the easiest way to remember to manifest these things.

Daily write down what sparks of light in possibilities there are.

To simplify it, when you wake up and you see things in your world that do not please you, imagine - using fabrication which we have touched on before - imagine what is possible. Now, in the beginning you will have to go on what you wish is possible because most of you will not even think it’s possible. We have used the cell phone example many times because that is like a very clear thing of how most people, not understanding how energy works and scientific properties on the Earth, how that vision is something they would never have thought was possible but it has come to pass. Now whether you think this is in the highest good of mankind or not makes no difference in that the illustration is what is required for you to know.

The simplest thing that people, mankind, can do right now is to not allow yourselves to be caught up in this group think of doom and survival.

It would be in your best interest to think of – we will speak of the planet right now – to think of the planet as a thriving, balanced place where people and creatures, and many energies which you’re not aware of, can flourish by you changing your – we’ll have to use that vibration word again – by you changing your own vibration, it allows in a vision that lifts all you come in contact with. The other thing that it does is when you are really clear on this vision, you allow it to permeate yourselves (if this is something you really want to happen) and then when there is an opportunity in the world for you to actually put some of your action to work, then you’re more inclined to do it, and think of other things that you have not thought of before, and connect with other groups of people you had no awareness of before. They are there.

This is how change comes about.

It does really require a shift internally to help to shift this vortex of doom and gloom and fighting between different factions which we have spoken of before. This simple thing (and yes, we realize and we chuckle, we have taken a long time in explaining this simple thing), but this simple shift of your focus every day (actually many times a day) you will see the change in the world. You will see the change in your own self and your own light and life, because when you are feeling, when you are lifting yourself vibrationally you will begin to feel more of this serenity which so many people would benefit from at this time. So that’s the message.

Focus on the possibility even if you have to make it up.

Every day. Many times a day. Now you may use this same fabrication for other aspects of your life and this will help too. It will help you personally and hopefully it would help all those around you but at this time there can be a real shift for, not just yourself, but for the planet and those creatures and flora and fauna, and energies you’re not aware of, you will benefit those creations that perhaps mankind has been a little overzealous in trying to get what mankind has wanted. To push into areas that they really don’t have a right to extinguish, these other creatures, you know forests and what we’ve spoken of.

The problem with talking about this is that people tend to just get overwhelmed and go, “Oh yeah. It’s that climate thing again.” But what we say to you is... this is for your benefit. This is so you can breathe healthy air, so that the oceans are not poisoned, so that these magnificent creatures and really biological things in nature that have the capacity to heal mankind, that you do not extinguish them through, not just arrogance (though yes, there is arrogance involved) but oftentimes it’s just through being unaware. Once again, the simple thing, we are dribbling on about it because we want you to understand this is significant. Now, we don’t want you to get overwhelmed by that.

And if it is just three times a day, imagine the planet and all its creatures thriving.

That’s pretty easy to do. And then if you’d like to take the principle further, then you do the same thing in your own life because people tend to not use the magnificent and huge creative force they are capable of, just because they don’t really think about it much. You need to think with the possibility (and when we say you need to, this is your choice of course) but should you think of the possibility, do not worry that it has not been created instantaneously and let that make you feel bad, because then you’re just being more caught up in the vortex. Just do it, think about it - in your own life, changes you’d like to make, changes for the planet – just think about it and let it go.

Because just focusing that energy, focusing that thought and allowing it to permeate your being, is what moves the energy forward.

It also directs for those of us who are not living on the Earth at this time but we do wish to help the Earth and you all personally, it allows us to see what you want. And those helpers in other realms, it is easier for us to help you. Now we can help when and only, and we stress this, only if you wish it. We can help you by perhaps dropping a little thought that maybe this person is a good person for you to know, or helping you to be aware of other things that right now you just gloss over. Human beings seem to think that what they see, hear and touch is all there is, which has worked for the early development of humankind in that it was much more about matter, as we have spoken of before, but to expand an awareness of this energy is required. But it’s also for you. An awareness of how this energy works and how it feels is just such a blessing. And of course, and we are chuckling, we would love it if you had a lot of blessings just because it makes us happy. And we’ll use an example.

For those people who have pets, when those pets, or children actually, are happy, you feel happy. And though you are not our child or our pet, we love you. Very, very, very much. And so when you create what you wish to create, no matter what befalls you on the Earth plane, when you are connected to everlasting love and joy, it does make us happy.

So that’s our message for today. Thank you for listening or reading. And one small thing. Always ask for what is in the highest good of all concerned because then you will get what is right for you. We love you. Amen.



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