(After praying I ask “Who am I?”)
You are part of God, and so have access to All That Is. The individual person chooses, or sometimes without realizing chooses, what they allow in.
Your vessel, which is part of God, is a manifestation on this plane of God and so, as part of God, has its own wisdom which can be listened to. So, in asking “who am I” you are multifaceted.
Your body is wise and has messages, has knowledge.
However, the body can also stop you from being able to listen, in that usually when people have pain or physical annoyances, they cannot hear that breadth of knowledge. So, the cleanest vessel and keeping your body in the flow of energy through exercise or some form of movement – just whatever keeps things flowing – is best. Part of why people sometimes who are runners, they’ll feel like they’ve hit this level of bliss. Really what’s happened is they’ve reached a level of flow, so they more directly access who they are or rather the aspects of themselves that they would like to expand - the good parts.
When asking yourself “Who Am I?”, it is a trap to feel the angst of the discrepancy between who you want to be, and where you are in your life.
This just stops you from listening so it’s best to say to your higher self, to God, “Who Am I?” and give up the judgement. No judgement here. No expectation. No judgement.
We’re happy to speak with you again.
You are part of God and choose what you allow in
Keep your body in the flow of energy
Ask “Who Am I?” with no judgement