I will be still until I see a word in the sky, in my mind's eye.
We are laughing. “Welcome” was the word. First off, what we would like to do is encourage you to drink more water. This energy requires physical endurance. We will take a minute to balance you.
This is different energy I am feeling, which actually I feel sort of round and heavier.
Because other energies are agreeing to work with you, we are helping you to understand this new Energy Source. There is a certain amount of transmutation you must go through to create the new energy at a different level. As you can see, we're still working with your hands to move this energy along. This welcome word is actually welcoming in a new fleet of, not exactly light workers though they are light workers, a fleet of wisdom...
As human beings are going through a transitionary phase of development, and in order to move to the next phase of development this phase of development is actually not able to experience through matter itself. One of the benefits of the Earth plane is really playing and experiencing matter. That is what people are familiar with, indeed often get caught up in that. If things are not in a matter or data form, they just discount it.
However, in order for the next level of human development, it is not merely matter. So, we will try our best to help by leading with intention.
There is a lot of confusion right now on Earth, because of the vast unawareness of what is really happening in the big picture.
Because human beings do not realize who they are. They, in order to learn certain things, they have actually cut off a part of themselves. This was intentional for many, but it is time to move on. These waves of confusion do not help with the - we must say “vibrational” again, the energy that is happening now. Because of this lack of connection to their Godself (the Source, the All that is) it's creating this. As we have mentioned before, this vortex of - you would call it lower level energy but this is not really lower level, it's just vibrating at a different frequency - but unfortunately, that vibrational frequency allows imbalance to permeate aspects of life on Earth which... we are having a bit of difficulty explaining this in an understandable way. But what this is, this vortex of a kind of (lower level as you perceive it) energy is causing many, many things. Now you will observe and can use data to be aware of the imbalance of certain things you’re normally not aware of (viruses, destructive elements, fires, the issues relating to climate imbalance) but it is not enough. Though climate imbalance is huge, and really deforestation which we have mentioned before is something that is easily in human beings’ control -- just don't do it -- there are other more trickier aspects of this change in vibration which are harder to get to the source of.
The Earth has for quite a number of years been in balance.
So, you will never get away from the aspect of (because there is always movement) you can't get away from the aspect of being born, living, dying. And this is not just human beings. You see this in nature. You see it differently in inanimate objects, like the minerals, the things that have uh not exactly life, what you would call life, but it does have that element. Those aspects will probably survive. It is life, what you would consider life itself, which would be having a difficult time.
There are many things that are in human being’s control, but the biggest essential thing which we had tried to bring up with Ten Minutes to Freedom, is that the problem is the unawareness of human beings of who they really are. So, they're kind of cut off from their Source of balance. So, if you are not aware of who you really are, and your own connection to everything, making some certain changes, while beneficial, but the bigger picture is to raise your own what you would perceive as raising your own vibration… just for a more pleasant experience. However, it is also challenging for us to figure out a way to say this because the human experience is to look and quantify. Some things you will be able to quantify at a different time and space. And truly this is even difficult to explain because it is not exactly as you perceive it. We are doing our best. So let us get back to our point.
The point is, everybody connects to the big picture.
Everybody connects because we have mentioned that this earthly experience is a temporary experience. There is nothing that can disconnect you from God, beyond your own ignorance, and we mean by your own ignoring of it, and just not taking the time regularly to connect with your higher, bigger, huge self. It begins by being aware of the God in you, in every cell, in every observation you have, and this is experiential, not able to be put into a language which has its own limited aspect.
We have recently just been giving you tips of awareness so that anybody who is reading this can try their own expansion.
Yes, you have certain physical attributes when you are on the Earth, meaning you have a sense of smell, you have lungs, you have eyes to see. You feel. You can feel every step you take. But there is a bigger mind of God, where these aspects are still there, but they are not limited in the way that
you're used to believing they are limited. This is why we gave you the exercise of sitting in nature, and looking through your eyes, and then imagining what is behind you. Because imagining is a tool you have been given to create and expand yourself. And it will become practical things. Many things that you take for granted started in the imagination and then were created through thought and intention into form. Just say, a cell phone which you take for granted these days. But it's an amazing thing. The point is the initial thing is imagination, and people have shut this down to their own detriment.
One of the easiest ways to improve life on Earth for the masses is merely to imagine what it would be like if everything were in balance.
There would still be the issue of animals in nature eating other animals in nature, but there is a dignity and balance to it. And since we say the Earth realm is... uh... okay there is another here to serve you.... We will pick this up at a later date...
Note: another energy
What we, in a nutshell, want to get to you is that it begins with the imagination. Do not cut off your grandest gift!
People in their desire to quantify have become smaller and smaller and smaller, and cut off their grandest gift, and the dignity and the love and appreciation for everything you experience. Everything. The Earth will balance itself, and as we have said, you human beings who want to continue in the same way only bigger, only more, balancing themselves by a connection to their Source is the easiest, quickest, most beneficial way to do it. That said...
...the Earth is a learning element and not everyone will want to develop. It's okay. That is their choice.
They have free will and you have free will. But you, you can develop. You can bring in more joy. It is absolutely accessible to you. And many of you know this on a cellular level, on a beyond… that space between matter that we have spoken of. This is there for you. And we so appreciate and have sympathy for, and really want to applaud those of you that seek expansion. It's just, from our point of view, why not have more joy when you can? No need to be caught up in the struggle and pain when there is dignity and balance, and love and beauty accessible to you. This is what we would like to help you with if you want us to.
Okay, this is me. My hands are being brought together in prayer like has happened in a previous session. The hands are brought together in, sort of the center of my body, or the solar plexus or closer to the belly button this time.
The reason we are at the belly button, and we laugh because it kind of has a funny name, one of the reasons that we are there is this is sort of your connection to being born in the world. Your connection to your birth is there. That is where you first have what is required for life for you. So, we are putting your hands together at the belly button though your fingers are pointed forward.
Normally people, and for different reasons, you will have your fingers pointed up, or connecting your heart chakra and your blue voice chakra so that what you say is what you feel. Sometimes that will happen but this time, we're going to the core energy to bring more balance into your entire being. And since you experience things through your Earth body, that’s why we have this right now. This is something everyone can do to connect themselves by doing these hands thusly, and being in just appreciation and gratitude for your life experience. This can quickly ground a person and be connected at the same time to God.
This is a particularly helpful thing for people who can pick up other realms but it is important that you be balanced, because you don't want to be walking around out of your body all the time.
When you are on the Earth plane, you want to be connected to the Earth plane while bringing in what you would perceive as higher realms. This one position can be very helpful for those people who pick up information but often sometimes, we say this lovingly, their lives are a mess because, and we do mean this lovingly, because they are not balanced in both. Being balanced on heaven and earth - in balance - is your greatest way to experience both. Okay. (And we apologize for saying their lives were a mess because really it is not that, and we really are sorry that is the language we used, but it is not optimum. Their life experience is not optimum and so it keeps them in struggle and so this exercise is particularly for them given with love.)
Okay, we have once again gone a little past our time today, but we want to welcome you, and welcome the new energies that are working with us, and we so appreciate their wisdom, so any gratitude you have for the new energies is appreciated.
We would like to close in saying we love you and we would like to help anybody who wishes our help.
And if they do not feel they have the sort of - maybe they're not translators, but they have many, many, many gifts, and we can help them in other ways. We can help them in their sleep. We can help them by just sending them love. And if they can merely accept it, we can help them in ways that they might consider physical ways too. But where we excel is in helping people connect to their greater everlasting selves.
We just want to mention that one of the things they can do, which is easy and we have mentioned this before, is begin the day with gratitude, end the day with gratitude.
If you appreciate your life automatically your awareness will improve, your vibration will improve, and your experience of the Earth plane which we will discuss at a later time. But all these things can make sense of this, rather than this vast thing of confusion which seems to be taking over because people, they are not tethered to their Source. So that is what we are offering in closing.
To the channeler, yes this feels different. It is still us, and we are just expanded. But we, all of us, love you and this is also for everyone that listens, or reads this information.
We love you with vast, vast reservoirs of love, that you at this point probably can't imagine, but go ahead and use your tool of imagination to begin.
We love you. Amen